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The first month of the year is already done!

For me, it's felt like January has already been over for days, but I don't know how this brand-new year is already not-so-new anymore, haha. But this means more progress has been made, so let's get into what it was-

Monthly Content Summary:

Our Life: Now & Forever Step 1 is more than halfway written! It's not as far along programming-wise, but having this many events all scripted out is amazing.

43,000 words were done in total. 10,100 for drafting one of the DLC Moments, and 32,900 words were written for Trick or Treat Part 2 and doing Parts 1 and 2 of the fifth Step 1 base story Moment. But that Moment isn't actually done. It's so big, it's the only Moment so far with a Part 3.

14,600 words were programmed in order to add Fancy Fun Part 2 into the build. That got released to beta testers quite early this month!

Along with the regular development, there was a lot of extra business related work and tax things to manage this month. Plus, I went on an almost week long trip. I did keep working during my time away, though it certainly made things different. And I'm not gonna get into the various personal issues with where I live and my health that came up these past few weeks.

But even with the trip and many other matters taking up time, things still worked out. My personal goals are 40k+ words per month and to program/release half a Moment as a beta build. That happened! In December progress was higher than expected, but there's nothing wrong with doing the planned amount and nothing more. So I'd say it was another successful month.

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Alright, we hit a big milestone and started 2024 off on a solid foot. Before this year is up, Step 1 will be entirely finished and Step 2 will have a fair amount of progress made. I'm looking forward to it! Tomorrow I'm gonna post about what you can expect in the short term. 

Thank you for following along or coming around to see how everything is going.💖



Kara Onasi

Oh yes! I’m happy to hear that step 2 will have some done too by the end of the year. I’m dying to see more of Qiu in step 2 (and get to see Baxter at some point in step 2)

Alyn Revilo

Congratulations on all the hard work this month!