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Okay, got a bit to get through here, I'll divide my news into two sections for those who want just the facts and those who want the gory details. Enjoy the Dawn of more commentaries!

TL;DR Version:
Due to mental health issues rearing their ugly head again, I have to just do commentaries again. This should only be for this month though as I've been able to set up some good routines and meds for next month and the scripts for the next HBHs are basically done.

TMI Version:
In an utterly infuriating turn of events, after everything went so well last month, I had another breakdown. We've had to move out of the office due to increasing prices and I'm having real issues with not working even if I want to, like an extreme version of cognitive dissonance, or even the possibility of Borderline Personality Disorder (though this hasn't been confirmed). The sad truth is that my child, Seth, has been diagnosed ADHD themselves and they clash badly with my own ASD, so because of their constant presence I haven't been able to put good routines in place or even find any time to myself. But this coming month I'm able to visit relatives and take the time to really get into the proper mindspace, and it should help a lot. As I said, the scripts are basically done so I just need to record and edit. I have a good feeling about this, thank you all for your patience and don't worry, the rewards will still be in place. I'm still optimistic about his year!




Just glad to have you back Suede.


We are with you never you worry


I hope you get your office back.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-12 01:37:46 Oof, I feel you - I'm ASD and my dad's ADHD, we clashed in what I imagine to be the same fashion, albeit reversed... My childhood psychiatrist said it was "like two hedgehogs being rubbed together". On the bright side, as Seth gets older, it will very probably get better - my best friend for like two thirds of my life (and counting) is as ADHD as I'm ADHD. My dad & I still clash on occasion, but that's much less poor ASD/ADHD trait interactions and more just that our personalities, even with those bits hypothetically removed, are just like diametrically opposed (like, my dad, although literally a doctor who brings medical journals on vacation for some light reading, and who is charitable to a fault, would also 100% enjoy living in a frat house, while I'd very much rather not). Actually, for the side of it-will-get-better encouragement, my parents are an ASD/ADHD couple and have been married for like 35 years...
2023-01-30 13:53:43 Oof, I feel you - I'm ASD and my dad's ADHD, we clashed in what I imagine to be the same fashion, albeit reversed... My childhood psychiatrist said it was "like two hedgehogs being rubbed together". On the bright side, as Seth gets older, it will very probably get better - my best friend for like two thirds of my life (and counting) is as ADHD as I'm ADHD. My dad & I still clash on occasion, but that's much less poor ASD/ADHD trait interactions and more just that our personalities, even with those bits hypothetically removed, are just like diametrically opposed (like, my dad, although literally a doctor who brings medical journals on vacation for some light reading, and who is charitable to a fault, would also 100% enjoy living in a frat house, while I'd very much rather not). Actually, for the side of it-will-get-better encouragement, my parents are an ASD/ADHD couple and have been married for like 35 years...

Oof, I feel you - I'm ASD and my dad's ADHD, we clashed in what I imagine to be the same fashion, albeit reversed... My childhood psychiatrist said it was "like two hedgehogs being rubbed together". On the bright side, as Seth gets older, it will very probably get better - my best friend for like two thirds of my life (and counting) is as ADHD as I'm ADHD. My dad & I still clash on occasion, but that's much less poor ASD/ADHD trait interactions and more just that our personalities, even with those bits hypothetically removed, are just like diametrically opposed (like, my dad, although literally a doctor who brings medical journals on vacation for some light reading, and who is charitable to a fault, would also 100% enjoy living in a frat house, while I'd very much rather not). Actually, for the side of it-will-get-better encouragement, my parents are an ASD/ADHD couple and have been married for like 35 years...