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There is now a café at the market hall. It appears once you've found all the merchants and gone through the new event with the mallard.


He sells a few new items, Glass of Water and Cup of Coffee. They're both consumables. I also went through all the consumables and gave them animations like the potions have!


Glass of Water (Consumable)

Restore 20% HP, MP, TP.

Location: Bought from Retmat after his event has been played. Costs 100 G.


Cup of Coffee (Consumable)

Rise SPE by 25% for 5 turns.

Location: Bought from Retmat after his event has been played. Costs 100 G.



Zenoxx Chrovnoux

Imagine it's like Starbucks, where they can only make fancy-ass drinks, but they have no idea how to make "normal" or "plain" beverages. Barista: "Welcome! How may I be of service?" Customer A: "I'll have a venti Iced Caramel Macchiato with Whipped Cream" Barista: "And for you sir?" Customer B: "I'll just have a tall plain iced coffee." Barista: "Uh..." [WTF kind of order is that; who orders that; how the fuck do you make that shit, they never trained us on that¿!] "... Sorry, we're closed." Customer B: "Wat¡?" Customer A&B sit outside at a table