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Hello all, happy new year!

I hope everyone enjoyed a restful time off on the holidays and the return to normality hasn't been too jarring. 

Things have been relatively quiet here for the first few weeks of the year, those who don't know my patterns, I tend to take a little more time off at the beginning of Jan to make sure I'm well rested, old habit!

Work has resumed within the last few weeks, and unfortunately that work is very much at the early development of the next scene, which just to confirm: is Kiriko in the insemination chair.

So expect female body/genitalia, and a kind of sensual but forced insemination procedure, plenty of orgasms and copious quantities of fluids, something akin to Mercy X Aimee but a bit firmer and in more of an Orogenix Style.

We've spent the last couple of weeks polishing the script and I've been hard at work developing assets for the scene, a lot of this is still in progress, I will share what snippets I can across the post, but please bear in mind it is, at this stage, all subject to change.

Some of the tools and attachments to be used.

I'd mentioned before that the next few projects would have been ones that I could use existing assets with, I had half of this setup made up from last year when I originally concepted the scene, so I consider this a 'middle ground' in terms of scene development, It is requiring some new assets, but I can make good use of some previous kit, so hopefully it will not have an excessively long production time!

I think a new year is a good time to invest some time in exploring a new circumstance and pushing the boundaries of the medium, as I am known to like to do!

There is not much to see in the scene at the moment as it is still under heavy development. The Kiriko model here is also a proxy (we're re-rigging the mesh and adding some particle hair) hence why it looks all the same colour and she has no hair.

The script was finalised as of yesterday and the voice work is now ordered so we are marching forward! This gives me most of next week to finish up the scene and animation should then begin!

We're approaching something of a middle ground in our technical development, taking advantage of some new technologies, we're not quite at the point of implementing the shiny new model we're affectionally referring to internally as Godmesh™ but thanks to having an experienced rigger on staff, we can start taking advantage of some facial mocap, which should alleviate what is normally the most time consuming part of my productions! (me, I'm the bottleneck) 

More updates as they come, Bye for now!



Love love love this idea! Very excited to see it!


Squirming in restraints is the best kind of squirming.