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Included SD_Card_Assets.zip to be extracted and copied to your SD card directly. If done on qFlipper, it is VERY slow.

Latest Changes:

- Small fix for MRTD doc saving thanks to Bernie

- Updated: [Solitaire (By teeebor)] https://github.com/teeebor/flipper_games

- Assets: Includes SubGHz files:more CVS buttons and Lowes buttons

- Assets: Includes SubGHz Playlist config update and SubGHz Remote config update for CVS, Lowes & Walgreens

- Updated: [Temp Sensors Reader (By quen0n)] https://github.com/quen0n/Unitemp-Flipper-Zero-Plugin `Req: BMP180/DHT11/DHT22(AM2302)/AM2301/AM2320/HTU2XD` (Added BMP180 Support)

- Added: [Rubik's Cube Scrambler (By RaZeSloth)] https://github.com/RaZeSloth/flipperzero-rubiks-cube-scrambler

- Unleashed: Plugins -> Arkanoid: Fix bug with unability to continue game after first level

- Unleashed: Plugins -> USB Keyboard & Mouse: Added Delete key

- Unleashed: Plugins -> Barcode Generator: Save last used barcode, and load on app start

- Unleashed: Plugins -> Barcode Generator: Add EAN-13 support (PR #234 | by @gid9798)



I just say that. I guess I wasn’t fully up or something because I couldn’t find it for the life of me.


This is not the latest release, not does it have the Tag latest release :) I update tags to avoid the confusion


Getting an furi_check failed crash when doing an authenticated MRTD read.


Yes, as discussed, MRTD is still WIP so as soon as it is updated, it will be updated