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One small castle with a unique entrance and a little Italian flavoring. Then I wrecked it. I hope you like it.

This is the map chosen by last months Cartographic Congress vote, as proposed by Senator Hal. The good senator wanted a small keep that his players could retake from some hobgoblins, then restore and use for themselves.

I thought about it for a while and decided to draw both the destroyed  and restored versions, since I think there’s a lot of things a pair of  maps like that could be used for and since I haven’t seen anything like  that out there. There are a few interesting uses: fix the castle,  destroy the castle, or travel through time to see the castle in two  different states. So the intact version of this keep will be the next  map. After that will be two floors of Brazenthrone’s Great Hall.




maybe you should draw the windows on the walls


I don't normally draw windows. It increases the amount of time it takes to draw a map by a fair bit (mostly because I have to figure out where to put them) and I usually think it would be better to just skip it and spend the time drawing more maps. The DM can decide where the windows are if a player decides to use one. HOWEVER, on this map, I think you may be right. Maybe I should have drawn the windows in. I'll keep it in mind in the future.