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Last time: Hanzo and companions started on their way to the last gym. They have to go through Mt. Silver to get there and things escalate from there.

Warning/content: Watersports, humiliation/degradation kink


The moment that Reyes leaves the room to make coffee in his little kitchen and Cole stumbles after him like he’s afraid to be alone with Hanzo (he should be), Lúcio leans over into Hanzo’s space.

“Are you really angry at him? Like really?” he asks in a hushed voice, eyes large with an emotion Hanzo can’t quite make out. Is it concern? Or worry? Or just plain old surprise? The more time goes by, the more he wonders whether his own reaction hadn’t been… off. Maybe he did overdo it.

He shrugs one shoulder and leans back on the couch they’re sitting on. Reyes’ house is small and dark but comfortable all in all. It’s clean first and foremost which makes it easier to relax after their hike through the mountain.

“I was in that moment. But I’m not anymore. At this point it’s just principle, I guess. He’s an idiot.”

Lúcio relaxes a bit more. Maybe he really had been worried about their relationship.

“Well, good. I don’t like it when mom and dad are fighting.”

Hanzo throws him a sharp look, shoving him in the shoulder when he sees him grinning. With an eye roll he replies: “You’re just as much of an idiot…”

He trails off, cocking his head and listening. They can hear voices from the kitchen; pretty clear at that.

Throwing each other little looks, they lean forward, elbows braced on their knees, focusing on the conversation.

“So what the fuck happened? I thought you come here and I’m gonna have to plan a wedding or some shit and instead there’s only long faces and animosity.”

“It all just went incredibly south. I don’t even know how.” There’s a whine in Cole’s voice that sets Hanzo’s teeth on edge. Maybe he isn’t as cool about this whole thing as he thought.

There’s a beat of quiet before Cole says: “What?”

“Try to engage that peanut you got for a brain. What do you think could’ve ticked him off?”

“Boss…” There’s another beat of quiet before Cassidy’s voice is audible again, though more muffled this time; like he’s speaking through his hands. “We got goin’ from Hanamura. We walked to Mt. Silver. I sent you the text that we was gonna be in Lavender about this time. We go into Mt. Silver and he hears me talkin’ with your boy and freaks out. And I kinda freaked out. It was all a misunderstandin’.”

“So why didn’t you just tell him that you were texting me?”

“Cause he would’ve freaked out too! I’d bet you hard cash that he’d’ve accused me of… I dunno… bribin’ you to make the fight easier or somethin’. He’s a distrustful sonoffagun!”

There’s quiet after that declaration. Hanzo can feel his stomach doing a slow, uncomfortable flip because… yes. Yes, he would have thought just that.

Glancing at Lúcio, he notices that his friend is looking right back at him. They exchange a long, quiet look and Hanzo can tell that Lúcio thinks the same.

Hanzo exhales roughly, leaning back and crossing his arms in front of his chest. Realizing that he looks like he is pouting, he relaxes his arms again and stands up instead, walking up and down until Cole and Reyes reappear with that coffee.

He hadn’t even paid attention to the rest of their conversation; looking into Cole’s face he immediately begins to wonder what’s now going on in his head.


Lavender Town is a quiet and pretty little settlement… but the aura all around is heavy and weirdly depressing. The friends have dispersed for now to do their own things and Hanzo has decided to climb the famous tower and look at the Pokémon graves.

He had expected it to be a more draining experience but in actuality it is… calming and downright beautiful. He finds himself almost meditating as he climbs stairs and reads epitaphs and admires the work done on some of the depictions.

He stands the longest in front of the grave of a Magikarp. It has been carved into the top of the stone mid-splash and he lightly touches one of the stone fins with the tip of a finger.

It touches his heart that someone loved this Magikarp this much despite them being arguably the most useless Pokémon out there.

He sighs softly and resumes his walk.


Hanzo awkwardly lifts his hand in greeting as he comes toward Reyes’ house and sees him sitting on the front porch in an old rocking chair, one leg on the wooden railing to slowly move the thing back and forth, and a glass of something in his hand.

Hanzo thinks for a moment that it is beer until he sees a jug on a small table next to the man filled with what he surmises is iced tea.

“Grab a glass and sit with me,” Reyes says. His voice is purring and gentle but there is steel behind the words and Hanzo does not doubt for a moment that it is a demand rather than a suggestion.

He nods, murmuring: “Of course.” And gets inside to fetch himself a glass as directed. By the time he gets back out, Reyes has mildly resituated his rocking chair so he won’t sit with his back to Hanzo and they can talk.

When nothing more happens for a while, Hanzo begins to relax. Reyes is wearing a woolen beanie which he has pulled so deep into his eyes that Hanzo gets the feeling he wants to sleep, so he remains quiet, sipping on the sweet tea.

Eventually, Reyes does talk, though. He’s got a nice voice; not as deep as Cassidy’s, but purring and soft all the same. “You’re not doing bad, all things considered. The ingrate needs a hard hand, that’s for sure. But you could cut him some slack every once in a while.”

Hanzo feels warmth rushing through his body. He pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply. “I… appreciate the concern. But while Cole has no qualms just laying his private matters out for everyone to see, I do not feel comfortable discussing it with a stranger. I’m sorry.”

He opens his eyes to see Reyes waving his hand at him laconically. “I get it, pretty boy. Don’t worry about it.”

As Hanzo watches, Reyes shifts a little, pushing his beanie off of his eyes so he can throw him a thoughtful look. They’re close enough that he doesn’t need to stretch too far to reach for Hanzo’s face. His fingers are warm as they curl around Hanzo’s chin, his callouses once again tugging at his skin in a very distracting manner.

Reyes lifts his head, turning it lightly this way and that. His thumb comes to rest on Hanzo’s lower lip.

He is moving absolutely out of his lane of course… but Hanzo can’t find it in him to slap his arm away. Not immediately, at least. He is acutely aware of the press of each finger into his skin and the warmth radiating off of Reyes’ hand.

Reyes is watching himself; the way Hanzo’s lip dimples when he presses his thumb against it.

“You really have become gorgeous… last time I saw you, you were a teen or something. I didn’t pay much attention to you. Don’t like kids all that much. But you’re not a kid anymore, are you? And looking at you, it’s no wonder Cole so desperately wanted you. Or wants you still.”

Hanzo does not know what to say to that. He does not even know what to feel about it. His insides are all twisted up in a weird little ball of anxiety and lust. Reyes’ brown eyes flick up, pinning him suddenly while his fingers squeeze a little tighter around Hanzo’s jaw. Not enough to make it hurt but… so self-assured and calm, he can’t help but feel turned on by it.

“But of course he doesn’t have you all alone for himself, does he? He’s a good boy. Just letting you walk all over him while you spread your legs for others…” Reyes’ mouth twitches into the briefest of smiles. “I heard the talk from the gym leader vine. You’ve really come around, didn’t you? Been a regular little whore… Right from the get-go. Baptiste was very intrigued by your… enthusiasm.”

Hanzo exhales roughly. “I thought I could trust him to keep his mouth shut… but apparently he blabbed as soon as I turned my back on him.”

Reyes’ grin is there and gone again in the blink of an eye. “Tough luck, pretty boy. You need to lighten up. Have some fun for a change.”

Without warning, Reyes leans in and presses his mouth against Hanzo’s. With the grip he has on his jaw it’s easy to keep Hanzo in place and not have him pull back in surprise.

He doesn’t lose time either, his warm tongue swiping along the seam of Hanzo’s mouth, gentle and self-assured in a way that has Hanzo opening up to him without a second thought.

It’s different to when he kisses Cole and still kind of similar; as if Reyes taught Cole how to do it. It’s slow and sure and domineering; but also a little gentler than Cole. The sounds of their wet lips smacking is so loud on the porch… at least Hanzo feels like it.

His hands are curled tightly around the half empty glass of iced tea in his lap, his stomach feeling hot and fluttery as he doesn’t put anything up against Reyes slowly directing their kiss in whichever way he wants.

It’s so new and exciting… Reyes tastes so different than Cole.


As if summoned by his thought, there’s a low whistle heard from the other side of the porch, followed by a croon of ‘Well I’ll be…”

Hanzo can’t pull back; not with Reyes’ hand having a steel-like grip on him. But Reyes ends their kiss anyway, albeit slowly.

Hanzo’s heart is beating fast in his chest. He turns his head after Reyes finally lets go of him to see Cole standing there, hip leaning against the railing. He’s reaching up to his hat, pulling it off slowly and pressing it against his chest. Hanzo has no idea what the expression on his face is supposed to mean.

Cole’s dark eyes are glistening, flicking between Reyes and Hanzo and getting stuck on the latter. When he talks, he’s talking to Gabriel, though; his words slow and a bit more slurred than usual; like he has trouble making his tongue move.

“Helped yourself to another man’s honey, did ya, boss?”

Hanzo feels Reyes’ hand on the back of his neck; so warm and big. It squeezes down in a way that makes him feel a little claustrophobic and keeps stirring the heat in his stomach.

“I… Cole-” he stops himself. He sounds like an idiot – and he doesn’t know what to say anyway. A cold shudder crawls along his spine as he wonders with a bit of panic whether this has been a step too far. Whether Cole is drawing the line with a man that seems to have been a kind of… father figure for him. Or something. Hanzo hasn’t quite connected the dots yet in that regard.

“Ugh shut your mouth, Cassidy.” Reyes sounds honestly disgusted but as he stands up from the rocking chair with the exhausted grunt of an old man, there’s a very obvious erection tenting his sweatpants. Hanzo stares at it. How could he not? It’s right in front of his face, after all.

“You wanna play with us, ingrate? I think I got something fun in mind.”

Hanzo watches as Reyes idly saunters over to Cole. He gets so close that their bodies brush against one another, his hand clasping the back of Cole’s neck like he’s done to Hanzo minutes before.

Cassidy visibly relaxes. They look at each other quietly for a long moment before Cole’s gaze flicks to Hanzo.

“I dunno if he wants to…” he trails off.

Hanzo stands up, awkwardly clearing his throat but is saved from having to come up with an apology that will keep his dignity when Reyes smoothly interjects: “Oh he wants to alright. And I bet he’ll be really eager once he catches on to what game I want to play today.”

He leans in, pressing his mouth against Cassidy’s lips. It’s strange to see it all unfold from another perspective and still be turned on by it.

Watching the both of them, Hanzo realizes that he’s never seen Cole kissing another guy… that is, unless that doomed party in Goldenrod City counts. Which it doesn’t. The less he thinks about Cassidy and Genji together the better.

He doesn’t know what to think about the sight. Intellectually he knows that if Cassidy lets him fuck other people then Cassidy is at least allowed the kiss… but it still makes him feel hot and possessive and like he should pull them apart.

On the other hand it looks good. It looks like Cole really has been made to be dominated and to be a good boy. He easily goes along with whatever Reyes does to him, his eyes glassy once he opens them, licking his lips after their kiss ends.

Gabriel looks at him thoughtfully, then toward Hanzo. He shakes his head like he’s annoyed and starts moving toward his door. When none of the two react immediately, a sharp ‘get going!’ does the trick.

They peer at each other as they walk into the small home of the gym leader. Without overthinking it, Hanzo grabs Cassidy’s big hand, weaving their fingers together between them as a truce.

He’s just got to give in every once in a while. Cole is a good boy, after all.


Hanzo’s steps slow down considerably when he rounds the corner and sees Gabriel disappearing into his bathroom. He looks toward Cole but the other’s expression is curiously unreadable. There is a gleam in his eyes though and a fine glistening of sweat starting up on his brow.

Hanzo slowly lets go of Cole’s hand, instead rubbing his tingling palms against his thighs. His insides are feeling all shivery and nervous as he slowly makes his way forward toward the open door with the light shining flooding out into the hallway.

Just as he is about to round the corner, Gabriel steps abruptly back out. Hanzo inhales sharply. He wants to take an immediate step back but Gabriel’s reaction is even faster, hands grasping Hanzo’s arms just above his elbows, keeping him close – no… closer. He pulls him in until Hanzo is plastered against his front.

He can feel Reyes’ cock against his abdomen, firm and warm even through the clothes they’re wearing. Meanwhile, Reyes himself looks like there’s nothing out of the ordinary at all.

His eyes are heavy lidded as he carefully studies Hanzo’s face while moving him back until he is sandwiched between the wall and Reyes. His body is warm and hard beneath the leisurely clothes he’s wearing.

Despite his calm, almost bored look, he slowly rolls his hips, fucking his cock against Hanzo’s belly and letting him feel how hard it is.

Just a few steps behind him stands Cole, impotently watching the whole thing. Just… allowing his erstwhile mentor to use his boyfriend however he sees fit, it seems like.

Gabriel notices Hanzo’s look over his shoulder – and he knows exactly what he sees even without having to turn around.

“He’s just standing there, isn’t he?” he croons with that purring, addictive voice of his. He keeps slowly rolling his hips, using Hanzo to rub off against while keeping him nice and contained. “He’s just standing there and watches how I use you. You know he wouldn’t step between us, don’t you? If i were to just bend you over and fuck you right in front of his damn nose. He’d probably even say ‘thank you’ if I told him to.”

Hanzo swallows hard; otherwise he’ll start to drool. He doesn’t know where to look; whether at Cole’s sweaty, flushed face or at Gabriel’s cool, almost bored expression. Gabriel grins crookedly. He lets go of Hanzo’s arms to instead brace his elbows against the wall above him. He’s so close, his warm breath is fanning against the side of Hanzo’s throat when he orders low but unmistakable: “Look at him.”

Hanzo’s gaze flicks back to Cole standing there. Watching. His eyes flutter briefly when Reyes’ mouth suckles on his throat, teeth lightly scraping against his skin. They fly back open without having been told to. It’s… hot to look at Cole while another man plays with him. To see him just stand there and watch.

“He’s a pathetic little puppy dog,” Gabriel croons into Hanzo’s ear, his breath tickling the tiny hairs on his skin. Hanzo is hyper aware of it; just like he is hyper aware of every other point of contact between them.

He feels tender and bruised and achingly aroused, listening to Gabriel’s words like they ar gospel.

“You know he’d do just about anything just so you will forgive him, don’t you? He’ll say please and thank you like a good boy.”

Hanzo swallows thickly again. His head bobs in an obedient nod. He’s got no idea where this is going, quite frankly, but he likes that too… this air of just going along for a ride.

Gabriel kisses him again and it is just as good as the first time. Slow and overwhelming and completely taking his breath away. He can feel him sensually rolling his hips every now and then, dragging his cock against Hanzo’s belly in a completely selfish move.

By the time he pulls back, Hanzo is going nearly cross-eyed. He’s plastered against the wall, waiting to be devoured by this man – right in front of his boyfriend’s eyes.

Reyes has other plans, however. He reaches down. Hanzo waits for him to palm his cock through his clothes… but instead he feels his palm on his abdomen, the ball of his hand pressing at a particular spot.

The next question out of Reyes’ mouth, low and sensual, completely takes him off guard: “Gotta piss, princess?”

Hanzo is startled back into the present by it. Not enough to have his erection shrivel up but certainly enough to slowly blink and mull the question over in his head.

“Excuse me?” he asks finally because he just needs more time to really think about what he’s just been asked.

Reyes does not look embarrassed in the least. He just presses the heel of his hand a little harder against what Hanzo now realizes is his bladder.

“I’m asking you if you need to take a leak,” he murmurs low. Hanzo can’t tell if it is sensual or threatening. His body reacts to it either way. He realizes with a hot jolt of embarrassment that he is… very easy.

His eyes move away from Gabriel’s calm, interested face all on their own. A second later his jaw is grabbed and he’s forced to look back at him.

“I asked you a question, pretty boy,” Gabriel whispers. “There’s no shame in it. I won’t make you piss yourself.” His eyes all but flash. “Yet.”

Hanzo exhales roughly. He is not prepared for how turned on the thought makes him. He briefly glances back to Cole, feeling uncomfortable with the thought of him hearing all of this… but Cole looks like he’s about to drool. He’s got one hand on his dick and looks absolutely pathetic.

And hot. Fuck. Hanzo tries to twist away beneath Gabriel’s oppressive presence. That only gets him a harder press against his bladder. He hisses, baring his teeth, staying very still as he finally looks at the other’s eyes.

“If you keep this up, I do have to. Yes,” he replies tersely, willing his flush to go away as he defiantly glares at Reyes.

To his surprise, the other starts to grin, dark and sexy. The heel of his palm presses just that little bit harder into Hanzo’s abdomen; just shy of causing pain.

“Good,” Gabriel purrs. He looks over his shoulder at Cole. Hanzo can only stare at the side of his face and the strong column of his throat. He looks so good… and he has the both of them completely under his command. “Get naked, ingrate.” Gabriel’s mouth twitches, his voice going smokey as he croons: “You can make up for being an idiot now. Are you excited?”

Cole whines like a dog. He looks physically pained as he starts to wrestle his shirt over his head. Pained because he wants this. It occurs to Hanzo that Cole knows exactly where this is going. Probably has been playing this game with Reyes over and over before becoming the Champion…

Hanzo’s brain still does not want to put two and two together. He just stands there against the wall, the need to relieve himself crawling up his spine and down his arms until his fingertips tingle with it.

It’s an odd contrast to feel as he’s certainly getting more and more aroused, watching Cassidy get naked.

He might not be quite as muscular as Hanzo can feel Reyes to be, but he is a handsome man in his own right; with his broad shoulders and furry chest, hair trailing down his belly in a generously broad stripe. As he bends down and pushes his jeans off, it occurs to Hanzo that he has not yet really taken his time to just look at him.

At his body. In all its glory; just standing there, his big ruddy cock lifting against one strong, hairy thigh as it struggles to stand under its own blood heavy weight.

Once he finally stands there, letting himself get judged by Reyes and Hanzo, Gabriel jerks his head toward the open bathroom door.

“In there,” he orders simply.

Cole moves like he’s pushing through molasses. His dick is wagging slow and ridiculous with his movements. Hanzo can’t take his eyes off of him. He’s almost drooling, thinking about sucking the generous overhang of foreskin into his mouth and pushing it back over Cole’s glans with his lips… just suck him off until he whines like the dog he is and spills all that sweet praise over Hanzo, calling him every little nickname under the sun-

Reyes grabs Hanzo by the back of his neck. Before doing anything else, he kisses him one more time; harder and with a bit more urgency this time. When he pulls away, he slowly licks his lips, a low fire in his dark eyes.

“You’re such a pretty little treat… it’s hard to keep my hands off of you.” He cards his fingers through Hanzo’s hair slowly, a thoughtful expression on his face. “It’s a good thing you’re a nasty slut, I suppose. Gives more opportunity for others to destroy you on their cocks. Now come.”

Hanzo can feel the humiliation bubbling up inside him when Reyes’ words register. The thought that all the gym leaders will always see him as ‘the slut’ is both horrifying and titillating.

Reyes pulls him off the wall with the hand in the back of Hanzo’s neck and steers him roughly toward the bathroom. Inside, he finally catches on to what is expected of him once he sees Cole kneeling in the shower cubicle, stroking his dick, face as ruddy red as his glans.

Hanzo balks, hands going up  to his shoulders. He can’t retreat, though, because Reyes is right behind him, his muscular body a warm, impenetrable wall.

“I don’t… think that’s something…” he trails off, unsure how to finish the sentence. He just stares at Cole kneeling there, ready to be debased. His biceps bunches distractingly every time he moves his fist along his cock. He’s so big and strong… all the more reason to show him his place, really, but… isn’t that a step too far?

“Look at him. He wants you to,” Reyes croons into Hanzo’s ear distractingly. “It’d be the perfect opportunity to clear the air between you two, don’t you think? Let him know that he fucked up. And that he’s beneath you.”

Cole groans at that. His head tilts back, eyes closed, face looking… ecstatic. He loves how Reyes talks about him. He loves kneeling there and waiting to be… to be…

To be pissed on.

“You gotta take a leak anyway, don’t you?” Reyes’ arms come around Hanzo, the heel of his hand once again finding Hanzo’s bladder with unerring accuracy. He massages it this time; firm but gentle. It definitely pushes his… need up quite a bit. Hanzo shifts a little, clenching down so he won’t dribble urine into his underwear.

At the small of his back, Reyes’ cock is reminding him that their host finds this scenario just as hot as Cole does. It is more than clear that they’ve played like this a few times by now.

Hanzo swallows thickly. He doesn’t know what to say, so he doesn’t say anything – and lets himself get pushed forward toward the shower cubicle. That way he can pretend like he isn’t curious about this whole thing. Like the thought of pissing on Cassidy isn’t making his heart pump faster and his cock twitch.

There’s a small container with vaseline standing on the edge of the bathtub next to them. Hanzo stares at it, no thoughts in his head. He only obediently moves his arms off to the side, letting himself get undressed by Reyes.

Two pairs of eyes are on him, appreciating the form of his body getting slowly revealed. He can’t say that he doesn’t enjoy the attention. King and he are very much alike in that regard.

His cock is desperately hard for all the world to see once Reyes gently pushes the elastic of his pants down. Unlike Cassidy’s, his stands at perfect attention, pointing directly at the lazy oaf’s face.

Cole licks his lips. Hanzo exhales roughly at the sight. He wants his lips on his cock. He wants to fuck his face and tell him that he’s not allowed to come in return… but Reyes intimidates him and he does not dare utter a single order with him against his back, hot breath ruffling the top of Hanzo’s hair.

Hanzo feels his blunt, warm fingertips at the nape of his neck, slowly rounding the knob of his spine before sliding along the dip down his back. Goosebumps spring up in its wake, his nipples immediately tingling but unable to get hard.

Him curving out his ass is just a natural reaction to the touch. He wouldn’t have been able to stop it even if he had known that he would do it.

Reyes laughs at him low and seductive.

“So that’s your turn-on button, is it? Mmh pretty easy.” He grasps Hanzo’s ass cheeks, squeezing them in his hands. Hanzo’s soft gasp is drowned out by him continuing in just as low a voice: “Got the cutest little ass on you, don’t you? Could barely even see it in your pants. Thought you might not have any at all… that would’ve been tragic, wouldn’t it? I mean with your tits…”

Reyes’ face appears over Hanzo’s shoulder. He has to bend down a bit, he’s quite the tall man; but that makes Hanzo feel only more buried beneath his bulk. He’s all but trembling in anticipation, voice caught in his throat. He can’t make himself say anything. He can only stand there, getting his ass cheeks slowly massaged and his chest ogled by the man.

Every now and then Reyes will pull his cheeks far apart, letting air brush over Hanzo’s hole which he is hyper aware of now.

“Goddamn gorgeous,” Reyes mutters finally, then stands up straight again. He lets go of one of Hanzo’s cheeks, dips a finger into the vaseline and comes back to round his hole.

Hanzo whines through his teeth, upper body angling forward some; and because he needs to hold on to something, grabs the sides of the shower cubicle.

Nobody stops him, so that’s how he stays, his attention on the way Reyes tickles his asshole and mumbles about how soft it feels already.

Cole can’t keep still either. He leans forward, popping his mouth over Hanzo’s glans. It’s hot and wet, his tongue immediately dragging across it again and again.

From behind, Gabriel seems impatient too. There’s a fat, blunt pressure against his slicked up hole that can’t be anything but the gym leader’s cock very adamantly demanding that he relax for him and let it happen.

Hanzo’s mouth falls open. He groans low in his chest, his thighs feeling so soft and useless, he is surprised that he’s even still standing. His only saving grace is the man behind him whose voice is cool and collected even though he’s slowly inching deeper into the hot clutch of Hanzo’s body.

“Enough,” he murmurs, tapping one finger against Cole’s forehead. “Off with you, you ingrate.”

Cole whines. Hanzo can feel it vibrating up his cock. He feels like he’s going cross-eyed. The need to piss is suddenly very hot and immediate. It takes him so off guard that he just stands there, eyes wide open, staring at Cassidy in the shower. He can’t really imagine just letting lose and… and doing it, but the other’s whine has kicked something loose inside him.

Gabriel’s cock wrenching his backdoor open isn’t helping, either. He feels like he has to go on his tip toes. Like he needs to bounce and hop to somehow escape that pressure that is building inside his abdomen.

Reyes, probably knowing exactly what is going on inside Hanzo, wraps his arms around him, keeping him nice and still. His breath is tickling Hanzo’s ear as he speaks and for some reason that only increases his need to just relax and let it all happen.

He says: “I know that expression. The hitch in your breath. You’re ready, aren’t you? So is this ingrate. Look at him. He almost pisses himself in excitement. We can make him do it if you want to. If that makes you feel better.”

He does not quite wait for Hanzo to answer. He presses even more cock inside the desperately clutching hole. He’s not thrusting… just pushing and that drives Hanzo insane just like the rest of it. Reyes continues with a low grunt: “Fuck, you’re a tight little bitch, aren’t you? But you take cock like a champ. Like a regular little, fucking whore.”

Reyes’ voice wrapping around those filthy words is making Hanzo go weak in the knees again. He starts to hang in the gym leader’s strong arms, held up by nothing but his dick, it feels like.

“Yeah. Yeah, there you go. Complete capitulation. You’re ready, aren’t you? Want me to help you?” Somehow, Reyes manages to curl his hand around Hanzo’s dick and not let him fall down in the process. Hanzo doesn’t know how he does it; it’s difficult to think straight when Cole whimpers like a damn dog for the privilege of getting pissed on.

Hanzo’s brain feels hot and mushy in a weirdly good way.

He can feel Reyes moving his cock, guiding it to point at Cole.

The other is profusely sweating, his barrel chest heaving. On the verge of a heart attack because he just wants to be pissed on so badly.

So Hanzo… gives in. His eyes want to close but fly back open once he feels the dams breaking. He’s shocked by his own inhibition; he hadn’t thought he’d do it until the moment he actually starts pissing for Reyes and Cassidy.

It’s no little dribble either. It shoots out of his cock in a strong, hot stream, hitting Cassidy in the chest and running down his furry torso to pool around his cock. The stream obediently splits around it before gathering again at his fat breeder balls and dripping to the shower floor.

Cole groans. His head tilts back. His face looks ecstatic. Inside himself, Hanzo can feel Reyes’ cock flexing. He isn’t thrusting anymore; he’s crammed himself as deep as it can inside Hanzo’s body and is now just enjoying the heat and the silky grip around his dick.

Hanzo can’t help but watch. He’s not holding his own cock; so he’s nothing more than… than an appliance for them. A warm hole to keep cocks warm and a full bladder to piss on them. The thought is hotter than it has any right to be. He watches his hot stream of piss get slowly directed up to Cole’s face, soaking his beard and hitting his chin.

Hanzo blinks slowly. There’s an orgasm brewing between his hips; pressing against the base of his cock and filling his aching skull. He doesn’t know if he can come while he’s actively pissing on his boyfriend. It makes him worry, though Cole’s gurgling groan pulls his mind off of that as well. He stares at him. has he opened his mouth? Is he drinking Hanzo’s piss like the degenerate he is?!

Hanzo whimpers.

Reyes’ cock flexes inside him again. He starts to move once more; slowly fucking Hanzo as his hot stream of urine starts to slowly ebb. They’ve all gone insane but it can’t be argued that they’re incredibly into it.

Cole’s cock looks grotesquely swollen and flushed and Hanzo feels like his eyeballs are about to pop out of his skull from the pressure that has been building throughout his body.

Reyes is laughing at the both of them; low and amused.

“Got yourself a regular little whore, Cassidy,” he murmurs. As Hanzo’s stream trickles off, he slowly begins to jerk his fever hot cock. “You’ll have your work cut out with him. Better watch out. Won’t have a quiet day in a good long while.”

Hanzo can practically hear him wetting his lips before continuing with a rasp in his voice: “And now watch as I fuck him like a little bitch.”

Cassidy does. Oh, he does. His eyes never leave Hanzo as he gets bend over and forced to brace himself on his boyfriend’s broad shoulders so he wouldn’t topple over as Reyes starts railing him.

His thrusts are hard and rude, pumping into Hanzo until he feels like his whole body is lighting up in heat. There are still a few drops of piss inside him and they get flung through the air as his cock eagerly bobs in time with the harsh thrusts.

Hanzo’s mouth falls open but he can’t make a sound. For an excruciatingly long moment he can’t even breathe. He can only feel Reyes’ fat balls slapping against his, the sound of it loud in the bathroom.

And then Cole even talks. Low and crooning. Talking about how Hanzo can take it. How hot he looks when he’s speared on dick.

How much he loves him.

He’s jerking his own big dick as he says it, probably just babbling without any real thought behind it.

Hanzo stares at him. At his face wet with piss, those lovely brown eyes warm and affectionate.

In midst of getting fucked like a bitch, Hanzo realizes that this man would never do anything to hurt him. Cole loves him. Maybe to a fault. But he would do anything for Hanzo.



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