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I hope you all are well, thanks for your patience and the comments this month to upload this animation, it is really appreciated, and finally the day came, despite being agreed on the 25th, due to rendering problems it was delayed a day to be able to deliver something decent under my capabilities, as mentioned before, this is my first animation made using pose by pose, it turned out much simpler than it seems but I still need to improve in this aspect, but in the end I was satisfied with the visual result, camera, lighting and with the animation polished enough to deliver it to you, I hope you like this, and I will let you know in these days the next planned video, thank you very much and have an... excellent day :3

2:30 seconds animation
1920x1080 rscale on ediction

Ollie the possumass model
asriren model

I have more plans to make animations with it, ollie has a good and BIG..... it's cute!

Write me what you think! I love reading your comments!


link 1 Dropbox:https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8fx4x206jdzub34q1gzkl/OllieXasriren-farts-session.mp4?rlkey=rmi68jzjy8uejajcc276h8uny&st=yncq9jai&dl=0

Link 2 Drive:https://drive.google.com/file/d/17IpqB-agZyAbBztjYJ27W-Dxfz-bebI8/view?usp=drive_link

NOTE: If you have any errors please tell me, I will try to fix them as soon as possible

The drive link may tell you that it is being processed and will not show a preview, this happens because I just uploaded it a few moments ago, you just have to download it, otherwise ignore this




I’ve been super hyped for this animation since you first showed off the WiP stuff for it! It didn’t disappoint! I would love to get something from ya at some point if you ever open commissions!


Thanks! I haven't opened yet due to lack of time to do the animation of the month, but I could open some spaces this week, even so I have to think about it.

Kade Turner

This animation is one of the best I’ve seen. The expressions and movements on Ollie are amazing and really sell the roughness and overall dominance of him. And some of those farts too WHEW! Amazing