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I've been mostly working on the new event art and writing. I got a quite a lot done yesterday with the writing, after I decided to add 1 more picture to the mix (I added it to the previous event art post). It will be a bit more work, but I think the picture will add more to the event that having the event without it.

I also continued with the event art and got the base colors down. Next up is the shading, which always is the biggest amount of work. Hopefully I can work on that this week. Unlike the writing, I can stretch the worktime with the event art to Thursday next week. I only need some stand-ins for the images in the game to test the event and I can finish the final images and replace the stand-ins even after the preset saves are made! So I still have some time with that.

I don't know how much time I can squeeze into other things this month, since it's February the time to work on things is quite short. I wish I can add a couple of NPC before the next build, but we'll see!

Sorry I don't have anything visual to show today, but I am still hard at work, only on text related stuff!



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