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Hey everyone.

Had a few questions and comments on here, I'm not going to reply to people directly asking for status updates, especially in DM's.

The Anim is very very close to being done. I'm knocking out all the final issues and provided there are no further egregious errors, I should be able to start rendering tonight.

Which with a few days for rendering itself, we're aiming to have this out by the 31st.

Thank you all again for your patience, please find a few test frames as I'm putting final touches on. These are sans final post work SFX and everything and there's a couple errors in them being resolved, but pretty indicative of where it's going to be:

The decals went missing for this one (on the buckles) and the straps had to be totally re-done (notice the slight height they have over the surface of chun's skin, particularly on the chest)

I was able to get the visor displaying things as originally intended so there's some light hypno fun there.

When doing these ones I thought the facial animation during this segment could be improved, so that's on my list of tweaks to get done today.

I re-did a lot of the skin materials and generally improved the look of the textures, paying particular attention to the important parts.

I also did some tweaks to the body and added some sweat build-up effect to show the intensity of the session.

I've been receiving updates from the sound designer and it's sounding incredible, I outsourced the entire project to him, this being a 'money no object' kind of project, I wanted the best.

This project, whilst extremely fun to work on, has just been a bit of a pill, the model I'm working with has been throwing issues at us left right and centre, nearly everything I do in blender endures a 3-5 second wait for the changes to take effect, it's been challenging to get through, but we are almost there!

A question

I've attached a poll to this post, Some have expressed desire for a POV version of this scene.

At the moment the camera switches between several static shots showing the action from various angles, the audio and positioning of the characters is accounted for that.

However it is not entirely beyond the realms of possibility that the entire thing can be re-rendered from the POV view:

This was before the materials adjustment but after some SFX passing, notice the difference in the shading on the cock, the belts floating and the less 'wet' look to the cock and her.

So, I'm curious how many people would be interested to see this, I had the audio guy play with some binaural audio mixing, and with the presence of headphones I think there's a possibility for a fun self insert version.

It would take some time out of production schedules but obviously the work is basically done at this point, so it would represent only a minor delay to further productions, please let me know what you think about it!

Tiers Adjustment

This release will result in an adjustment to tier prices for new patrons.

As before, if you are currently subscribed you will retain all benefits of that tier, so provided you do not change your sub level or leave, you will be entitled to the same benefits as before.

It's as fair as I can be about it whilst still accounting for the fact that, I've got staff to pay now and with the extra I can only make things improve faster!


Along with the tiers update, I was playing with preview renders in this and it's a case where I think a higher resolution output might have some real benefits, it helps a lot of the materials pop more and we see more glisten on the skin.

I've historically steered away from 4K because it does literally double the render time, but this is again, something I'd like to hear from you all about. Is this something that matters to you? Would you be willing to pay more to enjoy the productions in a higher quality ?

It's out of scope to have this production ready in 4K with the current deadlines, but this could be the first (and unfortunately only, at least for now) version in 4K available on a new tier after the re-structure.

There's options in the poll about this too, I've allowed multiple choice so please don't just click them all, as ever any direct comments are welcome!

Bye for now!



Once you're doing POV renders, is it a difficult jump to VR?


I can't wait to see your work. Seems incredible !