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The ride from Jaune’s apartment to the training arena was awkward, and it was mostly because he spent a good bit of the time sitting stiffly next to Pyrrha. The blonde noticed it for the first time when Jaune sat down, but the sound produced by his rump compressing the cotton core inside and sandwiching the plastic between him and the vehicle’s seat was loud. Jaune seemed to notice it for the first time as well as he froze, too scared to move again and have the diaper announce itself again.

The loud plastic rustling earned a giggle from Pyrrha when he sat and Jaune did his best not to do it again. That laugh was able to cut deeper than he wanted to admit.

When they arrived at their destination, the blonde practically burst from the car, glad to be free of the massive amounts of tension he’d managed to generate in the small space. To his dismay Pyrrha laughed again, following after him.

Even with the space of the Arena being so much bigger, Jaune couldn’t help but feel the same tension though. It felt like everyone they passed along the way was watching him and laughing.

“Bet smarty pants over there has a science fact that would fit this exact situation…” Jaune grumbled. He was looking across the space at Pyrrha. Her Miló was drawn and in Javelin form, twirling in her hand as she awaited Jaune’s go-ahead.

He was skeptical when she’d suggested they spar but relented when she mentioned her ability to control the flow of battle, promising to keep the pace slower until Jaune felt well- enough acclimated to his new garments.

Still feeling somewhat worried he raised his Crocea Mors, readying the scabbard-turned-shield against whatever his sparring partner could throw at him. “Okay!” he called to Pyrrha, ‘I’m ready!”

Like a snake coiled to strike, the redhead launched herself at Jaune immediately, aiming with the tip of her javelin right for his chest. His reflexes kicked in just in time to raise his heater shield, throwing a leg back in an effort to stabilize himself before she hit.

Except he forgot that the padding had already left his thighs spread, causing the blonde to shift his foot more than he’d intended. The overextension caught him by surprise, with the sole of his boot sliding easily across the floor and forcing him into a variation of a split.

Jaune yipped, feeling the muscles in his thighs strain as they stretched and Pyrrha’s blade flew over his head. She just barely missed him.

With the way his legs were spread, Jaune wasn’t surprised when he heard a tear somewhere. He was just glad he didn’t feel it, that at least it wasn’t something important in his body. The other leg that he’d kept firmly planted on the ground finally gave out when the strain was too much, leaving Jaune to tumble onto his butt.

With splayed legs and an injured sense of pride, Jaune examined the damage before looking up at Pyrrha.


When her sparring partner had shouted ‘ready’ Pyrrha was admittedly not paying the best attention. She couldn’t get her focus off of the extra puff straining against the material of his pants, or stop hearing the aggressive crinkle from when he shifted in the car repeating in her head.

The word 'ready' had jolted her into action instinctively, and she got too serious and rushed forward at full strength. Only when she saw him slipping did she recognize the mistake. Jaune went down onto his cushioned ass, with a loud rip preceding his rump's thump on the floor because he hadn't been able to keep up.

With his legs akimbo she could see that the extreme stretching had caused his pants to split, with the fabric no longer able to contain the insane padding of his diaper. The blue camo pattern peaked through the tear.

“I thought you said you’d be able to control the battle!” Jaune said. "Go slow, you said!" His words were harsher than she knew they were meant to be but they also pulled her attention away from the tear in his pants. Seeing the face of shock and betrayal pulled her back to reality, realizing she’d made a serious mistake.

‘Sorry.” she said, slathering her voice with extreme sincerity. "I didn’t mean to get so intense.”

Jaune pushed himself up, rubbing the back of his head. “Jeez I hope not." he said, his tone softening, "Really had me scared there for a second. Plus now my pants are all destroyed! I wonder if somebody somewhere has an extra pair.”

Another pair of pants hardly seemed like a solution to Pyrrha who thought it was likely to just happen again if he attempted another maneuver.

She looked at him for a long minute before making a suggestion she was almost certain would be shot down. “What if you just don’t get new pants?”

Jaune looked at her like she’d grown a second head, opening his mouth to retort before closing it for lack of a comeback.

Seeing her chance, Pyrrha took an opportunity to explain. “We have the arena all to ourselves today, so there’s no need to hide. If you really want to improve, maybe doing it without having something so restrictive over your protection would be more ideal…”

Jaune considered the idea, or at least he seemed to. Without any words, he reached down and unbuttoned his already torn jeans and dropped them.

The delighted gasp from Pyrrha’s throat escaped before she could stop it, but Jaune seemed so preoccupied with trying to take his pants off that he hadn’t caught it.

Once free of the damaged garment he tossed it aside, grabbing his sword and shield from the ground next to him. “Alright, let’s try this again,” he said hesitantly.

Pyrrha couldn’t help but admire his determination, walking back to her starting position on her side of the room. She shifted her weapon to sword mode this time, pulling her shield from her back.

She knew it would likely be even harder to focus with Jaune’s diaper on full display but she was going to at least try. “If it gets too bad I can always offer him my extra pull-up.” she thought.

With Miló and Akoúo̱ drawn Pyrrha once again waited for the ready signal from her sparring partner. He was shuffling, apparently trying to get his stance just right before he squared off. Crocea Mors bounced in his hand. With each stance he tried he also seemed to be feeling the weapons weight, adjusting to his new padding.

Pyrrha tried to keep her mind on how she’d attack and which moves she could make that would allow Jaune to work on his mobility without overwhelming him. Her focus faltered as she was studying him, her eyes drawn to the way his padding swung between his legs.

She noted the way his tapes clung crookedly to the landing strips on the front of his diaper. The fact that he’d apparently been in such a hurry while putting it on gave her a good chuckle. It sat asymmetric on his hips and added to the swing of his padding’s crotch.

“Oh my, maybe I’ll have to take the time to show him how to wear his diaper properly… and maybe even change him…”

Her thoughts were wandering so much that she missed Jaune’s first two calls to start.

“PYRRHA! I’m ready!”

For the second time since she’d started sparring she’d lost herself in watching Jaune’s diaper. This time though she didn’t make an aggressive leap out of instinct. Before striking she took a deep breath, centering herself and paying attention to her charge.

Her steps were measured, her swing careful, and her eyes locked on Jaune’s movements to make sure he’d return it. Her advice to remove his pants had apparently worked because his range of movement had increased dramatically. He riposted her attack with his blade, turning on his heel with only the slightest shake at the end when returning the strike.


Deflecting a strike from Miló felt good to Jaune, almost empowering. Pyrrha was actually keeping her promise to control her attacks, making sure he was able to meet her blow for blow. For several minutes they went back and forth, allowing Jaune to get used to his new underwear.

Compensating for the swing and bulk of his padding was much easier without his pants. Letting it swing freely did require him to bend against the slight weight change, but then his muscle memory would kick in and he’d nearly overextend only to reign it back in just in time.

With each swing his movements became more natural and over the course of their exchange he felt the intensity of their battle increase. Pyrrha was getting more intense with her strikes, yet he was still having no problem blocking them.

They moved rhythmically,  Jaune driving Pyrrha back two steps only for her to do the same to him. It was quickly becoming more of a dance than a battle.

In a move he hoped would be surprising he swiped his sword low, going for her legs in the hopes that it would trip her up. Pyrrha saw through it immediately and jumped away from the slash. She spun gracefully in the air, performing a triple axle before his eyes. He wasn’t ready for her evasive maneuver but even more than that he wasn’t prepared to see the wind to lift her skirt and give him a clear view of the purple pull-up around her waist. Jaune was given a full three-hundred and sixty degree view of the padding, his embarrassment causing him to take a step back. He gulped loudly and a creeping blush crept across his face.

If he were being smart or been paying attention to Pyrrha’s next move Jaune would have called a time-out, but he wasn’t and it resulted in him taking a strike directly to the abdomen from Akoúo̱. She’d gone in for a shield bash.

“Ooof” Jaune said, stumbling back. This time he’d at least been able to remain standing. However, it did trigger something else within him. The blow had been perfectly aligned with his bladder and started a chain reaction that sent a rush through his body.

Heat started to bloom across the front of Jaune’s padding, a rush of urine that soaked his first daytime diaper. Crocea Mors fell from his hand, both the sword and shield. He was more worried about shielding the clear view of the obvious swelling at the front of his diaper than holding onto his weapon. He never even considered that the shield would have been far better at blocking his partner’s view.

Through his fingers the obvious nature of the creeping yellow stain made him even more embarrassed. He wished more than anything he was alone. However, it was even more apparent that this moment would never be private because Pyrrha’s gaze was firmly locked on the crotch of his slowly sagging diaper as piss continued to dribble into the padding.

Desperately, Jaune started looking around for an escape route, to at least get some solitude while he dealt with the issue of his accident.


The overwhelmed look in Jaune’s eyes sent worrying shivers through Pyrrha. She hadn’t meant to hit him in the abdomen, but by the time she’d gone for the attack it was too late to pull back. She hadn’t expected to cause her partner to have an accident, but the betrayal of his body brought nothing but humiliation to his eyes.

Without thinking Pyrrha rushed forward, dropping her own weapons as she took quick steps toward Jaune. She’d hoped he would be more comfortable in his padding, so making him feel weak and helpless was never her plan. She’d been selfish, letting her own lust for seeing him in diapers get in the way.

Even with the awkward way he was standing trying to block her view of his swollen, soggy crotch she didn’t slow down, crashing into his shivering form. Her arms wrapped around Jaune tightly, pulling him into her for a tight hug.

“I’m sorry…” she said, keeping her tone quiet and calm while he tried to sort through his thoughts and emotions about wetting himself in front of her. “I took it too far again didn’t I?”

Jaune nuzzled into her breast, taking a deep breath. “It’s okay.” he mumbled into her torso.

When the pair separated from their hug Jaune was still sniffling slightly, somewhat emotional. The swollen crotch of his diaper squelched at the movement of his legs, reminding the redhead of her sparring partner’s condition.

He himself looked down at the yellow-stained padding and blushed. “Don’t suppose I can keep fighting in this. I thought the clean diaper was bad enough but this thing squishing, plus that added weight? My swing is going to be way off.”

Despite his attempt to shrug off humiliation with a joke, Pyrrha couldn’t stop herself from laughing. Jaune’s goofy humor always had that effect on her. Despite her outburst she was still looking for a solution to Jaune’s problem. She’d been the one to humiliate him and felt extremely bad about it.

The crinkling of her own pull-up reminded her of the spare she’d brought with her. “I… you don’t have to stay in that if you don’t want to. I have an extra pull-up in my bag if you want it.”

She didn’t mean to be so nervous about the offer but she didn’t want to wound Jaune’s pride any more than it already was.


The reality of the situation was quite possibly the funniest thing Jaune ever experienced. In a single day, he’d been outed as needing diapers to the woman he constantly pined after, made the insane decision to wear one of his diapers to training, and made the even crazier decision to take his pants off to make the fight easier. It only made sense that the complete comedy of errors that was his life would end with his first daytime accident in front of Pyrrha.

At the same time, it led up to Pyrrha holding him, comforting him in her arms and quelling the embarrassment. She wasn’t trying to make him feel bad, in fact, she was understanding of what he was going through. The only difference between her and him was her preparedness and intelligence kept her from a silly mistake like this. As usual, Pyrrha was on top of things and Jaune was stumbling behind her.

“I… do you think it’ll fit me?” he asked, looking down at the soaked diaper around his waist. Once again Pyhrra lifted her skirt showing off the purple pull-up. The blonde averted his eyes out of courtesy, earning him another giggle from Pyrrha.

“It’s okay,” she said, “I’m doing this to show you something.”

Jaune looked back, his cheeks burning a powerful red to see that Pyrrha had collected the material of her skirt in one hand. Using her other hand she hooked her thumb through the side of her pull-up and stretched the material. It was impressive how much the elastic cloth waistband of the diaper extended outward, nearly half a foot before he saw it start to strain.

“I think it’ll be okay,” she assured, holding it there.

A jumble of words left Jaune’s mouth without forming a sentence, he couldn’t look away from the exposed hipbone under Pyrrha’s diaper. The way it trailed down and led… deeper distracted him.

She released her hold on the pull-up’s band with a snap, breaking him from his trance. “So?” she asked, “Do you want it? The Atlus brand holds up, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about leaks or anything.”

“Yeah,” Jaune scoffed, “Like you didn’t empty me out with that kick anyway. "

All of a sudden Pyrrha’s face turned sour, then downtrodden. “I’m really sorry about that. I… I got distracted when I shouldn’t have.”

With it being her turn to be sad it was Jaune’s turn to comfort Pyrrha. Tentatively he wrapped her up in a hug, reassuring her it was okay.


For a brief moment, Pyrrha was afraid she’d made her teammate hate her. Feeling his arms around her quickly dissolved those worries. She was able to switch from worried partner back into care mode, making sure Jaune himself got what he needed.

She let the embrace linger for a long moment before breaking it to stand up and grab her bag, snatching the folded pull-up from inside. She presented it to Jaune, who looked grateful. “Alright,” he said, pushing himself off the ground, “guess I’ll go change.”

Pyrrha watched him waddle away, his gait kept wide due to the cloying moisture inside his diaper. That same way of stepping made the crotch of his diaper sway in a pendulous arc back and forth between his legs. He snagged up his pants as he passed them and disappeared into the attached locker room.

For several minutes Pyrrha was alone, but rather than sit and wait she practiced her swings. It was better than letting her doubting thoughts creep back in.

Jaune ended up returning only ten minutes later with a wide smile on his face and his pants returned. Almost immediately Pyrrha had to admit she preferred the exposed diaper version of her partner but this obviously made him happier. She couldn’t even see the outline of the pull-up through his pants.

“These are great!” he exclaimed, doing an excited little jog across the arena toward Pyrrha, “I’m not the biggest fan of the color but honestly I don’t mind too much considering my pants fit. You’ve gotta show me where you got these.”

Pyrrha was glad to hear he was happy with the pull-up. In fact, he wasn’t just happy he was thrilled, like wearing the incontinence garment wasn’t a problem so long as it didn’t impede him.

“So what do you say?” he asked, “Are we good to go for round three?”

There was a certain determination in his voice. It was one of the reasons Pyrrha loved him specifically, his spirit was indomitable and he wasn’t going to let a simple setback get him down.

“Okay,” she said, “but only if you’re up for it.”

Jaune drew his sword, readying himself into a battle stance. “Just so long as you promise not to get distracted again.” he joked.

“I promise it’s all business this time, if you think you can handle that.”


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