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Hello everyone, a happy new year and happy holidays to all those in all different walks of life, however you might celebrate it!

Even if you have no particular celebration routine to speak of, I hope you all had some restful time off.

As is clearly the case, I got rather snowed under (not literally sadly) this month, and wasn't able to get the Ahsoka animation to the point of completion.

I do expect, however to have this out in January. It's been a bit of a challenge, whilst restricted, the character has a lot more agency then usual, so getting the animation right has been interesting.

Please treat all previews as WIP because... well they are! there's a lot of state where the frames look half done, but the odd bits out are always the last bits to get addressed, lighting issues, clipping objects, background environment detail and a lighting pass.

If I do say so myself though the animation at refinement is looking wonderful, so I hope this will be something special for you all to enjoy, it is something a bit different as the previews have no doubt indicated, but I like to push my limits and try new things, this is how we improve, after all!

There will be a few options to this piece, It's intended as a side by side, I'm going to see about having that available to my subs as portrait, landscape, and even with a choice of voices for the cocks, since this remains gender non specific, they can be assumed as male or female owners, it seemed like a fun idea to account for preferences between viewers that wouldn't hurt the production time in any way, always nice to have options!

Runtime should be around 8:30 or so visual and a few minutes audiable over the credits.

So far Ahsoka makes eye contact with the camera 11 times, and that's just about halfway through, it's sweet, but also decadent.

After this It's back to the box - in some capacity - I have a couple plans for who we're going to see in it, I have plans for the aforementioned Edging lab, featuring Mercy, Ashe and Sombra

Since there's significantly less modelling work involved this time around that should really bring production times down, as I've mentioned before, My benchmark is I'd like to eventually reach an animation a month, I think it's far more likely it will be a bi-monthly thing for a while yet (there's a lot of moving pieces) but I'm doing my best to improve things where I can, more on that in a bit.

I have also been messing about with putting Kiriko into some bindings and sending her through as a demonstration of what's happening with all the cum they're harvesting at orogenix, some tightly bound female insemination for fans of the mercy animation, except a little more of an industrial feel...

That's been an exciting side project I've been modelling between working on the Ahsoka one and I may slot it in before the edging lab, depending on how things shape up, I'm determined to keep the production flowing smoothly this year, and to that end, I've invested some of the money earned from this venture back into more solid infrastructure to help me smooth out my production cycles.

It's all getting incredibly nerdy, and some of you may love that, I'm still waiting for some parts but I'll probably be posting some updates on how that's all shaping up over on the discord server when it's getting closer (join it if you haven't already! as a supporter you get a cool role), but the basics are: more, fast local rendering hardware, so I can make higher quality better looking renders faster, right now most of my projects take about a full week with my main machine running 24/7, these improvements will half this: splitting the load between 2, and eventually when I get it all set up, it will almost half again with some re-arrangement of graphics horsepower.

This, along with a network infrastructure update and more, redundant local storage along with cloud backups to protect the ever increasing pile of projects and assets I'm producing. 

Just in case it's not obvious that I'm damn serious about this work!

As ever, a massive thank you to all my supporters, especially for your patience as of late, I know it's been a slow couple of months, what with some time taken off in November and the holidays consuming a fair chunk on top of that. 

Please participate in the poll to direct what you'd like to see next, choices are between the edging lab or Kiriko piece, so it's basically more Futa or machines on female with insemination, both will get made next to each other anyway, this is just to determine the order.


James P

would love to see another milking machine/lab vid, though maybe with star wars,marvel, or DC girls?


If the Kiriko one would be anything like the Mercy insemination one, then that one. That’s still my favourite animation of all time.

Frank Kuschmann

I wish you a Happy New Year, MJ! May it be a better one than last year.