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We've got another build in the middle of the month! Hooray. Our third Step 1 Moment, Fancy Fun, is now playable. It's Tamarack's half of the event so you know it's gonna be eventful, haha.

If you're at the highest tier, you can leave your suggestions for additional choice options/MC reactions for these new scenes HERE.

I haven't added suggestion from last month's beta yet. They've been written but not programmed throughout this build.


No Information in the beta can be shared publicly.

Screenshots can't be posted, videos can't be uploaded, even  discussing what occurs in the events publicly is not allowed and will  get your access to future builds revoked.

You can do all of those things within the private GB Patch Discord  server or leave your feedback as a comment.

Download Links:

Windows/Linux Download

Mac Download

Android Download (If Google Drive won't work, use the Dropbox Mirror)

And since we've had some problems in the past with so many people downloading beta builds that they get locked out by Google Drive, I've uploaded mirror builds! If the first ones listed don't work, you can try these.

Windows/Linux Download Mirror

Mac Download Mirror

Android Download Mirror (Dropbox)

Or you can bypass the quota by logging in to a Google Drive account, then on the file's download page, click "Add shortcut to Drive" in the upper right corner. Save it to your Drive, then create a new folder, put it inside, and download the folder!

Save files from the prior beta should work in this beta!

New Content:

  • Fancy Fun Part 2
  • Small fixes to typos/errors from the prior build
  • Additional BG locations and alterations
  • Additional outfit for Tamarack
  • Music tracks that haven't been in any event yet
  • An updated music room

Alright, there you have it. Seeing more of the story come together is so great. Before we know it all five of the base Moments will be totally playable! For now, I hope you'll enjoy Moment number three 💖.



Anna Bia

Can't wait to get home to play


It’s early! I’ll be back here in three hours.


sorry if this is a dumb question but does this make the moment complete or is there still more content for this moment being worked on?


Wow so soon! I'm mad impressed

Anime Yay



Thank you! I hope you’re enjoying your vacation!


I am so glad this is what I wake up to see in my notifications 🥺❤️


oh i cant wait to play just downloaded it


wow... I was wondering what we would get for our daily GBPatch post, and when I saw the post I went 👁️👄👁️. More seriously, thank you GBPatch team! In general I'm expecting the beta at the end of the month~😆 But now I'm a little scared...😅 There's a lot of positive things coming my way today... like the new episodes of the series that I'm watch, or the event of a game I'm playing... I hope it doesn't mean anything🥲 have a good day everyone and above all take care of yourself!


not played yet, but I think he is complete now! in general we always have 1/2 of the episodes at a time~^^


Wait, I just realized that even the time of the post is much earlier than usual!😅


Thank you. It’s really fun. I can’t wait to try it.

Rea Sanka

YESS!!! 😆😆😆


Oh, waiting to play this is literally going to get me through my day. Sweet!!


It was so well done! Awesome job!

rory 𖤐

yessss! i was waiting for part two before starting the moment and it was so much (fancy) FUN indeed🤭 looking forward for the next moments to come :)!

Adam Snider

i really hope Opa really gets to be the mc's father figure in the wedding 😊


Hey - I've run into two errors. When getting milk from the fridge and asked what type of milk we keep, I selected cow's milk and nothing else. It then reads 'So, False is what you'd bring to the tea party'. Shortly after, after the line 'But you got a hold of your target. The milk left in the carton sloshed around.' the below error appears: [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Step 1/fancy_fun/fancy_fun2.rpy", line 1104, in TypeError: argument of type 'bool' is not iterable -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "Step 1/fancy_fun/fancy_fun2.rpyc", line 1009, in script call File "Step 1/fancy_fun/fancy_fun2.rpyc", line 1104, in script File "renpy/ast.py", line 2133, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "renpy/python.py", line 1153, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "renpy/python.py", line 1146, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/Step 1/fancy_fun/fancy_fun2.rpy", line 1104, in TypeError: argument of type 'bool' is not iterable Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64 Ren'Py Our Life: Now & Forever Beta 1.3.9-beta Wed Jan 17 19:12:55 2024 [/code]


Later on it's referred to as 'False milk' again with Omi and Opa downstairs




just blew this entire moment for like the past two hours, i love this moment so much!


Thank you for this, hope you're enjoying your vacation!


It cuts off just as I get to Tamarack's home, but everyone is mentioning seeing other stuff, is anyone else having this issue?


Ok, this might be a little bit overstepping but I would suggest that you might want to put a huge disclaimer on beta build posts telling people not to discuss it publicly? There have been some serious issues lately with people leaking/spoiling beta content in public. And I mean a HUGE disclaimer in, like, all-caps so people can't miss it.


I just finished playing Fancy Fun and really, I didn't expect this turn of events!😆 I was shocked but everything ended well~^^ otherwise let's talk about the Track list!! I love how it is now!😭 it’s beautiful!🥹


Neither one of the Android downloads are working for me, the first one freezes my phone, and the Dropbox one I get an error message. Edit: came back 4 hours later and I was able to get it downloaded into my Android now!! Can't wait to play it!!


It's the full story from start to end but it will get fixes/extra touches over time!


That must be an error of some sort, the prior beta ended before Tamarack's house and this beta goes to the end of the Moment. So if it cuts off when you get to her house something must be going wrong.


This beta was a bit of a struggle for me to get through. I had an error with the milk which gave me a rollback when i tried to pick what kind of milk i wanted. the game kept referring to it as "false milk" and said it was non-lactose when i didn't pick that option 😭 i also noticed there was no changes when Tamarack was set to crush which made replaying a bit confusing. cute moment otherwise!


Ahhh this was so sweet! I loved this moment so much, it hints at there being more to the story so effortlessly, I also loved the resolution. Despite the difficulties with her parents, and probably concerns about wanting to raise her right after what happened with their son; it's clear Tamarack's Omi and Opa really want the best for her and are the best choice to raise her.


this was really fun and cute but..... are we gonna get to see how the ballet goes??🙏 😭


That was a fun moment! I have a funny feeling the 'problems' Opa mentioned has something to do with a certain forest girl's parents. >_> I hope you continue to enjoy your Vacation, thank you for another wonderful update!

Anime Yay

Help? Regardless of which file I download(Android) nothing shows up? Even when I restart? Do I have to Uninstaller or something? Uninstaller still does nothing...


I dunno if this happened for anyone else, but when MC grabs the milk out of the fridge (I got cow's milk and the line is "But you got a hold of your target. The milk left in the carton sloshed about") I get a notice that an exception has occurred with "Argument of type "bool" is not iterable".


The quality of your writing is always top notch. Thanks for the update!


This is BEAUTIFUL. It looks and feels stunning. Also, TEENY favour - can we move the icons idea over to OL:B&A? Because I’ve truly bolloxed my saving system there and this is genius! 💗


It appears that whenever I choose only one type of milk it says "So, False is what you'd bring to the party." then after the next 2 textboxes an exception occurs. Anyone else having this problem?

Konoi Kurozora

That was so cute! I skipped the previous build because I was busy, so I had the full moment all at once and it made me happy! Interestingly, I liked Qiu's half way more, and it's totally unrelated to whom my MC is crushing on! My MC also does ballet (funnily enough I decided about that even before knowing this is what Qiu does - what were the chances!). And during the whole initial part of the moment, I was just thinking how my MC must be going crazy wanting to play the Mouse King... the fact we actually had the opportunity... priceless! It was a rare instance of my MC going a bit more unhinged and secure in Step 1. On the other hand, Tamarack's moment was everything that my MC dislikes at this point and what makes me anxious IRL too! Except the tea - he loved the tea! It's just that the fact Tamarack did all of that without asking her grandparents and the fact she sort of "tricked" my MC was something he disliked a lot, and it's the sort of trope that makes me a bit anxious like I said. Of course it did end well, but still! Doesn't make it any less interesting, though!


Is it possible to edit this with a spoiler warning? just in case someone hasn't played yet and reads the comments before playing

Alyn Revilo

What a cute update! I'm pretty much biased when it comes to Tamarack so I definitely had the most fun with her route. A secret grounding tea party with a princess turned the whole family? I'm definitely going for a 'I've been involved with the family since day 1' vibe since my MC has been quite assured that she'll marry Tamarack in the future one day. Well-mannered my MC is she has a mischievous streak and was happy to have the secret tea party with her crush/best friend. I also enjoyed the bonding moment with the grandparents and how it turned into a small little tea party in the drawing room with hints of the familial discord in the Baumann family. I look forward to the Moments to come!


I LOVED this moment so much omg. Tamarack is such a little brat as a kid and I love how Granny is having none of that, I can only imagine how much those two argue when Tamarack is a child


I can't wait to play it <3


Oooo!! I haven't sat down to play the previous beta build yet (I like playing the beta builds when each new step is 'finished'), but I'm hoping to have time to sit down and play everything this weekend when I can dedicate a bit more time to play it all in a long sitting w/o having to worry about work :3


the one that was playing during tamarack's tea party was so nice I kept it on a loop while staring at Tammy's face


Definitely my favorite moment so far <3 Just a little sidenote: the bow on Tamarack's Dirndl should be tied in the front because right now her bow's indicating that she's a widow :')


Thank you for the report! And there are changes if you're on crush. It adds hearts to certain dialog boxes and blushes and some changed phrases throughout.


I'm sorry. Can you try again now? Someone else had that problem and it went away after a few hours.


I'm glad you liked it! But I'm afraid it's unlikely any new features will be added to OL1.


The comment sections are meant for feedback. We encourage people as much as possible to share what happened in their experience. So please don't read comments before playing if you don't want to be spoiled.

Anime Yay

I've been trying since wensday,it's still not showing up. wether I use drop box or the Google link. I've Uninstalled and still doesn't show, am I doing something wrong? Like. Legitly?


Fair call. You’ve definitely given us more than a generous amount of your time on that one already!


Just finished the new build just now and it was honestly wonderful, like "waking up from a sweet dream and having that fullfilled feeling all day long" kinda wonderful! I think I can speak for everyone here that we appreciate all your work and effort very much! Cheers to all GB patch family! In another note I experienced an error while listening to the soundtrack when I clicked on the Night song. The music itself plays, but the bg that was supposed to appear with it seems missing. I can share the log if it helps to see it. A minor thing but I wanted to share it :)


AAAAAAAAAAAAA so excited to play through


it was so cute omg :(((( i hope we can get more moments with Tamarack's grandparents in the future <3 (ps this moment made me miss my grandparents sm)

Kalyx Wynthor

Wow, I really liked that new update! I like spending tim with Qui! It was awesome 👍🏼 Thank you so much 😁 Oh by the way you duplicated the sentence "Tamarack giggled, swishing the hem of her polka-dot skirt. The same sentence is two dialogue away from one another.


I can't say for sure what could be going wrong. It sounds like the link isn't broken, the info just isn't being added to the device, as far as I can tell. Maybe there's a setting or space problem that's making this build unable to install on your phone.

