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Reaper/Soldier(/Reinhardt) – cockwarming as power move – Reaper just absolutely enjoys the gloating.

Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (This Part)


The imbeciles throw each other looks as if their final decision hadn’t been clear to Reaper even before he posed the question.

Of course they are going to fold to his demands. They will want to try and rescue their fallen friend. Or so they are trying to justify their voyeuristic tendencies.

He can already see Reinhardt’s gaze stuck on Jack. Like he can not rip it off of him even with a blade against his throat. He is intrigued. He wonders just how long Reaper has trained the puppy to get him this good and obedient… or whether he had squandered years in the barracks not making use of the old slut.

Yes, he can see all those little thoughts revolving behind the forehead of the giant.

The others will follow suit soon enough – they just don’t know it yet.

Against his cock, Reaper can feel Jack’s tongue convulsing. He probably is agitated and angry. He might even be able to hear a metallic clicking as his pet once again tests the strength of the gag.

They might have been lovers once but now Jack would not hesitate for even a second to bite Gabriel’s dick clean off.

Gabriel chuckles and just pushes him down even further until he is convulsing in a wholly different way; fighting against the thick intrusion down his throat and suffocating him on cock.

The sounds of his gagging is loud in the room. His friends do not interfere; they just stand there and watch, faces pale.

They don’t know what to do. They probably had not anticipated this scenario in all those little briefings they’ve had.

“So? What is your decision?” Reaper asks laconically; like he isn’t leaking down Jack’s throat; like his cock isn’t pulsating fever hot, nanites rushing through his bloodstream and making even the act of an erection painful to some degree.

“We agree,” Reinhardt says quickly, cutting off whatever scathing remark his companions were about to spit out. “Let’s talk. I am sure we can come to some form of… agreement.”

Gabriel grins beneath his mask hard enough that his cheeks hurt. He leans back in his throne-like chair, his knees angling outward in an easy, slutty sprawl.

Just before Jack is about to pass out, he starts using his head, slowly pumping him. He pulls him off enough to let his tip just rest against his lower lip, watching how the wet red carpet of his tongue undulates in agitation behind the ring gag. His breathing is very loud and ragged.

“I am sure, yes,” Reaper agrees in a low voice. He lifts his head slightly so his audience knows that he is looking at them now, watching their every move. “You all have been quite… insistent on finding this old slut. One just has to wonder if he is even worth it. You realize that all the time you have been fretting and whining and making a whole nuisance of yourselves, he has been right here… on his knees. Sucking my cock and keeping it warm. Day in and day out.

It is quite a luxurious life to be had, I assure you.”

“You are sick.” Pharah spits on the floor. She is oh so subtly straining against her own captor, testing out just how far he will let her go before reigning her back in. Reaper moves his hand slightly and the soldier behind her grabs her by the collar and rips her back into position. She continues with clenched teeth: “I had known you guys are disgusting. But this absolutely takes the cake.”

He makes it a point to sound especially bored when he says: “Ouch.” Tapping against his mask with a single claw, he muses out loud: “Maybe then you would like to talk to your friend? I wouldn’t want to be a monster, after all. But do be quick. He has work to do.”

He uses the grip he has on Jack’s thinning white hair to guide him around despite his protests until his companions can see his face; a spider gag holding his mouth open nice and wide, lips plump and raw looking from all the cock sucking he has been doing.

His chin is wet with saliva and pre-cum still dripping from him.

“Say hello, pet,” Reaper orders in a low purr. Of course Jack is too proud to make any sound at all, but he enjoys the looks on the faces of the idiots even so. Especially the badly concealed lust on Reinhardt’s visage.

He is quite sure the suit’s leg armor is becoming quite uncomfortably tight just about now. Oh, he likes what he is witnessing.

He is kicking himself in the ass that he hadn’t thought of this option beforehand. Maybe wonders who of the remaining team he can use like that; who he can make into a useless fuckpuppet to put beneath his desk in meetings and keep that massive old dick of his cozy and warm.

Reaper shifts a little. His cock is standing at perfect attention; thick and glistening wet from Jack’s saliva. It’s starting to get uncomfortably cold, so he will want to have him back in not too long but he can put on a little show regardless.

Like hooking two of his claws into Jack’s open mouth and lightly fucking them over his pet’s tongue while watching their audience. Seeing their reactions.

“He is an obedient cocksucker, I assure you. Once he accepts that there is no escape, he will also become a very content one. I treat my pets well. There are regular medical checkups, meals, baths… It is a luxurious life he is living. The only thing he needs to do is put that useless cunt here on my cock whenever I wish to pump out a load.”

He’s playing with Jack’s lips as much as the spider gag allows it. Tracer looks like she’s starting to get nauseous which is hilarious in and off itself.

Reinhardt has started sweating profusely and lightly cocking his hips to the side, probably to alleviate the pressure on his cock as subtly as possible.

His team mates haven’t noticed of course; they’re too focused on their own horror and the little show that Reaper is putting on for them.

He’s getting bored soon enough, though; so he leans back with a huff and forces Jack back on his cock to do his duty.

“To be honest, I don’t know why you’re here,” he says laconically. “You couldn’t have actually thought that a little cavalry out of the loudest and most ostentatious people would be able to infiltrate a Talon base and do whatever you please.

Though I suppose thinking has never been Overwatch’s best quality. Certainly not after I left you to your own devices.”

“You are disgusting!” Tracer suddenly bursts out. She is lunging forward like a yappy little dog on a leash but is quickly neutralized by her handler simply picking her up so her skinny legs are flailing uselessly in the air. “How could you do that?! You were part of us once! You were his goddamn lover!”

Reaper’s face twists behind his mask. His amusement starting to fade quickly all of a sudden. “And you think he treated me any different? He was a suppressed bastard back in the day. Fucked me for what I was worth behind closed doors and denied it outside for as long as he could. Hm.”

He flicks his wrist, annoyed at himself that he started to explain himself to maggots. “Take them away. I think I will take care of them later. That is, if they haven’t learned manners by then.”

As the guards start to pull them away, Reaper tilts his head toward Reinhardt, first pointing, then gesturing him slowly closer. “Except him. I want to have a little talk. Now.”

Of course the others are protesting and struggling but in the end their voices are cut off once the door shuts behind them with a hiss.

“Let him go,” Reaper orders the guard behind the massive knight. He locks eyes with him though Reinhardt can’t know that what with Reaper’s mask. “I think I won’t have a problem with this one…”

He can see Reinhardt swallowing thickly, slowly taking his hands back to the front once his shackles have been released.

“All you want to do right now is take a closer look, isn’t it?” he purrs low. “Want to see how I use him?”

Reinhardt’s face twists, his eye flicking to the side. Ashamed. But after another moment of just swallowing and standing there, he nods. Admitting his own depravity.

“Come, then… have a good look how I wrangled him and put him in his goddamn place. Maybe we can have a more… civilized talk than the ladies were capable of, hm? I am a generous man, Reinhardt.

What’s mine… is yours…”

Slowly, Reinhardt moves closer, his gaze fixed on Jack as if hypnotized.

Reaper just grins behind his mask.


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