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EDIT: Vimeo is not playing nice, go to https://www.patreon.com/posts/95563167?pr=true while I try other things

The black (or I guess pink) sheep of the series, the one not based on any gen or region, here now in uninterrupted form! I think I fixed the playback issue with the first marathon too, so be sure to check it now if you had problems.




I know the Orange Islands don't really hold up, but God did they capture my imagination as a kid.


While the OI is generally a more inconsistent saga than Kanto, with episodes swerving between solid comedy and baffling plotting on a semi-regular basis, it nonetheless retains a decent proportion of the previous arc's tonal and comedic capabilities, although episodes such as "A Way Off Day Off" ominously foreshadow the more listlessly-wooden fillers (as opposed to tonally-distinct and entertaining experiences that happen to not feature any gym battles or shifts in a regular character's party; "Pikachu Re-Volts" is technically a "filler" under this umbrella) that rapidly begin to consume the series come early Johto. It's also intriguing to note the conscious uptick in the pacing and choreography of the battling as this saga continues; whereas many of Kanto's battles were confined to relatively brief scenes and functioned more as climaxes to otherwise character or adventure-based narratives, the OI gym episodes (once you reach Trouvita, at least) frame their increasingly-elongated and specifically-storyboarded battling as the episode's main feature, marking some of the earliest signs of the show shifting from a comedy-adventure series with action elements to more of a serialized tournament anime (and, likewise, of Shudo's decreasing influence, given his own self-professed struggles with writing the battles).