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Sometimes there will be less episodes because there's a size limit and some of these episodes are REALLY big for some reason, but still enjoy JESSIE LORE JESSIE LORE JESSIE LORE & also Charizard submitting to his evil overlord


PJ126-133 - Google Drive


Egil Hellá

What happened to your actual review of Pokemon episode 126 The Chikorita Rescue ? because it was not in today's release and the one in yesterdays release was just the April Fools' episode but not the actual episode


There’s no 134


Just added 134 to the next folder, should be all updated in a couple of hours

Neo Ultra Mike

SPOILERS FOR LATEST EPISODE OF THE POKEMON SERIES ASH: (About Pidgeot) Someday I'll go back and see my old friend....... (Suede) But probably not. 1100 EPISODES LATER!! ASH: (Gets back with Pidgeot) Ha told you I was going to see him in your face Suede! SUEDE: Well good on you for actually following through. (Thinks) Man if people subscribe more to my patreon to get me to the over 2500 limit I need to restart this series it will... probably take me 20 something years as well to finally wind up covering that.