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Feature-Length High-Budget


Director: Dean Fleischer Camp

Writer: Chris Kekianiokalani Bright

Executive Producer: Ryan Halprin

Producers: Dan Lin, Jonathan Eirich

Casting Director: Randi Hiller

Casting Associate: Lyberti Evans

Casting Coordinator: Morgan McVey

Hawaii Casting Director: Rachel Whitley

Hawaii Casting Associate: Amanda Finn

Hawaii Casting Assistant: Christina Lee

Location: Hawaii

Dates: February 2023 – end of May 2023


6-8 years old. A young, precocious Native Hawaiian girl who loves hula, surfing, and wildlife, with a special affinity for all things “gross.” She has a propulsive imagination and a colorful rebellious streak that often lands her in hot water. Needless to say, she doesn’t fit in. Her classmates consider her a “weirdie,” and aside from her homemade ragdoll Scrump, she has few friends. To complicate matters, her parents’ death a few years back has left her and her older sister Nani all alone and warped by grief, though you wouldn’t know it from Lilo’s relentless, fun loving optimism. When a social worker recommends that Nani and Lilo adopt a dog as a companion for her, Lilo is stoked! But this new addition to the family proves to be more than they bargained for: Unruly, impulsive, and freakishly strong; he’s a furry, ugly-cute wrecking ball seemingly bent on destroying everything in his path. To Nani, this “dog” is a total nightmare. But to Lilo, she’s just found her new best friend!…LEAD (1) We encourage submissions of diverse actors, including actors who are of Native Hawaiian/Polynesian/Maori descent.

18, intelligent, overachieving, athletic, Type A, Native Hawaiian. Lilo's harried but well- intentioned older sister, whose role as Lilo’s sole caretaker and legal guardian has recently transformed her from a straight-A student with unbeatable extracurriculars and a bright future (with a Fulbright Scholarship to boot!) into a smiling pressure cooker who might just blow at any minute. She’s doing her level best to muscle through an impossible situation, but lately her level best just hasn’t been enough. Caring for Lilo while keeping up her grades and holding down a steady job ain’t easy, and her shortcomings have recently drawn unwanted attention from Child Protective Services, who threaten to separate the sisters if they can’t reform. Undeterred, Nani is committed to keeping Lilo out of foster care by maintaining a stable living situation. But the bills are piling up, Nani’s slipping at school and at work, and their Social Services case worker, Mrs. Kekoa, is beginning to lose patience...LEAD (2) We encourage submissions of diverse actors, including actors who are of Native Hawaiian/Polynesian/Maori descent.

[ TUTU ]
70s, Native Hawaiian, she is a warm, quick-witted woman who speaks with a local Pidgin accent. Lilo and Nani's neighbor, she has known the Pelekai family for years. She's also kind and hospitable, and understanding of Lilo and Nani's struggles ...LEAD (15) We encourage submissions of diverse actors, including actors who are of Native Hawaiian/Polynesian/Maori descent.

55, AANHPI, she is a social worker, a practical, by-the-book kind and patient woman who checks in regularly with Nani, whom she can tell is struggling to keep her head above water while taking care of her younger sister. However, she can't help but be alarmed by what she finds at the house, unnerved to think that young Lilo is not receiving the supervision she needs. Later, Mrs. Kekoa has no choice but to look for a satisfactory foster family...LEAD (7)

18, Native Hawaiian, handsome in a boy-next-door way, he is Tutu's grandson who's clearly sweet on Nani. A decent, good-hearted young man, he is a student at the local community college and also works with Nani at the hotel where he performs the Fire Knife Dance for the tourists. An avid surfer, he can see that Nani has been tense of late and knows nothing can cure a sour disposition better than a "couple of boards and some choice waves."...LEAD (2) We encourage submissions of diverse actors, including actors who are of Native Hawaiian/Polynesian/Maori descent.

Storyline: NANI, left to care for her young sister, LILO, following the tragic loss of their parents, is finding it increasingly difficult to keep her head above water, while also working and going to school part-time. When the social worker suggests giving Lilo more responsibilities, Nani decides adopting a dog might be a good idea, but is in for a heck of surprise when Lilo insists on taking home a rambunctious, out-of- control and undisciplined "dog" that she dubs, "STITCH." However, Stitch, it turns out, is an escaped alien experiment from a distant planet, being stalked at every turn by agents looking to capture and extinguish him. However, the seemingly irredeemable Stitch is happy to discover that being loved and being part of a family are the most important things in the world -- or, more accurately, the universe...



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