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Yes that's probably the first time I've 're-used' a title for my updates, but it seems apt. We run in cycles and the end of the year is always a good time to look back and reflect on where we are and what I've learned.

This time last year I was moving into my first year focusing on this project of mine full time, I was hopeful, and apprehensive at the same time.  

I spent a lot of time trying to plan it out as best as I could, this was, to me, the breakout moment: It's quite a lot to abandon the security of a regular paycheque for the promise of freedom, both creatively and financially.

But abandon it I did and, it was scary!  It changed my life forever, and I'm so very glad I did it.

Everyone asks the question, 'If you won the lottery, what would you do?'

It's a fun thought experiment and discussion to have amongst friends, though most of my life my answer would have been something along the lines of 'I'd buy a bigass house and nice car and sit in it living off the interest and just do fucking nothing'

Well, this time last year, I won the lottery, figuratively, I had been handed, by many thousands of generous individuals, financial freedom. 

And, it was at the moment that... I paid off credit cards I'd had hilted for months, and saw my bank account with the most money it's ever had in it: period. 

I realised, that wasn't my dream anymore.

I really couldn't stand to do nothing, the pull of expressive freedom this medium I was slowly coming to master was allowing me Is a drug I couldn't put down, I had to improve it, hone it. 

It's great to have passion, but it can be a curse too.

I had to find balance between realising this vision and keeping my own sanity, I learned things about myself, realising where my limitations lie and recognising where I still had room to grow.

It's a big ego boost to have something 'blow up' like this, so that had to be managed too, something I handled pretty poorly in retrospect.

Therapy and regular exercise are wonderful things, however. As I head into this next year, more physically and mentally capable than I've ever been before, I can't help but get excited for what's on the horizon.

Things moved slower than I thought they would... I wanted to return to the mainline story this year and get back into getting some of that storyline focused lore heavy episodes, but I found myself at conflict with increasing 'business like' concerns.

I think anybody would agree that

If you had the choice between something you maybe wanted to do, and something that would definitely make sure you make a tonne of money, you would at least have to think about the decision.

Because it's not like I wanted a yacht or anything, that money represents opportunity, development, improvement.

So the focus reared around and I found myself torn between wanting to 'please the crowd' and 'play  up to the algorithm' and 'garner mass market appeal' rather than use the medium for the freedom of expression it once provided.

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of every one of the projects I completed over the year, I learned a lot from each one, and I like to think I improved and honed my skills during that time, but that itch remained to finish the story I'd started.

I had to weigh that want alongside my need to ensure it was rendered in the way that, to me, it needed.

It wasn't until the later stages of the year I started making the kind of contacts necessary to properly realise that vision, and I started to see the threads of potential that improving technology, and the right help can bring.

Having a properly custom mesh that was professionally rigged has been on my wish list since I started with this project, but finding the right level of help took some time. 

And now here we are, at the apex of the turn.

The model has been coming forward in leaps and bounds recently, and it is very nearing production ready, I do not think it is an exaggeration to say it is the most advanced model that's been created for the purpose of rendering pornography. 

Like seriously, Hollywood studio's don't go this hard.

Alongside a blossoming writing team and our asset artist working night and day tirelessly to develop exciting new scenes, I can promise that when it comes to quality, the best is yet to come.

Most of the teams energies have been focused on the creation of a new scene to display this new technology, but since this is the first time setting such a project in motion, there's a lot of work to get it ready, hence why at least for the last few months we've been exploring some old scenes with reimagined scenarios, biding time for the next big thing. 

With these tools, assets and models it will allow me to return to the core storyline, and we can get into the really deep lore, and show you all the fun scenario's we have planned.

So all going well (also the TLDR)

Expect a mix of Futa, Female and Male content this year, with some reimagining of previous ideas, and and ever increasing passion for the endless pursuit of perfection.

Expect us to see something from the main storyline

Next up is female, cause the girls have been left out for too long now, and that needs fixing. 

I'm working on a centralised archive of all the works which may or may not be available either within the next few hours or possibly in a couple weeks when I return from my break, This will help obtaining my content easier and prevent some of the issues some people have been having with accessibility through mega, and allowing new joiners to get caught up with the available content.

I'll be re-branding somewhat, with some new logo's, typefaces and colours. We should also launch the website this year, which will act as a hub to collate lore, content, projects and host my monthly ramblings.

For now, I bid you all adieu, and once again thank you all for your immense support that makes both my dream, and your fantasies real.

Thank you.


Butch Johnson

God bless you, your work and your talent! May 2024 be even bigger and better than you ever dreamed!

Trevor Bond

Happy New Year man, use it wisely and don't forget to bank for the future. The world's a funny place and money grows tighter and tighter over time.


You’ve got me excited now! New technology? Brand new scenes and ideas? LORE??? As a Warhammer fan I can well appreciate some good lore, no matter what it’s tied to. Happy New Year and may 2024 bring even more be the best year yet!


Would love to see some smaller cock stuff, all these monster dongs are great, just for variety!

Christopher Rodriguez

After the female update you have planned next I'd love to see a muscular male update (masculine with body hair) milked like a bull who has rich seed (testosterone potent) by Aimee while being bound by thick metallic binds around neck, wrists, arms, thighs, ankles and such. Maybe someone from street fighter Zangief, Ryu and etc. Or Geralt from the Witcher series would be cool too. This is just a fan recommendation; as a man, just like the ladies who are waiting patiently, I am too for more masculine male centric content with muscular men as I relate and identify more with those themes. Thank you for all the great work you and the team do.

Steeve Mcbees

Happy new year! And if I have something I would like for you to keep in mind is that (for me at least but I guess I also speak for a couple of your subscribers) I believe in you creative vision for all of your projects. I would be more than happy if you used your passion to push the boundaries of what you and your team can acomplish and THEN use marketing strategies instead of the other way around. I personally believe that it is more important to experiment, fail and learn from it than to try and please your idea of what you think your fanbase wants and then deliver a product that doesn't motivate you and your team. I have constantly been impressed by how you approached your work from a technical perspective, from how transparent your were with your subscribers, and from how you approached your work to keep it mentally healthy. I subscribed not for the content, but for the creators and all the people who participated in the projects you put out. As you grow from a one man show to a team, it's natural for the dynamic to evolve, but I hope that the core motivation to create, experiment, improve and work on something passionately will stay and be nurtured throughout this growth. I wish you the best for you and your team! PS: Didn't expect to write a message that long :o

Frank Kuschmann

Thank you once again for all your great animations, MJ! I loved the most of all your animations the acts that happened on the Orogenix spaceship in particular. And exactly those 4 episodes made me to your huge fan and patron. So I was very pleased to read that you wrote: "...but that itch remained to finish the story I'd started." I wish you all the best for the New Year and that you can continue your main Orogenix story!


so so soooo amped for male content to join the parade of amazing creations i'm very lucky to be able to see. thank you for all your hard work and here's to creating what brings you joy and nothing less <3

Angelo B.

Hitting the lotto was probably the most stress relief and most stressing thing you can go through. Just keep your head on straight and you ahould be able to make whatever floats your boat.


My same request applies for women also; Lots of teasing and edging that leads to lots of begging and crying. Please?? That content is just so difficult to find lol


As long as you balance the begging and crying with defiance and anger :-)


Any news?