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There either will be no video this week or it will be very very late. Luckily the backlog will allow me to do this without losing the CA/youtube schedule. Too many little self-care things that I failed to deal with individually bunched together and unfortunately formed a meltdown. This type can the most annoying as it doesn't even feel like a DESERVED meltdown, since each of the individual things that led to it feel so minor.

"Meltdown" can be a scary word, especially for those not on the spectrum, but think of it like a short sighted person breaking their glasses. It's caused by simple carelessness or even accident, it stops productivity and it's annoying to wait for a new prescription to be made, but it's just a part of life that happens.

Thanks always for your patience, we have a great plan and support system, this shouldn't last too long, definitely no longer than a week. 



Take the time. Take care of you. I know what 'meltdown' means for me - and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. You are appreciated and we will wait for your fantastic content. -hug-


No worries, my dude. You being okay is what’s important. We can worry about videos when you’re good. I’ve had plenty of experience with meltdowns (thankfully only one within the last few years), so I know how important it is to take some time to just take care of you before you can get back to business. *hugs*


Take all the time you need. We want you to be okay first and foremost.


I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. Meltdowns are such a pain, especially the "unearned" ones. Take the time you need.


I’m glad that you took the time to explain what a meltdown means, and that it’s not as catastrophic as the word might imply. As a person who wears glasses all the time, I understand how breaking them can be a debilitating issue, but one that is short-term and fully recoverable. Hang in there!


Praying for you as you navigate a rough patch—thanks for letting us know what’s going on with you. We all love supporting you for who you are and we’re glad you’re taking care of yourself. *hug* All the best.


No worries man. As someone who also has Asperger's I understand completely and I hope that you are ok, take as much time as you need.


The hardest thing to do during a meltdown is to remember that there is no such thing as 'deserved'. What happens, happens. Work through it and take your self-care while counting spoons, but also try and remember that there's not some universal 'break point' that everyone has to have. You feel what you feel. It's a real feeling. Not an excuse, not a weakness, and definitely not a failure on you as a person. I'm not pretending that saying something will make you stop feeling guilty, or angry, or whatever else is there. I'm recommending that you give yourself permission to feel it for a time and continue to work on one step at a time, however it needs to be worked through. Feelings are valid. Make sure you have someone to talk to or another way to work through them, but they are valid. You're not 'wrong' because you are overwhelmed. Take care, both self-care and accepting other care, and hang in there. We'll be here. :) One foot in front of the other!


I know what it's like when a million little things pile up and cause a meltdown. Do whatever it is you need to do to stay your friendly, intelligent, awesome self. Your physical, mental, and emotional health come first. Take any time you need, we're all more than willing to wait for a video if it means you're okay. Let us know if you need anything. We're all here for you.


I know the feeling. I used to meltdown a lot. I've developed techniques to prevent make it less likely to happen, but it's different for everyone. Stay strong my brother


Don't feel ashamed when a meltdown doesn't feel "deserved" because it was just a bunch of little things. If they were mistakes, learn from them. If they were just part of life, why apologize for what life hits you with. Praying for health and strength for you.


Dude, don't worry about it. Take a week for yourself, and just chill. You'll thank yourself later. :)