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Hiyo All!

So nothing really to -show- as such at the moment all major assets are in heavy development and subject to such significant change that anything I show you would not be even remotely close to representative of what it's going to look like: this is just going to be me talking atcha for the most part.

The next scene, which is going to be Sombra's ultimate fate, is in the concepting and development stage currently, as most of you know by now I like to take a little time off between projects as they can be very draining! (much like her experience will be)

This didn't take the entire month though, so I've spent some time recently addressing some tasks that have been long overdue, this took the form of a lot of admin, some server re-building, some network re-organising, some accounting, and most significantly, the addition of a full time member to the team!

That member being INOPRBL, the modelling and concepting genius behind most of the set in the last piece.

Whereas INOPRBL has been in the side-lines, pretty much from the beginning, as a friend, consultant, and occasional supplier of assets, his involvement has always been limited by the fact that he has to work his full time job, assets take a lot of time to make, and even being as passionate an individual as he is (as are all the people I like to work with) there are only so many hours in the day!

Well, now he's working with us! Or at least is in the transitional phase or transfer to employment. (that is one of the admin jobs I've been working on over the last couple weeks)

This is going to represent a significant shift in our ability to produce consistently higher standards of work in shorter periods of time, as one of the greatest bottlenecks we have here (as with most 3D productions) is asset design and creation.

I mean the guy managed to produce a scene of such quality whilst managing a 50 hour work week, think about what he's going to be able to do now!

The down to the bolts detail of how this all webs together is, honestly kind of mundane, it's a lot of pipeline talk, optimisation of workflows, I'll likely get into the details of our evolving pipeline in another update I expect, but the takeaway should be that, this is yet another step we're taking to up the quality and production timescales in a big way!

And it is thanks to all of you that this is possible! All of your continued generosity is, as of this moment, providing gainful and rewarding employment to 3 permanent people, and numerous other contract workers.

It's incredibly exciting (and also kind of scary) to be at the centre of this developing business, I hope we will continue to surprise and delight you with an ever increasing dedication to quality erotic entertainment!

More news as it comes, bye for now!



Welcome INOPRBL! Love seeing your team grow, love all the new people and the skills they bring to the table. I’ve been looking forward to Sombra’s finale probably since the first Box, so I’m very excited. Go MJP!

Trevor Bond

Always good to dig some talent out of the bedrock of a 9-5 and let them flex some!

Frank Kuschmann

I wish you all the best with your growing entertainment business, MJ! lol


Thank you for braving it through, learning and creating! You guys are exceptional at what you do and people are willing to support people who are exceptional at what they do. Just keep going and we'll keep going too. Welcome INOPRBL!