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Sam took Andrew's hand in his own, steadying it as he slid the ring onto Andrew's finger. A satisfied expression played across Sam's face.

Sam: "There. Now you are truly mine, my dear wife. This ring symbolizes that you belong to me. You are my property."

Andrew looked down at the sparkling ring on his finger, emotions swirling inside him. The notion of being considered someone's property felt both demeaning and surreal. He glanced back up at Sam, his voice trembling as he spoke.

"I... I understand, dear husband. I am yours. I belong to you."

Sam smiled, clearly pleased with Andrew's response.

Sam: "Good. I'm glad you understand your place, wife. Remember, you are mine. My property. You will obey me without question. You will do anything I tell you to do. And you will never take off that choker or that ring. Is that understood?"

Andrew nodded, his throat feeling tight.

"Yes, dear husband. I understand. I am yours. I belong to you. I will obey you without question. I will wear the choker and ring at all times. I am yours to command."

Sam smiled, his satisfaction evident at Andrew's total submission. He reached out and gently ran his fingers over the diamond choker resting on Andrew's neck.

Sam: "That's what I like to hear, wife. You're learning your place. Now, let's review your new rules one more time. Repeat them to me."

Andrew took a deep breath, his stomach twisting with resignation and degradation. He knew what was expected of him.

"I am not allowed to refer to myself as anything other than your wife. I am no longer Andrew. I am only Ana, your devoted and submissive wife. I am not allowed to make any decisions without your permission. I must ask you for permission for everything, including what I wear, what I eat, and what I say. I am not allowed to remove the choker around my neck or the ring on my finger. They symbolize my submission to you."

Sam chuckled at Andrew's obedient recital of the rules. He was enjoying the power he held over him.

Sam: "Very good, wife. You've learned your place well. I'm pleased with how quickly you're submitting to me."

He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper.

Sam: "But let me make something crystal clear to you. You belong to me. Your body, your mind, your very soul, is my property. Do you understand?"

Andrew nodded silently.

Sam smiled, satisfied with Andrew's response.

Sam: "Good. I'm glad you understand. As your husband, I have complete control over you. You are mine to do with as I please. And don't ever forget that."

He reached out and gently traced his fingers over the diamond choker around Andrew's neck.

Sam: "This choker is a constant reminder of your submission. It's a symbol of my ownership over you."

Sam looked at Andrew, a gleam in his eyes.

Sam: "Now, let's talk about something else. I'm curious about something, wife. What pronoun do you prefer me to use when referring to you?"

Andrew hesitated briefly. Being called "Ana" and referred to as a "wife" was already difficult to accept. The question of pronouns added an extra layer of discomfort.

He glanced up at Sam, his expression a mixture of resignation and confusion.

Andrew: "I... I don't know. I'm not used to being called 'wife', and the idea of 'Ana' feels foreign. But I suppose if you're going to refer to me that way, using she/her pronouns is the most accurate."

Sam nodded, a wicked glint in his eye.

Sam: "Very well then, wife. I will use she/her pronouns to refer to you from now on. And you must get used to being referred to as 'wife' and 'Ana', as those are going to be your new identities. You are no longer Andrew. You are now my dutiful and submissive wife, Ana."

Andrew felt a pang of frustration and embarrassment at Sam's words. He wasn't accustomed to being addressed in such a feminine and submissive manner.

Sam: "Now, there's one more thing I want to make sure you understand, Ana. As my wife, you are expected to fulfill your duties as such. Do you understand what that means?"

Andrew swallowed hard, his throat feeling tight. He knew what Sam was referring to, and the thought filled him with a mixture of dread and resignation.

Andrew: "Y-Yes, Husband. I understand my duties as your wife."

Sam's smirk widened at Andrew's response.

Sam: "That's right, wife. Your duties include taking care of the house, cooking for me, pleasing me, and fulfilling my every need. Do you understand that?"

Andrew felt a wave of humiliation wash over him. Being referred to as "wife" and expected to serve Sam like a housewife was demeaning and degrading.

Andrew: "Yes, Husband. I understand. My duties as your wife include taking care of the house, cooking for you, pleasing you, and fulfilling your every need."

Sam nodded approvingly.

Sam: "Good. Now, go and dress appropriately."

Andrew's heart sank at the command. He knew what "dressing appropriately" meant. He had to wear something feminine.

Andrew: "Yes, Husband. What do you want me to wear?"

Sam's smirk grew wider as he sensed Andrew's hesitation. He knew he had asserted his dominance, and Andrew was fully under his control.

Sam: "I want you to change into something more suitable for a wife. Something feminine. Go to the bedroom and pick out something appropriate."

Andrew felt a wave of embarrassment and shame wash over him. The thought of wearing something feminine and submissive was humiliating, but he knew he had no choice.

He bowed his head in submission.

Andrew: "Yes, Husband. I'll go change into something more suitable."

He turned and walked slowly towards the bedroom, his head hung low.

As Andrew entered the bedroom, he looked around at the collection of feminine clothing. There were dresses, skirts, blouses, and other items clearly meant for a woman. He felt a pang of resignation as he realized that he had to wear them.

After some searching, he found a simple sundress that looked somewhat modest. It was a light blue color with a simple design. He picked it up and held it up in front of him.

Andrew: "This one will do, I suppose."

Reluctantly, he began to change into the sundress, feeling a sense of degradation as he did so.

As Andrew pulled the sundress over his head and slipped his arms into the sleeves, he felt exposed and vulnerable. The material was soft against his skin, but it made him feel more feminine and submissive than ever before.

He looked at himself in the mirror, taking in his reflection. He couldn't recognize the person looking back at him.

Andrew's eyes lingered on his reflection, taking in his appearance. The sundress fit him relatively well, hugging his slender frame. The color complemented his olive skin tone, but it made him feel small and fragile.

He swallowed hard, trying to push down the feelings of embarrassment and humiliation that were threatening to overwhelm him.

Once Andrew finished getting dressed, he took a deep breath and walked back into the living room. The sundress whispered softly against his legs as he moved, reminding him of his submissive state.

Sam: "Well, well, look at you, wife. You look very pretty in that dress."

Andrew's eyes widened in surprise as he felt the sting of Sam's hand on his cheek. He wasn't expecting such a harsh reaction for forgetting something as small as lipstick.

Andrew: "Ow!"

Sam: "Don't you know better, wife? A proper wife should always wear lipstick. It's a basic part of your feminine appearance."

Andrew felt a pang of guilt and frustration. He knew Sam was right, but he had been so focused on getting the dress on that he had forgotten the lipstick.

Andrew: "I'm sorry, Husband. I forgot. I'll go put some on now."

Andrew turned to go back to the bedroom to get the lipstick, but Sam stopped him with a firm hand on his arm.

Sam: "No, wife. You're going to do it here. In front of me."

Sam looked at Andrew with a devious smile.

Sam: "Red. I want you to wear red lipstick. It will look very beautiful on you, wife."

Andrew felt a pang of embarrassment as he heard Sam's request. Red lipstick was a bold choice, and it would make him look even more feminine and submissive.

Andrew: "Yes, Husband. I'll wear red lipstick for you."

Andrew found the tube of red lipstick in the bag of makeup items and carefully applied it to his lips, feeling increasingly feminine and submissive with each stroke.

Sam: "Very good, wife. Now let me see."

Once Andrew finished applying the red lipstick, he turned to face Sam. The red color looked striking against his pale skin and made him look very feminine and submissive.

Andrew: "Is this better, Husband?"

Sam chuckled, clearly pleased with Andrew's obedience. He walked over to Andrew and looked closely at his red-painted lips.

Sam: "Much better, wife. The red looks very pretty on you. It accentuates your submissive and feminine appearance perfectly."

Sam: "Now, sit in the car."

Andrew nodded, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and submission.

Andrew: "Yes, Husband."

He walked towards the door, his sundress whispering softly as he moved. Once outside,Andrew went to the passenger seat of the car and sat down, waiting for Sam.

Sam got into the driver's seat and glanced over at Andrew with a sly smile.

Sam: "Before we go anywhere, wife, I have another command for you."

Andrew felt a pang of trepidation and unease, but he knew he had to obey.

Andrew: "Yes, Husband. What is your command?"

Sam reached over and ran his hand along the length of Andrew's leg, his touch gentle yet possessive. He then spoke in a mocking, condescending tone.

Sam: "For the duration of this car ride, you must sit with your knees together, princess. Cross your ankles and don't let them separate, not even a little bit."

Andrew's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the demeaning command, but he complied, crossing his ankles and pressing his knees together tightly.
Andrew: "Yes, Husband."

Sam chuckled at Andrew's compliance, reveling in his control.

Sam: "Because it's proper for a lady to sit like that, wife. It's a sign of elegance and femininity. You're my wife now, and you need to act like it. So keep your legs together and your ankles crossed. It's appropriate and attractive."

Andrew shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling exposed and vulnerable under Sam's scrutinizing gaze. The car ride felt suffocatingly long as Andrew tried to maintain his uncomfortable posture.

Finally, the car pulled up in front of a church. Andrew's eyes widened in shock and surprise.

Andrew: "A church? Why are we here, Husband?"

Sam smiled mysteriously.

Sam: "You'll see, wife. Just come with me."

He got out of the car and walked around to open the passenger door for Andrew, gesturing for him to exit.

Andrew hesitantly stepped out of the car, his dress flowing gently around his legs as he moved. He followed Sam as he led him towards the entrance of the church, feeling increasingly uneasy and confused.

Andrew: "Husband, please tell me why we're here. This place makes me uncomfortable."

Sam's smile remained enigmatic.

Sam: "All will be revealed in due time, wife. Patience."

They entered the church, the atmosphere cool and hushed. Pews lined the aisles leading up to a large altar in the center, the air faintly scented with incense. Andrew followed Sam, his footsteps echoing softly on the stone floor. The whole experience felt surreal and disconcerting.

Andrew: "Husband, I really don't understand why you've brought me to a church."

Sam: "You'll find out soon enough, wife. Just trust me."

They continued walking down the aisle, the sound of their footsteps amplified in the empty church. Finally, they reached the front and stood in front of the altar. Sam turned to face Andrew, a smirk on his face.

Sam: "Now, wife. Are you ready to find out why we're here?"

Andrew felt a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. He couldn't imagine what Sam had in store for him.

Andrew: "Yes, Husband. I'm ready."

Sam chuckled softly.

Sam: "Well, wife, you see, we're here for a very special reason."

He paused for effect, his smirk growing wider.

Andrew: "What is the special reason, Husband? I need to know."

Sam's smirk turned into a full-blown grin.

Sam: "We're here because we're getting married, wife."

Andrew felt a pang of shock and disbelief at Sam's words. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Getting married? It was all happening so fast.
Andrew: "What?! Getting married? Are you serious?"

Sam: "Of course I am, wife. This is our special day, and it's time to make it official. Here, sign this."

He handed Andrew a document and a pen, ready for him to sign.

Andrew took the document hesitantly, staring at the contents. This didn't feel real, like a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. But he knew he couldn't refuse Sam. He had no choice.

Andrew: "I can't believe this... but I have to sign, don't I?"

Sam's expression hardened slightly.

Sam: "Yes, wife. Sign."

Andrew's hand trembled as he signed the document. The reality of the situation set in further. He had just married Sam, entrapped in a life of submission and control.

As Andrew finished signing, a wave of despair washed over him. He was now officially married to Sam, a man who had total dominion over him. The full weight of his powerlessness settled heavily on Andrew's shoulders.

The End



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