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The square itself was packed but nobody around paid much attention to Jackie.


She took a shaky test step, already suspecting her gait would be completely thrown off based on the rounded swollen padding hanging between her legs and how her thighs were pushed apart.

She was right–the only way she could keep her diaper’s crotch off the ground was a weird little straight-legged walk where she alternated turning on either heel. Any bending of her knees dragged the plastic shell against the rough brickwork beneath her. Between her legs the padding swung and sloshed with every movement, causing the brunette to cringe.

Meanwhile, the inside of her diaper radiated heat back up at her sensitive groin, her accident’s heat having created a molten core of piss-soaked absorbent material. Jackie immediately found herself hating the way it pressed against her as the weighted bulk swung from her waist and the scent of ammonia slowly invaded her nostrils.

Her swinging steps only made her more noticeable to the crowd as she moved through it, pressing forward to the shop on the other side. More than once did she cut somebody behind her off without realizing they were there.

The low clammer of the square gradually died down as more and more people started to take notice of Jackie passing through, even going so far as to clear the way for her.

It took five entire minutes for her to waddle-step her way halfway through the square. As long as tfelt for the intrigued spectators, it doubtlessly felt even longer for her who felt like she was stuck in an eternal sisyphean torment. The trudge forward left her feeling like she wasn’t gaining progress but each step was accompanied by whispers from complete strangers that she could only just hear over the sounds of her sloshing padding.

“Is this some kind of performance art or something?”

“Tha-that’s the biggest diaper I’ve ever seen…”

“On the biggest baby too apparently.”

“Ugh god, she smells like pee.”

Jackie’s cheeks burned bright red as she walked, not expecting such a captive audience. It was all because of her constant invisible companion, the Demoness. She was taking the comments of passers-by and whispering them directly into Jackie’s ears. In between each one she darted around, forcefully turning their heads to focus in on the toddling spectacle moving through the square.

She found it difficult though, annoyingly so. “How irritating that only those with cursed objects or from that family are possessable.” she mused. She watched the circle around Jackie move with her, maintaining the same distance from her but remaining surrounding her to continue watching.

Only one person broke the line, jogging up to Jackie to interact with her. It was too bad it was somebody she actually knew. Straight, platinum blonde hair bounced as a girl wearing a tube top and tight jeans approached Jackie.

“No no no,” Jackie said to herself, shaking her head as she watched the approaching figure.

“O.M.G. Jackie! What are you doing!?”

“Heeeey Caitlynn…” she said hesitantly.

“What the hell is that? Is something going on?” her friend asked, pointing down to the massive, yellow-stained diaper around her waist.

Jackie couldn’t believe her unbelievable bad luck. Even if somebody she knew had seen her she could have made it all the way into the shop to plead with the woman there for help before the whole world actually knew about her problem. With Caitlynn, it would likely be on Twitter in a couple of minutes…

“I ju-just...” she stammered, trying to find the words that would save her from having to explain in this crowd of people, “Listen, help me get to that shop and I’ll explain everything!”

The declaration was loud and caused Caitlynn to rear back a little before she looked at her friend seriously and nodded, feeling the gravity of her words.

That little stumble had a larger consequence than the brunette could have imagined. When Caitlynn slipped she brushed the Demoness watching the pair, causing the specter to pass through her.

“Well isn’t that interesting?” the entity remarked, passing her hand back into the blonde for a moment. Normally when she tried to interact with the physical world it took great effort to bend the fabric of the plane of reality enough for her to touch things not specifically marked by her energy. Jackie fell into this criteria because of the rattle she’d taken from the nursery, but any other ordinary person she tried to touch or affect repulsed her because of their natural life energy. It was like magnets that were oppositely polarized.

Long story short, had anyone else bumped her the demoness would have found herself flung away but not so with Caitlynn. “That means bimbo-lite here is possessable! HAHAHA!” the demoness chuckled, flying into the blonde with a wicked laugh.

In the material plane, the only indication that anything had happened was a slight twitch from Caitlynn, who felt a breeze that seemed to blow through her. Even Jackie had missed it, far too preoccupied with her diaper.

“Okay,” the blonde said, “I’ll help you, let’s go.”

Before Jackie could respond in thanks or appreciation, Caitlynn took the girl’s arm, supporting her as she moved to help with the extra weight hanging from her hips. With her other arm, she waved off onlookers yelling at them to get on with their lives.

To Jackie’s surprise, it actually worked with the crowd dispersing more and more with each step. She’d even stopped hearing the humiliating whispers. With Caitlynn, the rest of the journey actually didn’t seem so arduous.

The remaining length of the square was covered in a few more moments and they made it to the door of Occulta Obscura before they knew it. Jackie smiled upon arrival thanking Caitlynn for her help.

“It’s no problem,” she said, “but you still owe me an explanation when we get inside.”

Jackie nodded, “Don’t worry, you’ll get one.”

Inside her new host the Demoness smiled. “Oh yes she will–more than she knows. It’ll take me time to assert my control but I think young Caitlynn here will be the perfect host.” In front of her floated the ball of spiritual energy that was Caitlynn’s soul. Oh how happy she was to have two toys to dominate.