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This is a Patreon reward for Anon

Inaba, a small town by every definition, was a place ill-prepared to deal with the strangeness of otherworldly T.V. Channels and multiple murders. It’d been a quiet rural town before and only returned to that state after the high school students of a certain investigation team solved the murders and placated an ancient Japanese god.

After all of that, the investigation team disbanded with their leader Yu Narukami having departed from the town to return to his previous life. The rest of the members of the investigation team moved on too and time passed in the small town. While each member of the investigation team remained good friends they all found a new purpose after high school.

Rise returned to her career as an Idol, making it somewhat big and becoming a well-known name in her community as a legitimate musical artist. She still often spent her time in Inaba though, helping out at her grandmother’s tofu shop.

Yukiko continued working at the Amagi inn, but rather than the managerial side of things she took to the kitchen working hard to improve her cooking skills. She'd actually made some palatable food after much hard work between her and some very frustrated chefs.

Naoto remained a detective, honing her skills in law enforcement. She’d gone from a child prodigy detective prince to a fully-fledged police investigator, leaving the title behind to another young upstart that hoped to make his name in the world.

Chie meanwhile pursued a similar career, hoping to become a police officer in the small town under the tutelage of her friend Yu’s uncle, Ryotaro Dojima. Despite her former relationship with the senior detective’s nephew the gruff man still was harsh, insisting that it'd make her a better officer in the future.

Coming home from another day of Dojima’s “abuse”, the normally energetic girl collapsed onto her futon, exhausted from a day of meeting the detective’s demanding expectations. She flipped over with a deep sigh, staring at the ceiling above her.

“It can’t always be this hard can it?” she asked herself, “I swear I’m more tired helping Dojima than I was after exploring the shadow world.” She held up her phone in her hand and looked through several messages.

“At least tomorrow’s a free day!” she said, sitting up and regaining her normal chipper attitude, “I was finally able to get everyone together.” It'd been an event that she’d been planning for some time as a way to see all her friends again after what she felt was too long apart

It’d taken work too; while Kanji, Yosuke, and Yukiko had all stayed local, trying to find a time where Yu, Naoto, and Rise could come back ended up being a challenge. She’d finally coordinated it to fall on Golden week with a few arriving later than others.

“A couple of solid days of freedom from Dojima too," she said, "just some good friends having a good time.” With an exhalation she settled into her futon, letting herself begin to drift away into the waiting arms of sleep.

She woke suddenly with a start, looking down to see she was still wearing her clothes from work. This was a common occurrence and hardly bothered her, but what did bother her was the fog surrounding her and the bright yellow of the Shadow world’s endless void.

“Wha—” she said, standing up from the hard ground, “How did I get here?” she asked aloud, looking around for some clue. There was nothing, just the endless expanse of fog and yellow. “Maaan~ If only I had my glasses.” she groaned.

Chie took a reluctant step forward and called out for the only person she could think of, “Hey! Teddie!” to her dismay no fuzzy mascot appeared, nor did any bad bear puns grace her ears. “No Teddie and no shadow version of my apartment... What’s going on here?” she wondered.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw something approaching from the fog, but its shape didn’t look familiar. She called out to it but received no answer. There was a brief moment of hesitation, but Chie wasn’t about to be caught off guard and readied herself.

"Take this!” she called, “Haraedo-no-Okami!” Her persona burst forth unleashing a hail of slashes on the figure, each and every one … missing.

“Crap!” Chie cursed, going to dodge. She saw something slip from the figure, almost like a mist of green smoke emanating from her face, and heading right for the energetic fighter. It wafted directly into her and Chie inadvertently breathed it in.

She felt a haze drift over her as she grew more and more tired, eventually collapsing back to the floor of the shadow world. Her brain felt like it was being filled with soft cement, a mind-numbing goop that slowed her greatly.

She could have sworn that in her half-asleep state that things felt different all of the sudden. She was suckling on something in her mouth and a pillowy mass encroached on her bottom. Whatever it was it created a sense of security as she drifted off in the foggy place. It was a puffy cloud of comfort to her and it even felt to be growing gradually warmer. As her eyes fluttered she caught the last glimpse of the shadowed figure approaching her and their neatly shining silver hair.

The next thing she knew, Chie was awake and sweating through her work clothes in the early morning due to having fallen asleep in them. She shook her head and sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “What a weird dream…” she said groggily, “It felt all too real.” she looked at her clock and realized the time–in the next half hour she was meant to meet with several of her friends before Yu arrived.

“Oh no!”

With amazing speed she rushed into her bathroom, stripping away her clothes and hopping into the shower. However, by the time she was actually ready she was already supposed to be at Junes meeting the other girls of the Investigation Team.

She sent a quick text to Yukiko to let her know that she was running late and rushed out the door. In all her panic Chie completely missed that the whole time she was getting ready her TV had been on and the hiss of static slightly filled the room she’d just left.

The soles of her shoes connected with the pavement as she walked, splashing into puddles of water left over from the previous evening’s rain. In record time Chie arrived at the food court of the department store to see her other three friends already sitting around a table.

Rise, Naoto, and Yukiko were all chatting amongst themselves when she finally walked up, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment at her tardiness.

“Hey,” she said, “Sorry I’m so late, I must have overslept.”

The others nodded, not seeming overly worried about it.

“Even after all this time you can’t wake up to an alarm clock, Chie-chan.” Yukiko teased.

Naoto closed her eyes and smiled, exuding her normally calm demeanor. “It’s only been a few years,” she said, “the fundamentals of a person don’t change that quickly.”

Rise laughed at this somewhat backhanded barb. “You’d think Dojima-san would have taught her some punctuality though.” she joked

Chie mocked being hurt by closing one eye and looking offended. “Come on guys I wasn’t that late jeez…”

The brunette sat and continued joking with her friends, catching up with the two that it felt like she hadn’t seen in so long.

Eventually, the topic shifted from work and personal lives to remembrance of their time in the shadow world. Ever since then there'd been sparse use of the mystical power called Persona. It was enough prompting for Chie to bring up her experience from the previous night.

She told her friends about the dream from the night before, mentioning specifically the similarities that nightmare had when compared to the shadow world. The others nodded along, growing concerned upon hearing the story.

“Could you have ended up back in the shadow world?” Naoto asked, “Was there something that possibly sent you there?”

Chie shrugged, not sharing the same concern as the others about her predicament. “I think it was just a weird dream.” she said nonchalantly, sipping away at her drink.

The rest of the table seemed uncertain but dropped the subject and continued their conversation.

Time passed and so did the liquid of multiple drinks through Chi. Unless it was pointed out no one would have noticed, but so far she’d downed more drinks than the other three combined.

It was Yukiko who realized something was amiss when she saw that all of Chie’s cups had begun overtaking her own, a growing collection of empty drink containers spreading across that one-quarter of the table.

She looked over to her friend, who was still sipping away intently through a straw. The brunette was practically bouncing out of her chair, seemingly fidgety. “Um, Chie? Are you okay?” she asked cautiously.

Chie turned her attention to Yukiko and everyone else at the table focused on her. “Uh yeah?” she said, confused, “Why does it look like something is wron—” Suddenly she stopped mid-sentence, realizing exactly why Yukiko had asked her. She was bouncing and fidgeting but it was completely subconscious. Only now did she understand it to be her body’s way of letting her know that the growing pressure in her bladder was quickly becoming too much.

Chie had to pee–and badly.

“How did I not realize I had to go so badly before now?” She panicked, hurriedly standing up and looking around desperately for a bathroom. This sudden movement caused her bladder to slosh violently and left a shifting pressure in her abdomen.

The group’s concern spiked as Chie jumped up, each noting the look of anguish on her face. As she started away from the table Rise called out.

“Chie-chan? What’s wrong?”

Naoto and Yukiko tried to follow her, but the spunky brunette only made it about five steps away from the table before her weak hold on her bladder gave out.

A gentle plip-plop of liquid hitting the ground filled the air of the Junes food court. Chie shook, her knees brought close in a desperate effort to stop the accident pouring out from her body. Despite her best effort, streaks of liquid flowed down from between her thighs, leaving creeping trails of moisture down her skin.

The whole world seemed frozen at this moment. Chie couldn’t bring herself to move, the embarrassment of the unstoppable wetting accident paralyzing her. Her friends meanwhile were shocked by the view of the dark patch spreading down the front of her shorts in the middle of the courtyard, each processing the strange phenomenon gradually. A puddle slowly formed beneath her as the heat of her accident soaked through her panties and shorts.

Each of them was so focused on the strange sight that they failed to notice the green wisps of smoke leave Chie’s lips. Three wafts of energy separated and flew toward each of the girls, entering their agape mouths as they stood still. Only Naoto, the most observant among them, saw it coming toward her but she was too late to react before breathing it in.

As Chie’s accident finally ceased she turned to the others and sniffled. “I-I-I-I wet my pants…” she said quietly, holding back tears.

Yukiko was the first to approach her, carefully avoiding the acrid puddle and pulling Chie away. “It’s ok Chie-chan,” she said softly, preserving her friend’s fragile hold on the situation as best she could, “why don’t we get you home and get you a change of clothes?”

She nodded, sniffling again as Yukiko led her away.

Naoto sat back down, still processing the events of the last few moments in her head. Chie had surely just wet herself, but the thing that concerned her was that strange wispy smoke she’d seen come toward her. She was so preoccupied with it that she hardly noticed the growing pressure in her own bladder as she sipped away at a drink absentmindedly and that Rise was doing the same next to her.


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