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Hello everyone.

Thought I'd use this update to run through everything in process at the moment, answer a few questions I've had over the weeks and just generally let you all know where things stand right now.

I'm going to really be getting into my thought process for each of these so you all can understand hopefully how I made the decisions I did, so this will be long, thick and wordy, you have been warned.


Project: Me Status: Rested, now back to work.

I've been building this gig for... actively the last 2 or so years, in total including training around 5-7 years, it's not an exaggeration to say that, I've basically not taken any time off during the last 3 or so years.

Up until a few months back I was working a full time job at the same time as making the animations and, whenever I would take holiday from that, it would invariably end up being spent developing some aspect of this project, modelling, animation, writing etc.

I've been working at this pace for so long, I started to really feel it towards the end of the Ahri animation, parts of it felt rushed to me, and I could sense the whiff of impending burnout.

This was all my fault, working on this full time is all new to me, having the immense support you guys are providing me really shocked me at first, and I started rushing to make sure I'd be getting the content out there as fast as possible, as I'd promised that, meeting that guideline would mean you guys would get content faster (it's been part of my goals, intro videos and all sorts for a while now)

Now when it actually happened... I asked myself a question: do I spend that time doing the same quality, but faster, or do I use the excess time to improve my skills, and the standard of work I put out?

It's a conundrum a lot of people in this industry have to consider, it is why, I think, you really don't see hardly any solo creators putting out my length of content as regularly as I do, people do short, eyecatching loops, and they put them out quickly, it is the 'meta' if you like for sustaining yourself in this industry.

Now I feel that, given my position, I'm extremely privileged to have the support of so many that deem my work is not only worth paying for, but sticking around after so I can keep doing it without having to worry about income, I could use that privilege and try to leverage it for even more potential earnings by shooting content out willy nilly, or I could take my time and do it well.

And I think most everyone agrees they'd rather wait for something good, then get regular mediocre stuff.

So, I took all y'all's advice and I forced myself to take a good solid 3 weeks off to recharge, I came back at the beginning of this week and started on the Ahsoka animation which up to that point had been merely planned, written and blocked out, hence why the previews don't look quite as far along as maybe some of the other times I've done them.

I honestly did not realise how much I needed it off, and it's thanks to all of my supporters that I was finally able to do it, so, I know I say this every time (at least I try to) but a massive thankyou to every one of you for this.

The money you all contribute is being, for the moment, sensibly saved for the taxman, and once I know where things stand, invested back into the development of better content, faster, so more rendering power, more help and resources to improve things.

Project 1: Ahsoka BJ Box Status: Active Development (animation)

Models: Female with Vagina + Males/Females with Penises + tentacles

Consider the previews here a vertical slice of what to expect in this animation, a good covering but by no means exhaustive of what's going to happen in it.

I've more or less just started work on these in the last few days, so obviously everything is heavily WIP so expect changes, but the basic premise of it is: Ahsoka is on the servicing end of a gloryhole, and is given instructions to pleasure various cocks put before her. Tentacles below the deck which we can see but she can't, encourage her participation, withdrawing and imparting pleasure to reward/punish her actions accordingly.

I've just started animating this and... whereas I'd like to say it will be out before the end of the year.... we will see, tentacles are straightforward but time consuming to animate, and blowjobs are one of the more difficult things to do right, on top of this I will be waiting for voice work once 80% of animation is done, in contrast to how I normally operate where I order it beforehand, I'm going to be working most of December but I don't know how the schedule of the VA's I'm going to be working with will be, so realistically, probably 8 weeks or so out, but I will try my absolute best to have -something- for you guys in December.

Project 2: Episode 5 (and central storyline in general) Status: On hold

Models: Male with Penis + Clothed females + Machines

Yeah so, this one's been sat in it's 80% done state for the last few months, I have however decided on an approach, without wanting to spoil anything, I'm not going to make any major modelling changes until episode 6, so that does actually cut out the scope of getting this one out the door.

I am not, however, happy with the state of the animation in general, it's not up to the calibre I expect, so more work will need to be done on it, and some ideas I had for it didn't really turn out too exciting when I put them to screen, I think I may need to re-render it in a different engine (the one I've now been using to make all the pretty transparency you guys have been enjoying) but I can work this rendering time into downtime when I'm not animating the primary project.

It could, by rights, go out as it stands, but It wouldn't be up to the standard I expect from myself, and that you guys should expect from me.

Project 3: Asari Insemination Programme Status: On hold

Models: Female with Vagina + Machines

This project, phew, this project.

This was written, blocked, most modelling done and all the voice work ordered, received and cut together literally months ago, I spent the month working on this after The Box went out the door.

Then, I got a week or so into animating it before realising that, it had some big flaws, the premise didn't sit right with me after getting 'into the room' it was one of those projects that looked good on paper but really wasn't turning out how I expected visually, there were some issues I ran into with what to use to stimulate her, and generally it wasn't meshing together how I liked.

I ended up pivoting on that and producing the smaller Liara on the CyberSybian one you all have likely seen by now.

In this industry nothing is ever 'gone' I still have all the assets, all the voice work, and a bit of a re-write and some new ideas and I will return once again to this once I feel I can do it the justice it needs.

Project 4: The Box: The Edging Lab Status: Planning

Models: Females with penises + machines

Follow up to the box, it will feature Mercy, Sombra and Ashe, and give more of an idea as to how the operation runs and see what happens to them between visits to the milking room.

This promises to be a bit shorter and allows use of most of the same assets, I think it will make a good filler piece, reservedly I have this slotted in for production after the Ahsoka project.

Project 5: The Box: ??????? Status: Planning

Models: Females with penises + machines

It's going to be a follow up to the follow up, there's actually 2 of them, one shows what happens when the edging lab doesn't go exactly to plan, and one shows what they actually do with all the cum they're collecting there. at least in one implementation.

This one will likely come between another project following the edging lab.

Project 6: To be named Status: Writing

Models: Futa Vi, Caitlyn with Vagina, AIMEE + machines

Ohhhh not telling anyone about this one until closer to the time but, couples stuff, milking, manipulation, domination. Fun.

Questions corner

Question: Why are you doing so much futa now? I really liked when you were doing just men/just women, I want to see more of X

Answer: So the only real definitive answer I can give here is, I work on whatever I'm most passionate about at the time, I want you guys to expect one thing from me: Quality. The themes I explore are reliably always going to be along the lines of BDSM, machine milking/pleasuring and domination, but I don't want to pidgeonhole myself into one particular idea and set of characters.

Hopefully the projects section shows I intend to include females, futa's and males, However I must admit, the solo male only content is taking a bit of a back seat, the simple reason for that is: Marketability, It wont ever go away completely, as the core storyline is central to the understanding of the universe and world I have built, but I have some other plans on how that's going to be explored, It's something that I need a lot more time to figure out, and things need to be put in place for it to work.

Question: Do you do commissions, can I commission you?

Answer: I had never planned to do commissions, but I'm not vehemently opposed to them, generally if your request is simple it's usually something I like to take as an idea and integrate where I can.

If you have ideas or things you want to see, don't hesitate to let me know, best way to do that is to throw it into my discord, there's a specific channel for suggestions and ideas.

However, if you want something truly bespoke, and it's something that I agree I can do, then I am not opposed to having a conversation about it.

However, you should know that it will cost a lot of money, think thousands of dollars upwards, this will sound like a lot, and it is, and I can talk all day about why this figure is justified, but you should know that going in.

Question: Can you do 'insert very specific fetish'

Answer: Fetishes that I don't explore already as part of my content are really the only ones that I really explore in the depth that you are likely looking for.

For example, feet, I don't hate them, and I get the attraction, but I don't possess the fetish, for me, to really make something that does it justice I need to channel the passion for it.

It's something I welcome in the suggestions /ideas thread in the discord, and I can do a little passing wave to it during presentations, but I'm probably not going to do a full fat, focused precisely on that particular fetish presentation outside of a commission, and I'd likely not accept one because, if people pay me that sum of money, I want them to get something they really enjoy, and the reality is, I'm probably not the best person for that job, if it's not something I'm already doing.

Question: Can you tell me how you work? Can you release files/models/examples for me to learn from?

Answer: One of the non listed projects I'm doing at the same time as animating is I'm collecting some footage of my process, I intend to build together a tutorial series of sorts that focuses in on the challenges you face animating particularly within this genre, and some of the solutions I might come up with to solve them

It's a longer term project, and I intend to have these as a higher tier subscriber reward.

So eventually, yes, in a way, apart from my models and .blend files, they're mine, you can't have them, so there.

Question: Can you make VR versions of your videos? in particular your earlier POV work?

Answer: It's really not that simple for me to just make the videos VR.

You can render a sidebyside that would give you a faux VR look, but it wouldn't allow you to 'look' around the scene and really get the benefit out of the VR headset, it would be a fixed view, following the camera, and that potentially will cause nausea and all sorts.

That's because as an animator time is precious, you don't bother animating something when the camera isn't looking at it, lights are arranged to compliment the angle you're observing something from. To make something VR compatible means every single angle needs to be considered.

As with everything I do, if I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it right, that makes it a project, and that means it takes a lot of time.

It is my view that to really make the most out of VR, it needs to be rendered in real time, and that requires game engine, and that's a whole another kettle of fish right there.

So, It's not like I'm not aware that it would work really well in VR, but there's a bunch of challenges to overcome before we get there.

So this ones long enough already so I'm going to leave it there for the moment. I will be back in touch with you all when I have some more stuff to show.

Bye for now!


Eraiyna Caraka

*Screaming like the Twisted Sister band* "I WANNA CUM!- I WANT. TO. CUM!"


Very glad to see you take a break. I’ve seen too many creators burn themselves out and the quality of their stuff suffer for it. Quality takes time, we all know this, and so I’m very happy to see you take yours. Very excited for the new projects, they all look/sound stellar! I’m not going anywhere

Captain King

ngl those plans for the other Box scenarios have me mega hyped, take your time dude. The longer the wait the better the pay off :^)