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I seriously thought this whole thing would take a week. All of it. I was very, very wrong about that and I've come to realize the scale of this project more and more as I've been working on it. I do like the Neuschwanstein maps so far, but I'm not sure I'd have signed up for them if I'd known they'd take this long.

The picture above is what's left to do. Most of the pencils are done and I've got a lot of it inked. I expect it to take another four, maybe five days. For those of you looking forward to Brazenthrone, I'll balance this out by drawing all of the High King's palace at once.

Here's what the next few maps will be: the Hall of the Long Banner (Brazenthrone), the Cartographic Congress map (a haunted mansion with secret passages), then the High King's Palace. Sound good? Alright, I'm gonna get back to work. Despite my repeated requests, this thing steadfastly refuses to draw itself. 



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