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Heya! ✌️

Update: Coming this first weekend of December for sure!

Progress on Monster Vore Quest - Finale is steady, these shots are all we can show without big spoilers!



R. Joss

Woah O.O


Looking forward to it.


All that build up. Geez. I can't wait. 😁


Please please please soon the wait has been killing me...


The pictures look great, I'm really looking forward to the last part. I think the finale will be simply spectacular.


This ones interesting but the one i'm waitin on is definitely the ninja gluttony finale :3


I check every hour since to see if it's been posted yet,the anticipation is killing me


I don't do it when I need sleep,I do it when I'm awake mostly cause patreon notifications are broken for me,like I got a notification for a post from a different creator on Monday but I just got pinged a bit ago

R. Joss

Oooh that’s another biggie!!! And last one looked really well and had lots of stomach shots (and jiggles)

R. Joss

Is there any way to spoil in which place “Chest” one is in the schedule (not quite the date or month, mostly how many more are in front of it)? 😋

R. Joss

Thanks for the update!!! Take care YVZ

Maurice Ma

Nice, weekend is save good 😋




I'm really looking forward to it. I hope it comes on Sunday because I'm not at home on Saturday


That dilemma I face when they say coming this Friday for example but I can't be sure if it's Friday or a Saturday for me because of freaking time zones. Either way, if you thought Attack On Titan was the only finale to look forward to this year, think again. 😁


Yes, I know that quite well. I always get confused about the time zones too.