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Here's Ariane's Full Moon Apocalypse, a commission for Thick Nikki!

Making fun of someone's size isn't good, but some prefer to learn the lesson the hard way.



[Same Size Vore] Ariane’s Full Moon Apocalypse


R. Joss

Canmt wait to get home!!!




Absolutely loved it


Damn I can't imagine how hard it was to animate the piece of clothing ripping off her butt and I could tell you were proud of it since you blessed us with many angle shots of it. A great video to come out on my Friday workday yvz stellar work.


Welp I said it when I saw the teaser and I can confirm it. This might be one of if not my favorite video from you so far YVZ. Ass expansion is so underrated and you killed it with this video


Is it on Vimeo, I don't see it


Half a ton of tits and girls,and all she got was like 2 pounds of tit fat


Was hawt....was hoping for some butt gas

Thick Nikki

Thank you it’s perfect 🤩

Eric Filipowicz

I thought the end was when Arnie finds a group with huge booties and the ask her to join. That could be good for a part two


Another awesome animation!! I love it!!


the little secondary animations in this vid are a testament to how skilled you've become since you've started, the jiggles from breasts being pat or curves shaking between movements gives everything a much more tangible sense of weight and inertia, plus i love the detail put into the swallowing and digestion sequences, how it doesn't happen smoothly all at once but rather in jolts, just awesome work all around and eagerly awaiting more like this!

jake forgey

Damn, that is a very good video... And Ariane, hoo damn , you gave her a chunk of heaven at the end... Glorious Work YVZ, glorious work... You're skills are still growing, but their getting close to perfect...

R. Joss

I loved the story! And all the physics that applied it was amazing. I still laugh at the “laughs in jiggles” 🤣 it was a brilliant idea

jake forgey

Also forgot to mention but I had hopes that at the end we'd see someone running up to Ariane, trip and take a trip to her ass, while we saw her reaction, before seeing her with a big belly and then finally getting Rin's-matching tit size... while also getting an even bigger and more lovely ass...