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Last time: Cole and Hanzo had a heart-to-heart that ended in Cole giving him a nice incentive for when he wins the fight against his father. Also - the fight begun!

Warnings/content: violence (Pokémon fighting); making up with a family member; sounding (sexual practice)


“Ye’re doin’ just fine! Keep it up!” Cole is grinning like an idiot and giving Hanzo a thumbs up.

Lúcio leans back against the wall, the tension from before slowly leaving his body. He seems to share Cole’s optimism. Hanzo can’t help but feel some tentative hope as well.

He feels a touch to his hand and looks down to see Kikuri standing in front of him, her sleek face sporting a decidedly smug look.

“Ah, yes – you did very well,” he says, feeling a little flustered. He reaches for her to pet her bald head but the look she shoots him makes him rethink that action. Instead, he awkwardly offers her his hand for… what… a shake?

Kikuri stares at it, head cocking from one side to the other until she finally puts her small clawed hand into his much like a lady in ancient times. Hanzo can’t help but quietly smile, his thumb sliding over her knuckles.

“You did very well,” he repeats. “Thank you for working with me on this.”

Kikuri keeps staring at their hands together. He has no idea what might be going through her head but she does not look violent so he doesn’t pull back quite yet.

However, the moment is shattered by his father’s reappearance. His face looks, if possible, even more pinched. His motions are a bit jerky and without any flourish; a dour man that seems to derive no pleasure whatsoever from his surroundings.

Hanzo quietly stares at him while calling Kikuri back into her Pokéball. In a way, he can see himself in his father. He is sure that if he hadn’t met Lúcio and Cassidy on his journey, he would have ended up much like him.

He politely inquires: “How does your Marowak feel?”

Sojiro makes an impatient movement with his hand. “She is being cleaned. It will be fine – we have enough antidote.”

Hanzo nods slowly. He almost wants to apologize for poisoning Marowak but he knows that he wouldn’t much appreciate his opponent saying something like that, so he remains quiet.

“Shall we resume?” he asks instead, hand slowly moving to one of the Pokéballs on his hip. His gaze is already moving toward the Corviknight sitting ominously in the corner’s shadow, her red eye glowing like ember. He is pretty sure she hasn’t taken her eyes off him even once; that prickling on the back of his neck has been driving him almost nuts.

He kind of expects Sojiro to send her into the arena but it still surprises him when he actually does, his arm shooting out, hand outstretched toward the arena. “Sakura.”

He does not need to say more. The old Corviknight moves as if she were twenty years younger, pushing off the ground and shooting into the battle field where the beating of her steel wings throws sand into Hanzo’s face.

Hanzo wouldn’t dare to underestimate her for even a second. She might be old but he can see how sharp her beak and claws still are. She stays roughly in the middle of the battlefield for a moment longer before she pulls herself up higher into the air as the roof of the gym slowly opens up.

The sunlight suddenly streaming in from above does not necessarily help but he is loath to complain about getting blinded by the beams, so he doesn’t.

“Go on! Who of your team could hope to beat her, Hanzo?”

There is a surprising amount of impatience in his father’s voice. Hanzo is shielding his eyes from the sun and peering over to him but it is difficult to make out anything at this point. He has no idea what’s going through Sojiro’s head. It does not matter right now anyway, does it? He is in the middle of a fight, after all.

He inhales deeply, his hand curling tighter around his Pokéball. He just hopes he’s made the right decision. Despite this only being the second round, he knows that this is it. His father’s strength is at its peak with his Corviknight. Either Hanzo manages to best her, or… not.

His journey could be at an end right now. Right here. The little hairs on the back of his neck prickle. He is overly aware of Cole and Lúcio standing in the back, quietly watching the proceedings.

Hanzo nods, if only to himself, and throws the ball. Five pairs of eyes watch as it snaps open and light rushes out, quickly expanding to a massive size. Within a couple of seconds it vanishes to leave Zeus curled up on the floor.

He raises his head, almost high enough to snap the Corviknight right out of the air, and roars. He must sound ferocious, though it is difficult for Hanzo to really appreciate that when he knows that his Gyarados would not hurt a hair on his master’s head.

His father’s expression, though… now that Zeus’ shadow is falling over him, it is easier to see how every muscle in his face has gone lax as he stares up at the Gyarados.

“What… what is this?!” he finally demands, his voice weaker than usual, arm gesturing up and down, indicating Zeus’... well, everything. “You caught a Gyarados? How?!”

The tip of Hanzo’s tongue slowly slides along his bottom lip. He can feel a grin wanting to spread over his features, but he tries to temp down on it.

“I did not. I caught a Magikarp.”

“You evolved one?”

Is Hanzo just imagining it or did his father’s voice have a little break there? Sojiro’s eyes are wide, his lips trembling. He looks pissed off that his son should have accomplished what he never could… raising a Magikarp to evolution.

Zeus roars again. Is he proud as well? Or simply impatient for the fight to start?

Hanzo mildly gestures toward Zeus whose upper body is swaying to try and keep the Corviknight in front of his gaping maw.

“It seems that way,” he answers. It feels wrong to talk to his father like that… but also very very right.

Sojiro is still staring up at Zeus. Hanzo could not say what is going through his father’s head in that moment, but after a couple of seconds, his posture changes minimally as he gets a grip on himself again.

“It will not change a thing,” Sojiro declares. “Even a Pokémon as powerful as a Gyarados will not be able to live up to its full potential if their trainer is mediocre.”

Hanzo curls his hand into a fist.

Father and son stare at each other over the battlefield in a drawn-out moment. Customarily the gym leader calls for the start of the round but suddenly the Pokémon in the middle clash, beginning the skirmish themselves.

Hanzo watches as the Corviknight that had been scaring him since his childhood days, fearlessly smashes itself into Zeus’ face and digs its claws into its thick lower lip until blood drips to the dusty ground many meters below.

Zeus roars, immediately throwing his body around to try and throw the Corviknight off who flutters its steely wings, hitting them around Zeus’ head in fierce, clanging swats.

Hanzo throws out an arm, his body angling forward – as if he could help anything in a fight between two huge Pokémon such as them.

“On the ground!” he cries out. Zeus moves so fast, Hanzo isn’t able to tell whether he follows the order or simply has had the same idea.

His long body has a downward trajectory, willing to ram head first into the ground to crush the opponent between his face and the rocks.

Sojiro whistles sharply – and the Corviknight falls off of Zeus’ head as if it hadn’t been attached to him like a shackle. It catches itself a scant meter above the ground, twisting mid-air and awkwardly fluttering to pull itself back into the air.

Zeus tries to nab it but they’re both momentarily clumsy from their awkward positions and the opponent manages to get away.

Zeus rights himself again, roaring into the air, speckles of blood flying through the air while thick rivulets slide down his long, thickly scaled body.

Hanzo has honestly never seen him this… unhinged before. He wonders what is different this time around to elicit such a reaction – but there is no time to think about it now. Not while they’re in the middle of a fight and the Corviknight is out for blood.

Her angry screeches overlap with Zeus’ roars as she flies at his face claws first, hellbent on putting even more scars on the other’s thick scales. Like a mother out to protect her young from a predator.

Hanzo is stuck staring for a moment. He does not think he’s ever had such a… violent Pokémon battle. It feels wrong. But his father is standing like a stone monument and watching it all unfold – so he does not give in either.

Hands balled into fists, short nails digging into his skin, he watches Zeus’ fight against the Corviknight. His shock over the primal rage that had broken out between the two slowly crumbles, and as their opponent rips a large gash into one of the small fins flanking Zeus’ face, Hanzo finally barks an order: “Thunderbolt!”

Electricity crackles down Zeus’ whiskers, quickly enveloping his head. The Corviknight screeches in surprise, her large wings beating fast to drag her away from Gyarados’ face.

The attack is not as precise as Hanzo would have liked it to be. Electricity arcs through the air, jumping wildly as races toward the Corviknight, only barely missing her.

The next one is hot on its heels, though – and it hits. Squarely in her chest. Hanzo watches as her body contorts itself as the electricity takes over her muscles.

He whispers a heartfelt: “Yes!” One fist up by his chest now while his eyes follow the Corviknights downward spiral. Just before she hits the ground, her steel wings shoot out and she catches herself.

It’s not a graceful safe but it is one that keeps her from smashing uncontrollably into the dusty ground. Instead, she just awkwardly stumbles onto her feet. She looks dazed but not exactly the worse for wear.

She is his father’s ace, after all.

Hanzo’s gaze flicks from her to Sojiro. He is still just… standing there, his expression tight as if it had been carved from the same rock that his spine seems to be.

His dark eyes are boring into the back of Corviknights head.

“Sakura.” His voice is quiet and measured. Hanzo has heard that tone so many times; just before being sat down for yet another lecture by this man.

Just like that, she starts to pull herself up into the air again; as if Sojiro forces his sheer stubbornness right into her.

“Overbearing fool,” Hanzo mutters, his back curling some as he leans forward, willing Zeus to keep fighting – and not realizing the irony of it all.

“Zeus! Again!”

As another streak of electricity crackles through the air and the Corviknight dodges its approach, Sojiro shakes his head with disapproval. “Is that how you fight, Hanzo? Brute forcing your way through with the same tactic?”

Hanzo grits his teeth, ignoring his father as he tries to figure out how they could possibly get their opponent. She has regained her wits and has changed directions; no longer trying to brute force her way through and instead focusing more on dodging Zeus’ incoming attacks.

For a moment, Hanzo is very aware of the two onlookers behind him; watching his and his Pokémon’s every move. The small hairs on the back of his neck stand up with a distracting prickling sensation.

Zeus is getting impatient as well. Or maybe hopeless? He begins to thrash, his tail hitting the ground and sending tremors through the arena. His head is moving haphazardly, swinging from left to right like a pendulum. At this rate, he’ll confuse himself – a bad thing in and off itself, even without the timing.

Hanzo watches as the Corviknight gets herself into position, her talons outstretched, ready to scratch Zeus’ eyes out. He is on an upward swing with his neck, his tail once again slamming onto the ground and rattling Hanzo’s very bones.

Behind him he can all but hear the tense stillness suddenly overcoming Cole and Lúcio. Time seems to slow down to a crawl as they all watch the Pokémon moving into a collision course.

Hanzo barks out the only order that is still lodged somewhere in his throat: “Crunch!”


“Ye’re still tremblin’,” Cole croons. His large hands are catching Hanzo’s, gathering them together and trying to keep them still in between his gently pressing palms. “Take a deep breath. Everythin’s fine, ain’t it? Come on… breathe.”

Hanzo obeys, taking an almost gasping breath while leaning forward and pressing his forehead against Cole’s hairy breastbone. He had wanted to give some scathing remark on Cole being way too eager to get his cock stuffed with rods but honestly he is glad for that skin on skin contact.

It feels good and comforting after all the blood in the arena.

“I’m just tired.”

“Yeah, I getcha. It was a pretty intense battle. Ya only see ‘em rarely.”

He is slowly petting over Hanzo’s head.

“Did you ever have one like that?” he asks, feeling weirdly vulnerable.

Cole’s hand briefly pauses in its petting before resuming in the same slow, comforting motion when he says: “Yeah. Just that one time.”

Hanzo can feel the shudder running down his spine when he realizes that Cole is talking about his King. The one that actually died during one of his battles. Goosebumps raise along his arms, the hair prickling as it rises from his skin. He pulls back, intent on apologizing for his insensitivity but Cole shakes his head with one of those crooked little grins of his.

Smoothly he says: “They’re both gonna be fine. Looked worse than it actually was in my opinion. Think Nurse Joy said somethin’ similar, yeah? Tomorrow they’re right as rain. An’ you got your shiny new badge. It’s a win on all sides.”

Hanzo nods slowly. It doesn’t quite feel like a win, though. He knows that his father and his Corviknight wouldn’t have pulled any punches either, but he can’t get the visual of Zeus’ jaw clamping shut around his opponent out of his head. Nor the cracking sound that accompanied it.

He also can’t forget…

“What’re you thinkin’ about?” Cole asks in a low voice. He guides Hanzo to sit down on the bed with him, his big hand slowly rubbing circles into his uncharacteristically curved back.

Hanzo stares at his hands. A few months ago he would have just brusquely brushed Cole off and told him to mind his own damn business – but by now he has learned the value in having someone to confide in.

“The expression on my father’s face… I keep thinking of it.”

“He was worried same as you would’ve been,” Cole murmurs.

Hanzo nods and continues: “I know. It just… was alien to see it. The worry. I think he was even a little scared.”

“She’s his baby. As are you and your brother.”

Hanzo falls quiet at that. He mulls Cole’s words over for a while before asking, his voice small as it comes out: “You think he would look like that if Genji or I got injured?”

Cole curls his arm around Hanzo’s shoulders. “Of course he would. Dunno what ya’ll see, but I see a man that’s really lookin’ out for his sons. Granted, he’s a bit odd, but…” He shrugs one shoulder. “An’ that Corviknight? She’s head over heels for ya too. Didn’t let ya outta her sight once. A big ol’ mama bear, if ya ask me.”

Hanzo can feel the denial welling up inside of him. It feels downright wrong to try and accept any of those statements, but after he saw the expression on his father’s face after the fight, he can’t help but know that there has to be at least a kernel of truth to them.

He inhales a great, shuddering breath and digs his elbow into Cole’s side. “Stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“Being all… knowing. Or whatever that is.”

Cole leans in, nosing the hair from Hanzo’s ear and dragging his lips against the angle of his jaw. “You like it more when I’m a dumb bastard bumblin’ around my farm?”

Hanzo shudders. He closes his eyes and puts his hand on Cole’s knee, squeezing it gently. In all honesty- he likes both of those versions. Though he doesn’t reply one way or the other.

“Stop trying to seduce me. I won’t play with that thing of yours while one of my partners is in the hospital. Once we know they’re fine, I will take care of… that.”

Cole chuckles. The sound goes directly into Hanzo’s very core. He briefly suckles Hanzo’s earlobe into his mouth, then croons: “Fair enough. But you should know it gets me really hot when you talk about my dick like that.”

Hanzo rolls his eyes and digs his elbow into Cole’s side again. Harder this time.

He knows.


Luckily, the good news don’t take long at all. Hanzo doesn’t think he’d ever be able to adequately find words for the relief flooding his body as he hears that Zeus will merely take home a few more scars for his troubles.

His father’s Corviknight… she will make it as well, but Nurse Joy wonders aloud whether it isn’t time for her to finally retire from gym fights before shuffling out of the room. The silence that follows that is deafening.

Hanzo stands awkwardly at the door, staring at his father’s back as he stands by Corviknight’s… Sakura’s… bedside.

He can see this being the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Maybe after this, his father would never talk to him again.

A small tremor wracks the almost painfully thin back of the man. He looks… alone in that moment. Completely abandoned.

Swallowing a thick lump in his throat, Hanzo forces his body to move forward. He puts a hand on his father’s back – not rubbing as Cole would have done. Merely resting and letting the warmth of his skin seep through his father’s clothes. He can feel muscles tensing beneath his touch.

Sojiro’s head whips around and they stare at each other mutely. Hanzo’s heart is basically pounding its way up his throat and he realizes he is well on his way of having a panic attack – when Sojiro suddenly nods, barely perceptible, and turns back to watch his Pokémon in the bed.

“You did well, son.”

God, this feels alien to hear.

Sojiro looks about as weirded out as Hanzo feels, honestly.

He pushes through that feeling and stiffly replies: “I am sorry for her injuries, father.”

Sojiro shakes his head. He stretches an arm out and puts it on Sakura’s head, gently brushing over the feathers.

“It is a worthy end of her astounding career. I do not think she would have wanted her last gym fight to be against anybody but her own hatchling. She gave it her all. So did I.”

Hanzo can barely hear him over the rushing blood in his ears. He feels like he has stepped out of his own body.

“Ever since your mother…” Sojiro pauses briefly. Hanzo has become absolutely still. He has never before heard his father talk about his late mother. “Sakura has taken it upon herself to be whatever she needs to be for Genji and you. She will be very pleased to see you continuing to succeed on your journey.”

The rest of their visit continues in absolute silence… but Hanzo has never felt lighter in his life.


“Holy sh-shit- ah- what is-” Cole cuts himself off with a choked off little whine as if he’s bitten his own tongue. His back is arching as Hanzo’s mouth closes around one of his nipples and carefully scrapes his teeth against the little bud.

He’s not prepared for the enthusiasm with which Hanzo has been crawling all over him, grabbing at his body and tasting his skin wherever he can press his hot, wet mouth against.

He wants to ask so badly what this is all about, that much Hanzo can tell, but whenever he gets enough air in his lungs, Hanzo finds a new interesting place that he’s pretty sure he’s never licked or bitten or pinched…

He wouldn’t tell Cole the reason anyway. He doesn’t want to physically say the words that he’s made up with his father and is so pathetically glad for it that he’s had a hard-on since seeing the estate.

‘Cause he knew Cole was in there. And he’d get to play now that Zeus and Sakura had gotten the green light.

“Hanzo… c-calm down-” Cole tries again, his lovely voice gone a bit more high-pitched. The way he arches into Hanzo, though… it speaks a wholly different story.

He loves it when Hanzo is all over him. When he takes charge and uses his body as he sees fit. Hanzo knows it; he’s known it since staying at Route 12 on Cole’s farm, watching him trying so desperately to be a good boy and not come without permission…

Hanzo pulls off Cole’s nipple with a wet little popping sound. He looks up and into Cole’s flushed face while digging his chin into his chest in a way he just knows must hurt – and Cole just takes it.

“I thought you gave me a reward for winning the gym battle,” Hanzo says silkily. He reaches down, palming Cole’s cock through the shorts he’s wearing. It’s already so warm and strong and eager for him…

He can see Cole’s pupils dilating. His mouth opens but it takes him a bit to actually make a sound. “So… your boy’s alright, I take it?” he says with a bit of a nervous laugh. He’s not used to Hanzo being like that – and Hanzo thoroughly enjoys the situation, if he’s being honest.

You are my boy,” he replies smoothly, then continues: “But Zeus is fine, yes. As is my father’s Corviknight.”

Cole exhales a soft laugh. He shifts slightly upward on the bed into more of a sitting position, forcing Hanzo to sit up as well. They stare at each other, pretending like Cole’s cock isn’t tenting his shorts; fat and twitching and so very obvious.

“Could’ve woken me up. I would’ve come with you to the Poké Center.”

“I know you would have. But I did not want you to. Or Lúcio. I wanted to be there on my own.”

He reaches out to grasp Cole’s hand, holding it in his own and playing with his fingers, idly squeezing his thick knuckles and wiggling them while staring into his eyes. He might come across as a bit too intense because Cole gets an odd shifty kind of expression.

“I tell you what is going to happen now, okay?” Hanzo says in a low voice, fingers still playing with Cole’s hand.

In his opinion Cole looks relieved at the announcement. He nods, eyes back on Hanzo’s face and roaming over it.

“I’ll go and wake Lúcio up so he can come with his equipment. And by the time we come here, I want you naked and ready. You can do that, right?”

Cole exhales, his muscles visibly relaxing. He nods a few times. “Yeah… yeah I can do that just fine.”

“Are you excited for it?”

“You don’t even know how much.”


Lúcio looks about as excited as Hanzo feels. The whole procedure is not difficult, per se – Lúcio had given him a run-down while doing a quick wash and gathering his stuff – but he is glad to have someone experienced next to him nonetheless.

Cole is sitting on the bed, his legs spread wide to accommodate both young men kneeling there. He’s got a nervous kind of energy about him though Hanzo is quite sure that it is because of the array of stainless steel rods spread out on a towel and not because they’re both unabashedly staring at his hairy, naked body.

He’s quite shameless, after all; he’d probably show anybody that asked his big ruddy breeder cock without so much as hesitation. The slut…

Hanzo shifts a little at the thought. He’s starting to get a bit short of breath.

Lúcio holds out to him some very high-grade slick from his sounding kit. He’s not quite smiling but the corners of his eyes are crinkling quite handsomely.

“You ready? Just start with the smallest one. Go nice and slow, alright?”

Hanzo nods.

It’s a bit of awkward maneuvering until he decides to simply get on his belly, face close enough to Cole’s cock that he could kiss it… so he does. There’s already moisture gathering in the piss slit. The skin feels so smooth and hot against Hanzo’s lips-

“You’re so excited for this,” he mutters, hand curling around the base to keep it nice and steady. Any reply by Cole is cut off by a soft hiss when Hanzo squeezes a bit of Lúcio’s lubricant onto the hot glans and smears it across the plump crown with a finger.

It looks so good… all shiny like that. Hanzo sucks on his teeth, his hips shifting a little and pushing down into the mattress to give his cock a bit of attention. From his periphery he sees Lúcio holding out the first rod to him. So he refrains from trying to play more with him and instead focuses on the task at hand.

He takes the rod. He glances up to Cole’s face; he looks very focused and maybe a little scared. Hanzo can definitely understand that – he remembers well how it was for him when Lúcio did it.

He wipes more lube on the steel of the rod, then makes sure to hold Cole’s cock nice and still. Maybe a bit too tight because the big guy is hissing through his clenched teeth, but that’ll at least distract him some from the sensation of the rod tapping against his glans and playfully rounding his piss hole.

Hanzo lets the circles become slowly tighter around it until occasionally it dips in. He tries not to hold the rod too tight in his fist. The metal of this first one is so thin that he is afraid to bend it in some way.

“Just go nice and slow,” Lúcio mutters at his elbow. “You’re doing really good already.”

Hanzo can feel the watching eyes of both on him and his hands as he finally fits the end of the rod to Cole’s piss hole.

“Rotate it between your fingers as you put it in,” Lúcio continues. It’s audible how excited he wants to be about all of this and how much he has to pull himself back to not put any additional nervousness into the encounter.

Hanzo holds his breath when he lets the rod start to slip into Cole’s cock. He nearly jumps out of his skin when Cole’s big hand closes around his forearm; not to pull him off but just to hold on.

He wheezes like a dog above them. Hanzo peers up to look at his face, stopping the descend of the steel rod as he does so. Cole’s eyes are wide in his face, his cheeks – what is visible above his beard – are ruddy red.

He looks afraid… but not in a worrisome kind of way. Hanzo remembers well how all of this had felt to him. The alien fullness in his cock. The feeling that he shouldn’t move a muscle or he would hurt himself on the device.

Hanzo debates talking to Cole but decides against it. He isn’t good with pep-talks. So he just throws him a small, close-lipped smile and nods before looking back down.

Cole’s cock feels so hot in his hand… and it’s still so very hard. Every now and then Hanzo’s thumb rubs along the fat underside to feel the firm, plump flesh beneath the silky skin. It has goosebumps break out over his scalp.

Lúcio’s voice has become a croon next to him when he mutters: “Damn your man got a nice dick, don’t he? Bet it feels like he’s splitting you in two when he fucks that thing into you.”

Hanzo almost groans at the thought, his body tightening in remembrance of what it feels like to ride that fat, ruddy beast. Oh yes… yes, it feels so very good.

More of the rod slips into Cole’s cock. Everything is so well lubricated that Hanzo has to keep it from just sliding down instead of actively having to push. Cole’s thighs around them are visibly tensing and relaxing, his legs shifting restlessly as much as he dares to.

By the time Hanzo can slowly fuck his cock with that first little rod, Cole has already broken out in sweat and is almost continuously whining like the mutt he is.

A… lovable mutt.

Hanzo lets the rod slip down as far as it will one last time, then instead of moving it, he lightly massages Cole’s cock from the outside, fist pumping up and down experimentally.

Cole hisses through his teeth. His stomach clenches visibly as he fights against the urge to thrust up into Hanzo’s hand.

“You’re doing very well,” Hanzo murmurs. “...Considering that you are an untrained mutt, that is.” He peers up then, seeing the surprised hurt in Cole’s gaze that quickly turns into a needy glimmer once the words really settle in.

“Maybe you should get him a collar,” Lúcio suddenly throws in. He is holding out the next rod to Hanzo, slick already glistening on its silver surface. “I think he’d be so cute during some puppy play. He’s hairy enough.”

With the other hand he reaches for Cole’s thigh and lightly tugs on a few hairs there. Not hard enough to really sting but enough to make Cole’s leg twitch, his chest starting to expand with the deeper breaths he’s taking.

Hanzo only vaguely hums in reply, watching himself slowly pull out the first rod and laying it down on the tunnel. He has registered what Lúcio has said but he’s not quite letting himself think about that option now. He has to focus on what he’s doing and not on how delicious it would be to have his own big puppy whose hairy back he could scratch and occasionally, if the mood strikes, let mount up and fuck him into oblivion…

His ears are growing warm, he can feel it. And his cock is damnably hard and aching, squeezed between his belly and the mattress. He wishes he had something more substantial to rub off on while he feeds Cole’s cock the next rod.

This time he can see the little piss hole having to stretch a little around the steel; and Cole must feel the new stretch as well because he gets more agitated. He actually does pant like a dog, his hands curling into fists in the bedding. Not quite half-way through he rasps out: “S-Stop!” and Hanzo immediately pauses.

Both him and Lúcio look up into Cole’s face; Hanzo more alarmed while Lúcio is merely curious, his hand now gently rubbing along Cole’s thigh instead of tugging on his hair.

“It’s a lot, right? Hanzo was really panicky too when I did it to him,” he says in a low, soothing voice. “Just breathe through it. We ain’t gonna continue until you feel good.”

Cole nods along but he’s not looking at Lúcio; he’s staring at Hanzo with those lovely dark eyes of his – and then at his big ruddy cock in Hanzo’s fist. It looks somehow even more swollen and Hanzo wants to believe that it is because of the rod inside it, but he thinks it might be simply a trick of his imagination.

It takes a few deep breaths for Cole to nod. “O-Okay. Keep goin’.”

Hanzo does. He leans in and kisses the side of Cole’s glans, then gives it little kitten licks. He just has to do something or he’s going to explode. The sight and sound of Cole like this is just… it’s so good. And it’s all Hanzo’s. He can do with this big sturdy man whatever he damn well pleases and Cole will only say yes and amen and thank you. Because he’s a good boy and so eager to play with Hanzo.

To let Hanzo play with him. With that big, hairy body of his.

Hanzo suckles on Cole’s cock as much as possible, given that there’s a rod he keeps slowly lowering down his piss hole before starting to fuck him with it.

Cole soon is panting with an open mouth, his tongue nearly lolling out.

By the next rod, he starts to lightly thump his head against the board behind him, his whole body taut as if he’s about to snap in half… and his cock has taken on an almost alarming shade of a dark, dusky red. It is so fever hot in Hanzo’s hand that he just has to force himself to check in with Cole. Is he okay? Should they stop?

“Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop-” Cole is nearly sobbing it. His hips keep trying to roll upwards into it as if he’s fucking a nice little hole… instead of getting stuffed himself.

His nerves seem to be firing in all kinds of directions, frying his brain. He’s profusely sweating.

Hanzo slowly licks the side of his unnaturally hot shaft. He’s taken to tickling those big breeder balls with his free hand and rubbing his finger in little circles just behind them…

Lúcio has been quiet for a bit; just watching the two of them, a hand lightly massaging his dick through his sweatpants just like Hanzo is fucking the mattress just on instinct. Just to get those jitters out so he won’t pull the rod out of that big dick and use it for himself.

When Cole gets too rambunctious, Hanzo throws him a sharp glare and hisses: “Calm down you idiot! Do you want to hurt yourself or something? Stop this nonsense or I will find a way to make you stop.”

Cole lets his head thunk back. His chest is heaving, sweat glistening on his skin and making his fur stick to it quite distractingly. With a rough voice he says: “Easier said than done.”

Hanzo is honestly surprised that he can still string some coherent words together. Maybe he is ready for the next rod? He wonders as much aloud. Lúcio immediately starts preparing a new one while Cole whines like a puppy through his teeth.

They all watch with bated breath as the next one starts to glide in. It isn’t slipping down on its own this time, so Hanzo has to help it along by gently rotating it while pushing.

Cole gurgles. He sounds like he’s on his last leg or something, his throat swollen and almost as ruddy red as his dick. His Adam’s Apple trembling. Hanzo peers over to Lúcio, kind of alarmed by the reaction, but the other nods him along. He is already starting to prepare yet another rod – this one half the thickness of Hanzo’s pinkie finger, if he were to hazard a guess. Lúcio’s eyes are glittering when he says: “You know, the one you got in right now has been the absolute maximum for Hanzo when I played with him. But you’re a big boy with a big dick. I bet you could take this one, too…”

It looks like Cole is having an honestly hard time even putting his head forward so he can wrench his eyes open and stare at the new rod. Hanzo and he almost simultaneously whisper: “Fuck.”

Low and heartfelt and very much horny; though there is undeniably apprehension in his dark eyes.

“I dunno…” he rasps. There’s a nervous energy coming from him. He seems to have forgotten all about the rod currently in his cock, his eyes glued to the new rod between Lúcio’s fingertips.

Hanzo is out of breath for some reason. He can’t put his finger on why. It’s just… the thought of stretching Cole’s piss hole open so far and have him whimper and whine and try to fuck something that isn’t there is just insanely hot to him in that moment.

He slowly starts to move the rod again, gently fucking it along Cole’s urethra until the man hisses and his attention finally snaps back to him and what is happening.

“You said you would gift me this for a win,” Hanzo says softly. “And I want to see that rod in your cock. Do you understand?”

Cole’s pupils blow wide, his mouth going so soft. His lips look very wet and kissable but Hanzo can’t let himself get distracted by that. He knows being firm to him will definitely help him get some of those jitters out…

And just like he imagined, Cole relaxes marginally and nods, sweet and obedient. So eager to please the both of them.

Lúcio and Hanzo exchange quite glances, their anticipation palpable.


Hanzo can just stare at Cole’s cock for a moment. The gape of his little piss hole is shocking and erotic at the same time. He couldn’t even put his finger on what excites him about this so much. Is it the fact that Cole lets him put a steel rod down his cock? Or the fact of filling this big ruddy dick up in a way it had never meant to be filled up?

He wants to lick that hole. He wants to press a fingernail against it and see Cole’s eyes and mouth go comically wide when he feels the burn. He wants to suck on his cock and all but force him to cum because Hanzo remembers so, so well how much it burned and how much it excited him.

That night in the cave had burned itself into his brain and he does not think he’ll ever forget it. Lúcio truly had gifted him something on that night.

He refrains from doing any of the things he so desperately wants to do. It would only drag things out unnecessarily and he is pretty sure that Cole is already on his last straw. He’s been on it for a while, holding onto his orgasm by the skin of his teeth.

At least stuffing a fat rod down his cock staves that off somewhat. They all seem to hold their breaths, watching as Hanzo sets the newest rod against Cole’s gaping piss hole. It’s not a huge difference to the previous one – it shouldn’t be – but it still looks absolutely impossible to take.

Slowly, Hanzo gets it into position. He has his other hand once again wrapped around Cole’s dick, holding it secure in its position as he begins to fit the rod into him. Nice and slow; rotating it slowly between two fingers to make it easier on Cole who is just staring at his own dick as if it’s the first time he’s seeing it.

He doesn’t make a sound for the longest time. Hanzo isn’t sure he’s ever started breathing in the first place until he finally pulls in a huge, rattling gasp, then lets it rush back out on an equally rattling groan.

“D-Damn-” His hands are twisted into the sheets, hairy knuckles going white. “The things ya do to me, babydoll.”

“You allowed it,” Hanzo replies. He briefly peers up at him before looking back down. “You explicitly told me I could do this if I won.”

Cole doesn’t answer to that. They’re both back into staring at the proceedings; watching as Hanzo slides the rod deeper into his cock.

It’s so fat that he can physically feel Cole’s breeder dick expanding a little in his fist. The other two groan. Maybe he’s said it out loud? The air is thick and hot around them, their attention on the way Hanzo begins to fuck Cole’s cock with a ridiculously fat rod, the veins along his shaft angrily standing out beneath the thin skin.

He can feel them pumping blood beneath his fingers; fast and strong.

He can get a good few pumps in before one of Cole’s hands suddenly unclenches and instead shoots forward and into Hanzo’s hair. He has a tight grip on him, just shy on painful.

Hanzo pauses all motion and instead looks up at him. Cole’s eyes are wide, his lips trembling before he rasps: “I’m gonna come.”

Hanzo stares back at him, his brain not quite computing for a moment. There’s a flash of a scenario in his head of him exchanging the fat rod with a smaller one and forcing Cole to come with it still inside… but he neither knows whether that is a healthy thing to do, nor do they have any rods that are still sterilized and ready to go.

He definitely would like to see it, though. The strain and low-key panic on Cole’s face as he’s forced to come while there’s an obstruction in the way-

“Pleasepleaseplease-” he’s never heard this kind of desperation in Cole’s voice. There are actual fat drops of sweat pearling on his face now, his broad, hairy chest heaving with his hectic breathing.

Hanzo drags his tongue over his teeth. He has to remind himself that this is not only Cole’s first time getting sounded, but also his first time, doing it. He nods jerkily, holding Cole’s cock nice and steady as he carefully pulls the fat rod back out.

Is he going slower than absolutely necessary? Yes. Does he relish in Cole’s whimpered pleas and begging? Also yes. He’s never heard anything hotter than Cole Cassidy pleading with him to be allowed to come.

Lúcio is breathing very loud next to them. He’s just as invested in the whole thing as the two of them are, a low groan leaving his throat once Hanzo has pulled the rod out of Cole’s piss hole and shows off just how much it’s gaping now.

Cole stares at his own dick just like the both of them, a whistling whine coming from him before he lets his head fall back, chanting at the ceiling that he needs to come now, now, now!

Hanzo holds his cock with one hand, the other now petting over his hips. His voice is rough and barely recognizable as he says: “Yes. Come.”

Cole cries out when he does. Hanzo wonders if it burns. No… no, he knows that it burns. He just wonders how much. Fat streaks of cum pulsate up from Cole’s dick and land audibly across his belly and Hanzo’s knuckles. It’s fever hot and erupts like a damn volcano in Hanzo’s opinion.

It’s the best treat he could have hoped for after the stay and subsequent battle with his father.

With an incentive like this, he doesn’t think he’d ever feel like he would not be able to overcome a battle challenge.

Cole definitely has his work cut out for himself on this homestretch of Hanzo’s journey…


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