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Well, well, well, if you've played our old game XOXO Droplets, or are active in the GB Patch fandom,  you know exactly who this mysterious silent boy is. But it seems our friends in Golden Grove do not. For a change, the MC isn't the only one left in the dark about people in that town, haha.

Now, here's the text version of this preview.

Pure Text:

“Qiu grinned surely while he approached the group.”

qiu “I knew I heard [Tamarack’s voice/your voices] over here.” #if mc spoke or not

“He experienced the same realization you’d made, and that Tamarack had. Qiu found not only who he’d been looking for, but an extra kid to boot.”

“However, for Qiu, it wasn’t an unbelievable, world-changing shock.”

qiu “Guy, you’re here, too? It’s been so long!”

“Of course, Qiu already knew everything about Golden Grove.[ He was such a smarty-pants./ He always did! So smart.]” #if teasing/rude or if praising/admiring


tam “Guy?!”

“Tamarack hadn’t stopped to talk to Qiu, there wasn’t time for “hi’s” with the boy she knew when there was one that she didn’t right there.”

tam “Is that your name?”

“She renewed her efforts of getting into “Guy’s(?)” way-up-high face. She bounced to manage it.”

qiu “Pff, no!”

“Qiu answered for the new kid, who was busy covering his eyes.”

qiu “It’s just what I call him sometimes.”

“That grounded Tamarack. She pulled back away from the boy not named Guy. If Qiu had the answers already, Tamarack supposed she could focus on him instead.”

if didn’t speak during prologue 4c while waiting for baxter:

qiu “Remember how I told on the first day of school that once Baxter got there, you’d have met almost all the best kids in town? Well, this was the “almost”. Now you’ve seen everybody.”


“Qiu swept his arms towards the boy in the pastel sweater like he was presenting your grand prize after winning a game show.”

“It made sense in a way; it did take playing a game to find the kid. Though Qiu didn’t know that.”

qiu “Lemme introduce you. Thisis my forest friend!”

“He counted off the facts he knew about his “forest friend”, holding up his left hands and stretching out one finger per detail.”

“Yeah, Qiu used just the fingers on his left hand to note it all. That was how much he could mention.”

qiu “He’s a boy, he’s older than us but younger than Darren and Baxter, sometimes he’s in the woods out here but usually not, and he doesn’t say stuff. Not out loud. He does nod and that kinda thing.”

qiu “He’s just one of those people who doesn’t say stuff. [Like how [first_name] is quiet most of the time./Like how Tamarack’s grandpa is super quiet].” #if mc not silent or is

“It made sense why Qiu only called him “Guy”, considering that list of details.”

“Qiu had put together as much about the kid as you and Tamarack did by being around the boy for a few minutes.”



Emi K

I'm so excited for child Pran! He's such a cutie ❤️
