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Eleanor: did you quarrel again?

Barrett: It's hard to say... Let's wait until she's had enough of her petty...


Dolores was about to take a shower after her bar job. The backwash of the curse mark on the back is getting worse, and with the swelling and pain, the magic isn't working out so well...

Using the power of curse will increase the body load. Lola did not encounter attacks so frequently before, so she will have relatively enough time to recuperate.

Recently, it may be because of emotional problems that lead to poor resilience, and the frequency and strength of evil spirits have increased significantly, leading to Lola's increasingly weak body.


This time it's a crisis!

Lola:This man... The blade on his arm is poisoned... My wounds won't heal... And my consciousness is blurred...

Possession of evil spirits:

After years of absorbing enough of nature's rarefied magic, evil spirits can possess weak-willed humans, eventually eating away at their brains, full ownership of the body leads to the predation of humans who naturally possess great powers.

Humans who have just been possessed will show signs of physical dissonance, and after a few hours the evil spirit will become skilled in manipulating the body, they will become agile, and some of the body muscles will be exceptionally strong, increases fighting ability regardless of physical limits.

It is rare, however, for an enemy to be able to use a poison attack, as if deliberately targeting the self-healing power on which Lola relies most.


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