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Hi all,

New Year, New Updates. We're currently working on several different parts of the game at once, so that we can work towards DSS 2.0 whilst also pushing a smaller update in the meantime. There will be individual posts regarding these as we go, but for now here's the birds eye view of some of what we're doing right now...

Quality of Life & Bugfixes

Everything from fixing sliding textures, combat improvements, and new UI work, gaining essence from slain mobs, and enemies that no longer chase you forever. There's a boatload of minor and major bugfixes already done and a lot of others on our radar.

Enemies & Exotics... and Ophyx

We miss the scaled aquatic predators that lurk the waterlogged edges of the Euphoris, so these "basic" crocodilians will be returning shortly. They're far from the only denisens of the crocodile demigod's domain that are planned, but they're a much needed threat to the damper parts of Sabu.

A chunky crocodilian-themed exotic NPC will also make an appearance, for now I'll leave the details to your imagination... but they'll get a post all to themselves soon enough.

Ophyx will hopefully also be making their debut appearance, though technically they're already mentioned in dialogue. These serpent/chickens are kept for their eggs and meat, and will be a common sight in the poorer farms and villages.  Still on the drawing-board stage, there's some work yet to go on these flying serpents.

Worldbuilding & Quests

We've blocked out a large new zone to dovetail with the new enemies and content, whilst existing zones have added content. To make things feel more alive we've also got fishing and harvesting as working prototypes (Moswen will be more than happy to show you how to properly use a rod...).

New upcoming quests include a crocodile's harem, a standoff with slavers, and an inquisitor with doubts.


A new song about a busty drake girl. This is the most important part of what we're working on.

DSS 2.0 & Romance

This needs an entire post to itself, so watch this space.

Team Carnal Instinct



MOSWEN. 😳😍❤️


waiting for that Glory of the Gods quest. the other option for that quest and Ride the Pony.


I cant wait for the next update. BTW would it be possible to allow more than the 2 original interactable NPC's to get either the player pregnant or impregnate them. Currently it seems that pregnancy content only works with them.


Hi, I'm new here. Is the UE4 version still being worked on or should I switch to UE5?


i cannot install the game it keeps asking for space on the wrong drive i want space on C drive but that's only a reserved for systems but i have 2 other drives with plenty of space and i set the download there but it still doesn't download it been a issue for a long time and it getting really frustrating

Geht dir nix an

I have improvements (I hope I can offer you these suggestions): - Milk flow (lactation) in pregnant women - the penis size should be variable - the orientation of the penis.Is it straight forward? Is it pointing upwards? Or is it hanging downwards, as is currently the case? - Masturbation should be possible, anytime, anywhere - Big Clits as a choice - when sitting at the campfire, the penis should be on the legs and not stuck in the ground - the camera perspectives in the sex scenes should be freely selectable, so a free camera view

Breezy Trice

I asked the same thing, because I really hoped they'd at least tie up the loose ends in UE4, which in my opinion is still way more entertaining, but alas, they said No.


Is integration with Lovense still happening? This game is perfect for it.


In which country is carnal instinct avaible on stram


In case anyone's been wondering why there's been no blog posts lately about the game, this is likely the reason: https://twitter.com/Carnal_Game/status/1756125072434016501 Hope she gets better soon!