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Patreon Reward for Anonymous

Two people dressed in black stood on the edge of a bridge looking down and observing Renamon as it glanced around in confusion. It’d lost track of its tamer in a bustling city. The shady characters above chuckled in anticipation, holding a small blue and white device in their hands.

“Do you have the cards?” one asked with a snicker.

“Of course. Are we ready?” the other asked, pulling a stack of cards from their jacket.

“Yeah, let’s do it!”

Renamon were rather proud, and finding one bound to a digivice was a rare treat. These two malcontents, having been spurned by one before, decided to take their revenge. All it’d take was a quick swipe of one card to start the dominoes falling. They equipped a piece of “armor,” but the protection it offered wasn’t intended for combat.

A puff of smoke appeared between Renamon’s legs, hiding a piece of cushy padding that spread her powerful thighs apart. She looked down in shock, one large paw patting the extreme bulk of her new nappy through the still dispersing smoke

“What is happening?” Renamon said in surprise, “Who is nearby with the digivice?” The fox looked around surprised trying to find her tamer to no avail, in the panic completely missing the snickering rogues above.

“Hand me the next card.” one said.

“Here, try this one.” the other replied, “It’ll stop the annoying ruckus she’s raising.”


Another puff of smoke preceded another equipable’s appearance, this time in Renamon’s mouth. A rubber bulb filled her maw while tight strips of latex clamped her jaws down over it. “MHM!?” she exclaimed, pawing at the new pacifier gag locking her mouth closed.


Another equipable appeared in the form of a shiny rubber dress, tight around the digital beast’s upper body while a ruffled skirt frilled out like a tutu. Without any petticoats though it fully showed off the slick white shell of her diaper and the bulk of the padding.

“Alright alright, she’s all dressed up. Let’s head on down and start the show!”

The scattered onlookers slowly grew into a crowd around the diapered Digimon, who was looking down at her padding in shock, still frozen in place. Murmurs of confusion echoed out amongst the masses. The two miscreants shoved their way through to the front, eager to see the results of their work.


They implemented an action into her code with another card. On cue, in the center of a circle of onlookers, Renamon started to dance. She performed ballet moves, but between her inexperience and the bulk between her legs, they proved difficult to achieve with any sort of grace.

The audience had mixed reactions to the strange street show, some gasping and blushing while others shook their heads in disappointment, unable to believe the lewd and outlandish display. A few people on the edge of the crowd could be seen actively enjoying the whole thing with flushed faces and excited eyes.

Renamon could only continue twirling for a captive audience while the padding around her waist crinkled loudly, the only music to accompany her blushy uncontrollable performance.


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