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Green's story is colored and finished.

----- LINK ----- 

Freaking finnally XD



Jack Wilsher

Link also not working


Jack, these Links do not work cause I have been updating the Gallery to a new link every month. And I post the updated links in the "UPDATED GALLERY" posts.


Finally!A great story!


This looks wonderful Thanks Briel. Also I like the mind break there at the end, and I wouldn't mind if you added more of it in your comics/art in the future.


that's great... but wat's in the box? lol just joking, can't wait to check out the whole story again


The box is not finished yet. Footsiez wants to do it right, so he need a bit more time. But it looks great so far :D

Stone Quillian III

Hot. I wonder if Blaze will be recruited into the Crusaders and Green made her apprentice....

Stone Quillian III

Say, I was looking back at your old sets, and I was wondering. When will you finish Crusader Origin? But if you don't you should make a comic of Miss Bird; the woman that Blue and Green were starting on.


Mmm, Yummy, i can't wait to see the Blue story, for very obvious reasons


Its an alternatr story, so for now, no. Blaze is a slave on the crusader ship.


I will finish it. I promised myself I should. And I was planning on using msr. Bird in a future drawing. I love her design. As I mentioned in the description, she was designed after a math teacher I wanted to bang.