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Hi! I've got the question thread ready to go.

Here you can ask me things you're wondering about for our games or company and they'll be answered at the end of the month an an audio recording (with a text transcript too). Just make sure the questions long follow the guidelines!

The thread will close after March 19th.


1. Please don't reply to other people's questions even if you know the answer. The fun of joining a Q&A is that the developer can give a direct response to you and that everyone else also gets to hear/see the answer in the end of the month post. Having another player resolve the question in the comments right here might not be what the asker was hoping for. This thread is more about having a good time rather than looking for an immediate response to an important question. And if you do have a question you want to hear about right away, it's best to ask in some other thread or to message me directly.

2. I'm afraid questions about what scenes/choices/art assets Our Life: Now & Forever will include aren't answerable right now. Most of the details are decided as the game is created and currently I'm only writing Step 1. I do know some things coming later, but only a small fraction of the whole game.

3. The questions can't be about more serious/potentially upsetting topics because I don't want those listening to suddenly be surprised with something they might not have been prepared for/want to be confronted with.

4. Please keep the questions here to things that wouldn't be really hard to tackle in an off-the-cuff, spoken out loud kind of Q&A, aha. Questions about a half dozen characters or wanting an entire theoretical situation described aren't super doable in this situation.

You can always send me questions outside of the audio Q&A if they wouldn't work here!


You can also find answers for more basic info like heights, birthdays, timelines, and such in the Overall FAQ.

That's everything. Thank you to everyone who participates in the Q&A!



this probably breaks Rule #3 but figured I'd ask anyway, in a previous q&a you said that bigotry won't appear in Our Life, my question is, are those things nonexistent/depreciated in the Our Life universe, or is it present but simply kept off screen?


Does Darren like sweet things or spicy things? I also wanted to know in step one in OL2 what year is it?

Tallas Torres

Hi! I heard you're taking a vacation soon and I hope it goes well and that you enjoy your time off <3 My question is actually related to the previous Q&A, idk if someone else asked, but what is the relationship between XOXO Droplets and OLBA's step 3 moment, "Serendipity"? Could you please explain the connections between the two, and what you meant with players maybe feeling like they're missing something? Just in case it is important information for the answer, I've heard mention of XOXO Droplets, and I think it was an earlier game, but don't know much else about it. Thank you for your hard work (yours and the whole team's), I adore OLBA and OLNF, both games mean a lot to me <3 <3


I was recently replying the OL1 roadtrip moment, and it made me curious if you had considered including any similar nods to famous Oregon spots? Seeing the redwoods in game was so fun, and I could imagine a similar moment with a school trip or something like that would be cute.