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I legitimately forgot to put this here, and I absolutely meant to BUT better late than never!

I’m hosting my annual Pride Month sale where everything in your cart is 25% off! This sale ends in July and the discount is automatically applied at check-out.

Ontop of it I will be donating proceeds at the end of the month to my local LGBTQ+ Community Center. They are a very small outreach program and safe location that can use all the help they can get. They have been my go-to charity for Pride for several years 💖

If you wanted to snag something head on over!



Note: Sadly I can’t extend this particular sale to my Etsy because they take such a chunk out already and I’d like to keep the donations consistent ;;

A note for Patrons: I am planning on slowly updating daki art in the future. Some designs that are “retired” will return wiith new art. Other designs that are still up I am eyeballing, mainly Ben as he has gone through enough changes to justify it. If there is an old design you like this is a great time to grab it!




Will either of this month's pieces be available as prints before the end of the sale?


Are you planning to release some of your older dakis in two way tricot, or are you planning to do that for just the new ones? :3


Most likely just the new ones! If there are old ones people want in that material I could take special orders when I do pre-orders (in a few months) But the old ones generally are not popular enough to stock 2 fabrics year round.