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Yeah, the last two videos are going to have to be LPs. Although I do like this game and want it to reach a wider audience (and provide you guys with more exclusive stuff) This month has been ... just horrendous.

Not only did the gross situation surrounding Seth (two schools say they need help, govt STILL won't) mean that we've had to homeschool them when we are very ill-equipped to do so, not only was my ASD flaring up at the constant lack of privacy, leading to severe insomnia and anxiety, NOT ONLY all that but also we've been using a relative's Adobe subscription, it ran out and because we can't afford their Ludicrous monthly fees we've been basically forced to learn an entirely new editing software from scratch (this is partly why it took so darn long to edit everything this month) ! It's... it just been a lot.

Luckily, DaVinci Resolve is a pretty dang good program, we've been able to get almost up to the same level in less than a month and now that the burden of vocal patron reading has been lifted off of me I'm feeling much more positive about the coming month. Scripting starts next week and I hope to see you all there.

Thanks for just being there for me, you're all amazing and though I don't feel like I deserve this life, I'm still grateful for it.


MC05 mp4

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Thanks for the update, and I hope things continue to get easier for you and your family. I have a question -- I'm not a big fan of Let's Plays, but I'm certainly curious to hear your overall thoughts on this game. Others might be in this boat too. Do you think you might do a short video just offering a short review or some thoughts on this game? You could even make that one public to more broadly spread the word. Obviously, don't bother if this just sounds like way too much work!


Ouch. I think the storekeep said something about loosing items when one whites-out; there should be a storage box in the store to keep things safe. Talking to your dad on the farm will give you 5 contracts. I think infection is not working right; in my game I have to switch to another mon to get it to work. I love that shiny Drangus!