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This has nothing to do with magic, but is just funny. You can deny Qiu entry into your backyard when it's time to go meet Tamarack for the evening's adventure, haha. Of course, you can also let him pass if you're kind like that 😇

Pure Text:

qiu “Hey, [first_name]!”

“That thought got an answer quick. You turned to see Qiu standing at the edge of his own yard. He was high on his tiptoes and waving.”

qiu “Can I cut through?”



-““Yeah, get over here!””:

-““No, you have to go around,” you giggled.”:

-““No, don’t,” you told him bluntly.”:

-““You don’t need to ask to walk over some grass.””:

-““Oh, uh-huh, that’s alright…””:

-““What are you doing here if you weren’t gonna sneak through anyway, huh?””:

-““Pff, I don’t care.””:

qiu “Cool, then I will.”

-““You’re always welcome at my house.”” if doting:

qiu “Aw, thanks.”

-“You smiled at him.”:

-“You gestured for him to come on!”:

-“You shook your head, snickering.”:

-“You stuck your tongue out.”:

-“You raised a brow suspiciously. He was gonna do it without asking, wasn’t he?”:

qiu “Hey, what’s that look for?”

-“You rolled your eyes and waved him forward. Did he really have to ask?”:

-“You poked your shoes into the grass shyly, but nodded.”:

######## end menu

if rejects:

“Qiu’s arm and smile dropped in an instant. That was not the type of question people said “no” to.

“It was the kind you asked ‘cause you were supposed to even though you already knew what the response would be.”

“Like when adults asked each other how they were doing and the only right thing to reply with was “fine”, or “Great, how are you?”. Today wasn’t so “fine” for Qiu now.”

qiu “What?! Come on!”

“He could only sputter indignantly as you spun around, showing him your back.”

if not silent:

mc “You better hurry up. It’s already time.”


“There was one stamp before a series of rapid steps. You checked over your shoulder. Qiu was gone. He actually went around. [What a dummy/He was so funny].” #if rude or not

“You left your own yard too, arriving at Tamarack’s.”





Qiu is adorable. I can't wait to play the moment!


Uuugh, I am so excited for this. It’s sweet he asks but it’s funny he really isn’t expecting to be rejected lol

Anime Yay

Why are we mean to the baby. :(


please, my soul just cannot be mean to qiu or tamarack. i love doting on them!!!! my heart always hurts at the mean options😭


"It's time" 👏🏽😂 sounds almost like they were about to make a sacrifice to the gods


[If mean to Qiu] Qiu: *surprised Pikachu*


Poor Qiu... I couldn't ever choose the mean options, it makes me feel so bad 'XD


bro why would you say no 😭 😭

Sai Ridhe

Oh my god!! the shenanigans I would pull hahaha

Anna Bia

Nope i refuse to me mean, but its funny that its an option, many people enjoy being a bit mean in games


LMAOO i love the rude options 😭😭

Kara Onasi

LOL how funny. I want to do the joking one to mess with him. I adore Qiu though <3

Konoi Kurozora

I love how rude we can be in this game. MC can be a true brat. I sort of can't wait for Step 2 for my MC to start to be rude with some people! But he'll always be sweet with his friends no matter what!