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Stormy days are ahead! There's some real fall weather adventures in OL2. And, of course, there's lots of alterations based on how prepared the MC is for that, haha.

Pure Text:

“The Golden Grove wilderness was made up of the same stuff wherever you were in it.”

“But that didn’t mean you couldn’t tell when brush and rocks were around the neighborhood, and when you hadn’t laid eyes on a single thing around you before.”

“That second situation was what you were in at this point.”

“It was then when a roar bellowed from the forest’s depths moving straight towards you! Leaves fled their branches, the trees creaked.”

tam “AH!”

if mc doesn’t have umbrella:

“And the sheer force of the gust knocked Tamarack’s ladybug back.”

if sharing tam’s:

“Splatters of water whipped into your face.”

if teamworking/doting:

“You moved in front of Tamarack to give her cover while she got the umbrella under control.”

if contesting:

“You grabbed higher up on the umbrella poll, forcing it forward. It was like an icicle in your hands.”

if not:

“You blocked it with your hands and ducked for cover.”


if own umbrella:

“And the sheer force of the gust nearly pulled your umbrella from your hands. Splatters of water whipped into your face.”

“At the same time, it forced Tamarack’s ladybug back. She was fighting the same fight as you.”

if made same comment in the past:

“Of course, you’d be the same.”


qiu “Whoa-”

“Qiu snatched at his hood before it got flung off. He tugged the sides so close together his whole head disappeared behind it.”

if coat, no umbrella:

“You did something similar, hiding in your coat as much as possible.”

if no coat/no umbrella/headgear:

“You desperately grasped your [headgear] before it was stolen by an invisible hand.”

if nothing:

“You couldn’t do anything but wrap your arms around yourself.”


“But the worst of it passed as quick as it had come. Half a smile peeked out from the furry edge of Qiu’s hood.”

qiu “Are you [two] still alive?”




this is so cute! i’m so excited for this i can hardly wait😫😫


This is so chaotic but wholesome!!


Is there gonna be an option to cover your face with your scarf or something?


I love how I can picture the scene through your writing! Great work and happy new year. Hope it's a great one. 💕✨️

Anna Bia

Own, so cute!


I can't wait for this scene!! It's gonna be great!! 💚💚💚


"Are you two still alive?" 😂

Alyn Revilo

I am torn between no umbrella: has an excuse to hold Tam's umbrella and possibly share it with her get umbrella: 'you are the same again' lololol

Anime Yay

I would simply take the hood section off of quis head, a put it on myself :U


Awe, I’m so excited to see this scene in its full!!! It looks so cute!!!


I'm afraid not. You need a hood, headgear, or umbrella to get an extra alteration.


i wonder which moment this is going to be from 😯😯


Heya! Please let me know if I'm not supposed to put (potential) bugs in open comment sections like this, I dunno the protocol :'l. There's a bug(?) in the game where, despite playing a primarily nonverbal MC where I'd say about 80-90% of their actions are done without speaking, somewhere in the prologue and onwards the dialogue/actions suddenly switch to a verbal/outspoken MC no matter how many silent options I pick after that. It could just be that I picked enough rare moments of speaking for the personality trait to switch, but the ratio of my MC not speaking to speaking is too high for me to think that's the case.


i can't wait to play more step one adventures 😭


Cul de sac Kids bond building exercise! 🌧️☔🌬️


awww how cute


Looks cute and fun.

Kara Onasi

Thank you for the snippet! (Wish we could offer to share the umbrella with pretty Qiu haha)


I'm sorry! This isn't a place to put bugs. You can leave them in the beta thread itself or the bug report section in our private discord, so we can keep track of reports.