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Baby bottles, car seats, diapers, mommies, littles, and making a mess. We explore the online ABDL community with Lucy Valentine of the Boonta Vista Podcast.

This series was brought to you by the QAA podcast. Thanks for supporting us on patreon!

Lucy Valentine: https://twitter.com/LucyXIV
The Boonta Vista Podcast: https://boontavista.com/

Liv Agar: https://linktr.ee/livagar

Theme by Nick Sena, additional music by Pontus Berghe. Editing by Corey Clotz.




Retired Pro-Domme here who’s seen hundreds of ABDL clients over the past two decades. Most were closeted business types both right and left politically although the conservative ones had more $ for kinky hobbies. Agree with much of your analysis (Fetlife is abysmal, more trolls than real folk out there, conflation of kink and eroticization of children is confusing, at best) But most interesting thread is the one linking personal sexual regression into infancy with regression into a nostalgia fetish for the “good ole days” EG - The bugs bunny racist cartoon and corporal punishment being part of a sought after bygone era. I’d love to see more analysis on cultural contribution to sexuality MORE than continued pathologization and ridicule of kink. Hope as you continue this series you continue to have SW on as we hold an arsenal of intel about both sex and politics and we don’t always refer to Foucault. Thx! Esme


Okay I want a podcast where Julien & Liv just read the worst & stupidest & most popular posts off of different social media sites for every subculture & analyze them. I still want an episode about mom Facebook groups & extremism. Because like I like this podcast but it feels much more like when the lpol people do creepy pasta episodes than like a learn about kink show & i like that stuff as a break of serious/bleak podcasts when I’m high. Also I think ABDL stuff has made me realize I am truly repulsed at the idea of being infantilized. Can’t do it don’t want anyone to touch me like a baby.


i have serious trepidation about weighing in here, just as i've been unable to listen too this episode yet. why? Because I really like QAA and am afraid that i'm not going to after i listen to this. but we'll see. so, i'm ABDL myself. I'm 55 and until around 2000, I thought I was the only one in the world. I'm a (retired) lawyer and artist, am not a pedophile, and my behind-closed-doors practices harm no one. I deeply resent the judgment, mockery and belittling that is so pervasive around this topic, everybody thinks "tee hee, lets make fun of the adult babies, theyre so WEIRD!" I could say the same about any number of practices that you probably engage in. is i just the majority/minority thing, you vanillas so convinced you're "normal" just because you feel you're in the majority? Where's the need to go out of your way to heckle people who feel or act differently? I didn't choose to have the feelings i have -- which have been present in one form or another since i was 5 years old -- and i'm not someone who stumbled upon this on tumblr and thought id give it a shot. ive felt this very strong fascination with diapers and psychological regression to infancy as long as i can remember. AND i married, had 3 kids, and did insurance litigation for 20 years. Am i a freak? in some way, absolutely, my hair is currently pink and purple (which few lawyers, retired or no, tend to sport) and i listen to weird music. but am i a sexual deviant that deserves your casual mockery? i'll leave that to your own judgment, but maybe ask yourself whether you fully respect the humanity of the people you so casually laugh at.


Fucking gross. This show seems to be just a platform for Julian to make fun of people. I find this shit weird and disgusting but if these people are adults then whatever. This show is kind of pointless .

Cory D.

interested if you did listen and if so what you thought of this episode!