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Happy New Year!
Just wanted to make a little status update and plans for this year.

First off, the current status. At the moment I am working on some backlog though I will need a few days away from the screen so I don't strain my eyes too much, it's nothing serious (I hope) but they need some time to recover.

Then there is the future plans, I've dropped the sketch reward from my $30 tier which is super positive for me since it's pretty much been burning and stressing me out for the last years. I'm now able to work more on personal art, do more sequences/comics/animations and open commissions more frequently (which I know many of you are dying waiting for).

Last year's amount of content was pretty dry and many times I just felt super burned out, this year I plan to take things more easy, take breaks and do things I want to do.
What does that mean for you? Doesn't necessarily mean less content, probably the opposite (no promises though), also more interesting and experimental drawings and hopefully just lots of fun content!

That's all I have to say for now so thanks for reading and I hope you have a fantastic 2021!


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