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Happy 5th of the month! It's the final question collection of 2023. These are gonna be the last questions of the whole year. It's truly absurd.

Here you can ask me things you're wondering about for our games or company and they'll be answered at the end of the month an an audio recording (with a text transcript too). Just make sure the questions long follow the guidelines!

The thread will close after December 19th.


1. Please don't reply to other people's questions even if you know the answer. The fun of joining a Q&A is that the developer can give a direct response to you and that everyone else also gets to hear/see the answer in the end of the month post. Having another player resolve the question in the comments right here might not be what the asker was hoping for. This thread is more about having a good time rather than looking for an immediate response to an important question. And if you do have a question you want to hear about right away, it's best to ask in some other thread or to message me directly.

2. I'm afraid questions about what scenes/choices/art assets Our Life: Now & Forever will include aren't answerable right now. Most of the details are decided as the game is created and currently I'm only writing Step 1. I do know some things coming later, but only a small fraction of the whole game.

3. The questions can't be about more serious/potentially upsetting topics because I don't want those listening to suddenly be surprised with something they might not have been prepared for/want to be confronted with.

4. Please keep the questions here to things that wouldn't be really hard to tackle in an off-the-cuff, spoken out loud kind of Q&A, aha. Questions about a half dozen characters or wanting an entire theoretical situation described aren't super doable in this situation.

You can always send me questions outside of the audio Q&A if they wouldn't work here!


You can also find answers for more basic info like heights, birthdays, timelines, and such in the Overall FAQ.

That's everything. Thank you to everyone who participates in the Q&A!



if Omi and Opa were superheroes, what would be their superpowers?


Is there a specific program you use to organize the script for the game? What is your process for writing the different dialogue options and what they result in? I hope that made sense 😅

Bee Jorg

Do you think that OLNF may get extra romance dlcs? Like how you did with OLBA and having dlc availabke to romance Derek and Baxter?


Hello, hope your having a good Christmas month! I had 3 questions but I forgot one so I'll add it later if I remember😭 1: if my mc is a trans girl do you think it would make it easier to be friends with Renee or make it harder, just curious since I'm a trans women irl. 2: what would the OL 1 and 2 leads favorite video game genre be?


hi!! love the demo so far!! So... I'm genderfluid with ADHD and finding out that Qiu also is made me feel very comforted. I project myself and make my MC have those features as well, therefore I started to wonder: if my MC comes out as genderfluid, would my MC be able to comfort Qiu in a way? Same goes for the ADHD. Like, an scene were both characters are expressing their feelings towards their gender or their disabilities and then finding out they're not alone, they're understood, someone as close as their neighbour/bestie/partner also experiences it. Kind off like the lactose intolerant bit where you can tell Qiu you also are and he seems comforted by it. I just thought that playing scenes like that would be wholesome. Lastly, change of subject, has it been considered to add the feature of accents? Thought it could be cool to customise the MC like that or maybe for the other characters in the game


I’m so excited to see the next level of progress! I have a couple questions: firstly, on a scale of 1 to nearly comatose on the floor, how giddy were you after fulfilling the Kickstarter in 20 minutes? Secondly, with the best friend system taking priority in terms of scenes, will romantic interest be recognised along side it? Like, say you’re best friend platonic with Autumn but romantic with Tama, will Autumn still have priority as the best friend? And lastly is a question about Autumn. Ballet is one of their major parts of their story, but it’s also one of the most strict when it comes to gender roles. Will this play a role in any stories for them? And would Autumn have a preference in which part they play?


I've noticed that Qiu has some trouble pronouncing certain words- is this because he's a kid and trying to use big words or is this a Qiu™ thing

Emma's dreams

Yeay The question tread! Hello again GB Patch team! How are you doing this month? I hope everything is going well for you! This is my third time participating! I am so happy! and I promise, I will eventually stop counting the number of times... So! here are my questions! Thank you in advance for your answers! 1- I really like Mr. Yusuf, even if we haven't spoken to him much yet. Will it be possible to consider him as our father in the future and even call him dad like Cove's father? and if so, approximately at what stage will this be possible? (of course, it’s ok if you can't answer the question yet!) 2-Again about Mr. yusuf, why did you choose not to make him appear in Step 1, but in the other steps? I don't remember seeing his appearance in Step 1 even though he looks like an important character! 3-This time it's about Baxter! I remember in one of the posts concerning him that you mentioned that he did not have a good reputation in Step 2. Could you give us some details on why and how? and if not, will this information be given to us in the game or will it be part of the main plot? (For example an entire episode on the subject) 4-And the best for the last, I'm really curious about the "envious of" meter. Unlike the “jealous over” meter, which we were able to test in the Step 2 preview, the “envious of” meter remains shrouded in mystery. Will it be possible for us to choose what our MC is envious of? I know it might be difficult to choose for Tam or Qiu, but in our case, could we choose that our MC is envious of Qiu's popularity or the fact that the LIs both have a father they are lucky to know? Will this be done through choices? 5- And finally, Merry Christmas to all of you! <3


YAYY so excited!! my question is, do the OL1 leads have any specific signature scent?

Yarino Tengoku

Oh I'm so excited! Also, feel free to ignore this if it's something planned, but how would Tam and the boy's club react to a stereotypically creepy/gothic oc? (Likes creepy things, is generally weird, kinda an outcast, likes occult stuff, ect) I try my best to do what I can to go that route but I haven't found any lmao.


If Cove came to visit Golden Grove, what would Qiu and Tam think of him? And conversely, what would he think of them?


How would you rate Qiu and Tam on the MC's personality stats? (rule following/breaking, chatty/silent, rowdy/proper etc)


Hi!! This question is most likely something that’s been answered before, so I do apologize, but I’m just curious: (The question consists of two parts so I just split it into two!) A. If you know atm, how many moments will be in each step? B. Judging off of OL1, will this have similar DLC where you can pay for extra moments in each step, and, if so, will it be a 5 and 5 again, or do you plan on doing a different amount? Thank you, and have a wonderful day!!


Here's to a great new year of our life!! What are your favourite things about Qiu and Tamarack, both physically and personality wise? I think it's really neat to see how their looks change so much to fit with their ages over the years, but keeps such key elements of who they are!


Hi - I know we've switched gears to OL:N&F (which is coming along so great, thanks for all the hard work) but I've wondered if you were to play OL: B&A, do you have a headcanon playthrough? Are there choices you feel you would make the same every time (like telling Cove about the secret with Cliff or something like that)?

Anna Bia

Hi! First i must say, i loved how we can start to have a crush in Qiu or Tama in Wheels and i was wondering... is this the only moment in step 1 we will have that possibility? (Feel free to ignore if this is something that wasn't decided yet)


I can’t believe the year is almost over! I hope you guys have a great December but my question is Does either Tammy or Qiu like reading and if so which genres? Specifically romance and poetry, do either of them like it, would either of them write poetry? I feel like Qiu would be more keen to write poetry just because they write in their notebook but is that actually true?

Theo (icon by Xianiyi on Twitter)

Firstly, what an eventful year! You've done so much and should be super proud. Thank you for all your hard work! I've actually been wondering about this for a while now, the jealousy system is a new one for you, and this is also your first time implementing a poly dynamic into a game as well. At least, as far as I'm aware. Are you worried about how those two might interact? It seems like it might be a difficult variable to work around. If we have them set to be jealous, will they still be able to be poly and just have maybe some extra dialogue about working through that, or will being poly not be possible with the jealousy dynamic?


Now that a poly route is on the table, even with just Qiu and Tama being friends and also dating the player, do you have any ideas how the wedding DLC is going to play out if the player has taken that path? Obviously not expecting detail since it's still years off at this point, I'm just wondering what your current thoughts on that are?


This is maybe less an Q&A question but would you ever consider posting snippets of the actual code/ coding process of the game? It’s something Im interested in as someone whos started using Ren’py but I could also totally get why you wouldn’t want too!


I was thinking about the MC's room, and how they're customizable from Stage 1-3 for OL 2. I was wondering, for the Choice Log & Achievements/Journal, would it be possible if 'photos' of the way the room looked at each Stage (with all the chosen Room Decor that was picked at that Stage on full display in these photos) be available to be looked at in the Journal, even if we've moved on to later Stages? Also, could we be able to the Journal to look at the items (I forget what they are called) that we've came across, such as the Paper Airplane, Tamarack's Treasures, and Qiu's 'Welcome to the Neighborhood' note, arranged in the Journal as sort of a picture gallery? This way, even if nobody picks, let's say Qiu's 'Welcome to the Neighborhood' for a Custom Room Decor, we could still be able to follow through with a possible promise to Qiu that we'd keep it forever.


Ive seen comics and fics of the MCs from each Our Life game meeting, and it got me wondering: do you think Baxter would be happy to have his friends from Golden Grove and Sunset Bird also be friends with each other after he reconnects with them, or do you think he’d find it a bit overwhelming?


This is going to be a random question, but it entertains me to think about it with any character; if the main characters of OL1&2 were dog breeds, what would they be? (Or, what animal would they be?)


So I was under the impression that we had seen all of the planned characters for Steps 1-3, but in the classroom before meeting Baxter Qiu mentions that we haven't met all the best kids in town yet, and in the last Q&A you mentioned "another girl who comes along in Step 3". Who are these mystery people?? Unless the secrecy is purposeful, haha


Hi I'd like to wish everyone a Heart warming december. I have a few question this time. First ; In wich year is Baxter born ? Second ; Would it be okay to print the digital wallpapers (personal use only) ? The shipping bill is a little too much for me (I'll understand if it's not okay) Last ; How would the OL2 leads react if the MC was 4 years older ? My MC is the silent type, if that helps. I hope all those questions are okay. Take care !


Hello! I love your games <3 I just had two questions! My first was about XOXO Blood Droplets - Is GB Patch still thinking about working on it? Or is it on like, a permanent hiatus? And my second question was about Cove! Is he the type of person who wouldn't mind an extremely clingy partner, or would he kinda be overwhelmed by that much attention? Like, follows him around everywhere, constantly touching or holding onto him; that sorta thing!


- If you can't answer this, then I totally understand! Can you describe how Qiu and Tam act in a relationship? Such as, are they shy, bold, or clingy etc.? - If this question is too difficult to recall or answer I fully understand. What is the difference between "cold" personality Cove and having him be fully sweet and warm romance wise? Especially if we have been romancing him as soon as we could, in case that makes a difference.


I was wondering what determines if Shiloh/Leon shows up as Shiloh or Leon in the Cove Wedding DLC? Is there anything the MC does in the story that prompts the character growth? Is it random?


would you ever consider allowing ‘jealous of’ and ‘jealous over’ to be selected at the same time ?


hello, thanks for your hard work!! i hope everyone in the team is doing well. i've got several questions if you don't mind. 1. In regards to OLBA, was there anything about the story you wished you did differently, like maybe you wanted to explore some character's relationship more, or add one more theme, etc.? Or are you the type to not look back once a project is finished and go "Yup, I'm done. We'll leave it at that" cause honestly same lmao. 2. I found it really cute that you could have Cove and MC exchange letters while Cove is away at his mom's place, but I always wondered why letters? Did they never communicate electronically, like through emails or social media? Latching on to that idea, do any of the LIs in the Our Life series use social media? I kinda feel like Cove rarely uses it but the others I'm not so sure. 3. Lastly, now that the year is almost over, how do you think the year went for you guys and what are your hopes for next year? Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!!


Would Qiu ever allow the MC to wear his bandana? (In step one of course.) And Second question Would Qiu having a crush on the MC or just being friends with the MC change anything with what he tells his parents 👀


Idk if this has been answered yet but do ya know when we'll get the new outfits you showed during October 7th?


I love the latest beta even more than the last one, which I didn't think was possible. You guys never cease to amaze me! -Can you tell me more about how having a "best friend" will affect the game? Especially with the Envy and Jealous traits. -Is there a reason why you choose only to be able to have one best friend, and will that change later in game eg. if you marry both Qiu and Tamarack? -What were Qiu and Tamarack's first impressions of each other? What was their inner monologue like? -I noticed that Mr Yusuf has earrings similar to Opal's in his Act 3 portrait. Is this a hint that they will have a relationship in the future? -I was surprised by the option to give Qiu a nickname in step 2 as he already has "Autumn". Is there any nickname or pet name you would pick for your own playthrough/ head cannon? (Also, anyone else who wants to answer what they chose, please let me know. I'm super curious as to what you picked.) -How many moments will there be per Step? Since we have two leads, I wondered if we'd have more than in OL1. -When did Cove realize his feelings toward Mc? When did he become aware of romantic thoughts and sexual feelings towards Mc? In Act 2, He says he feels behind in his experiences towards attraction compared to others. This made me curious about when he first got these thoughts, when he noticed them, and how he reacted to that realization.


hi! first thing, thank you (you and the team) for all the work you have put in these fantastic games, i hope you are doing well! The question i wanted to ask was something about the LI of OL1 and OL2, if they all knew each other (like for example if Derek knew Tamarack or Cove knew Qiu, etc), what they would think of one another? they would be friends? only acquaintances? or something else entirely? thank for reading this question :)


Do any of the OL2 characters have accents? I'm especially curious about Tamarack's Omi and Opa since they're from Germany. When did they and Qiu's parents/grandparents/other immigrate to the US? (totally understandable if it's not planned yet, though!)


Hello ! I hope you're all doing well ! Thank you for all your hard work ! It's just fantastic to see the evolution of the game ! 1) I wanted to know if it would be possible in OL2 to eventually link our save with the one in OL1 if we had done Baxter's route (friendship or romance) / or select some choices in the start of Step 4 which determined Baxter's status with his friends in OL1 ? For example, could it be possible that he talk about Cove, Miranda, Terry and our OL1 MC to his friends ? Or if we went down the romantic route, could we find out if he's married to our OL1 MC ? I'm afraid that it's too early to know for sure, but I wanted to ask in case you have some idea already. If you can't answer it, I totally understand ! 2) I love the idea that we can have a best friend, and the interactions are so cute between the MC and Qiu or Tamarack, but I was wondering if we could have both of them as best friends later in the game ? If it's not the case, it's also fine :D Thank you for your answers and happy new year in advance ! ^-^


What kind of gifts would Qiu and Tamarack would like to get if the MC was to give them something when Christmas rolled around in Golden Grove? My MCs would like to know. 🤶🎅🧑‍🎄


Is there a small indoor (or outdoor Drive-In) theatre in/near Golden Grove? My hometown had a theatre (that closed up by the time I was little, but ticket office was still there; all of the chairs were removed and there was a stage where the silver screen used to be). We used to use the old theatre for community events, such as Halloween parties.


Hello! I'm curious about Mr. Clifford Holden. I just finished playing Derek's route and I found it so sweet that he can become our honorary dad! I'm wondering though, does he ever find love again? I suppose I can headcanon anything for him but I'm curious if you have any more input on this.


Is there chance our MCs could have a heart-to-heart talk about their relationship with Opal/how either of them currently think about marriage (even if it's a platonic relationship) in a Stage 2 moment? I don't know how to frame this question, considering Opal's reaction to Tamarack's curiosity. Last thing (most of) my MCs' would want to do is upset/anger Opal.... If Yusuf and Opal were thinking of being together/starting to head in this direction at this Stage (then again it may have started between the Stages), this may be a great time for Opal to have this talk before letting the MC know about it.

Mackenzie McEvoy

Hiya! I hope you’re all having an amazing day. Thank you for working so hard on these wonderful games! My question is about our lovely girl Renee in step 1, I was playing with a female MC, I’ve noticed that if you like her, play the moment wheels before walks, choose to be in the race and then catch a nut in your mouth, Baxter says that, “oh, she’s good” and Renee responds with “uh, yeah she is, you’re late to notice that!” but when I tried to do that again with a male MC, she didn’t say that, she went “yeah… looks like he is”, I was just wondering if there’s a reason as to why that is? She seems to warm up to female MC quicker than a male MC, at least from what I’ve seen so far.


First off I want to say that I really enjoy your games, they are so cute! This is a kickstarter/patreon question, Are the kickstarter beta testers and the second tier paterons the same? Like do they get the same access at the same time for the beta builds? Or is it that the beta testers get the beta build earlier?

Emma's dreams

Hello! I was passing by and thought I'd respond too~✨👀 I went with the nickname bunny (that's a lot of nicknames that end in "y" haha). It's because Qiu reminds me of a moon rabbit~ so cute!☺️


This is just a reminder that Step 2 Qiu only uses they/them pronouns :)

A.J. Agreste

In the Step 2 preview, we can change our LIs' personality traits. But could this be automatically changed based on how we interact with them during Moments? Like how the Cove we get throughout the years is based on how we treated him in previous Steps.

Marie R.Draco

Hello! I have a couple of questions: 1-I know that Baxter like zebras and other black and white animals and a has a preferences for horses but I was wondering if it was his favorite animal ? Also would he ever has a pet(what kind if yes) or would he be at least ok with mc having one or more(especially cats) when living together ? I love this man a lot and can never get enough of him <3 2-Out of all the Cove's appearances and personalities is there one that you consider more canon or just that you prefer personaly ? Happy Holydays and thank you for your wonderfull games they really brightened my life and are a nice source of comfort <3

Marie R.Draco

(tried to rewrite my comment but still can only see part of it, dunno if it's only on my side or not so here is the part missing) 2-Out of all the Cove's appearances and personalities is there one that you consider more canon or just that you prefer personaly ? Happy Holydays and thank you for your wonderfull games they really brightened my life and are a nice source of comfort <3

A.J. Agreste

I was wondering if you could tell us what determines the two leads appearances in Step 2? Like long-haired Qiu vs short haired. Differing accessories. Same with Tammy.


In OL2 is there a chance there will be options in Moments or a straight up Moment that leads to a disagreement or argument with one or both of the OL2 love interests? Similar to the small argument with Cove in the OL1 Moment 'Talks' I think it was. I enjoyed seeing and experiencing the fact that not everything was happy and jovial all the time even if it was short.

Emma's dreams

hello, this is not a question so you can ignore me GBPatch team! o(^o^)o So, to answer you, I really hope that we will have this kind of moment! it could even be related to the “envious of” meters. we already know that OL2 will be less jovial than the 1 in general, but regarding my MC, I went for an always happy character who loves everyone and who is happy to live in this small town with this most loved persons, but I wanted to add a little negative thing to this ray of sunshine. so, even if my MC doesn't blame Opal for her lack of a father, she will be "envious of" Tam and Qiu because they have a father. that would be really interesting. an argument could break out with Qiu for example regarding this disagreement with his parents while my MC would give anything to have a father like Qiu's. (and sorry for answering you if you're not interested, I just really like to exchange my opinions about the game~🥺)


in my case, i didn't choose any new nickname as i prefered to leave it for when the full step 1 is out. i think that by going through all the Moments, i'll be inspired by some particular experience with him that would make my MC want to tease them with it in Step 2


For Halloween in Step 1, Ren has a Robin Hood costume and you said it's because there was no Link costume available. Does she have a favorite game out of them all? I just recently got into BOTW/TOTK thanks to my partner so I was amused to see that.


I assume Tamarack likes rain because of her umbrella sprites, but how does Qiu feel about it?


I think it's really cute how in Wheels, you can have your crushes on Qiu or Tamarack appear! In other step 1 moments, would there be other opportunities to get crushes if we were looking for the poly option? Such as crushing on Tamarack in wheels and then crushing on Qiu in the fancy fun moment for example!

Anna Bia

In step 2 we can choose to have a special nickname for Qiu... what special nickname would you give them if they were your crush/best friend?


Hello! Firstly, I would just like to thank you so much for all the effort you and the entire team put into the games. The amount of work you put into these games are not lost on me, though I can only imagine the amount of stuff you must do on the daily *in addition* to remaining motivated and having a balanced life. So I truly would like to thank you very very much. If this question can't be answered then feel free to ignore it, i wouldn't wanna waste your time lol. But I had a question about Mr. Kiyan Yusuf. Father figures are one of my favorite types of characters because of the amount of comfort they give, and I absolutely adore the man already!! So, you've elaborated on Opal's sexuality and how she prefers to stay single due to her own reasons (and honestly slay). With Yusuf being a father *figure* to us, does that mean him and Opal ever become an item and will that be a plot point in the story to add conflict to our life as the MC. Or will he just be this cool awesome guy that we grow attached to because he provides us some good advice and well needed comfort? Because that type of relationship and dynamic is also very special in its own way. I was just very curious about his role in the game. Thank you so much, again! :)


to add to this since I forgot until now, will the ‘jealous of’ setting be available if you’re only neighbors? not having the ‘jealous over’ option makes sense because why would you care if you aren’t friends, but I feel like hostile/indifferent relationships generally have a level of envy between them.

Konoi Kurozora

I have been playing the new version of the OL2 demo after a short hiatus from my Patreon subscription, and it was nice to see new content! But one thing was a bit strange to me, and so my question is a bit more "technical" this time - my MC mostly uses non-vocal communication, but now a lot more spoken lines were added to the game, including in older content where before the MC was simply nodding along, just standing there and other stuff like that, and I've been wondering if I had a bug in my playthrough, or if it was intentional - I kind of liked how little my MC spoke before if I was picking mostly silent answers. Thank you, and thanks for the great content as usual!


Hi! SOmething just popped into my mind: Since you can set to be best friends with Qiu in step 2, does that mean that they are closer to MC than to Ren?


hi again! i've alredy made a question but i've come up with another, i know it's a bit random but, there is any chance of having a shirt of the ORCA organization of OL1? i thought it was a nice shirt and i was wondering about it. Thank you for reding this question :)


If you can't answer this its okay! :) I was wondering if we can expect Tam to have issues with her parents as she grows? We know in Step 1 that she says they're to busy and she is too so its fine that she is with her Omi and Opa, but does this outlook change as she's older?


First Question: Will the Steam Demo be updated one day to at least include Wheels? So that people can get an idea for how the linked moments work. Second Question: Don't know if this can be answered yet but I'm curious how exactly Baxter manages to get involved in the Wedding DLC for N&F when he's based in California, unless booking out of state agents is a thing. Third Question: Speaking of Baxter, for those that headcanon a connection between their B&A MC and N&F MC, would Baxter have any sort of vague memory about mentions Franky might have made about Jamie by the time he shows up for that summer in Sunset Bird? Fourth Question: The kickstarter included some extra customize options for the higher tiers. Is whatever they submit going to be unique to the people that bought that? Or will those new items be available to everyone? example a hairstyle made by a backer being available only to that backer or publicly accessible


Hello! I hope the development of the game has been going well and that you’re doing great too! I have two questions. 1. I don’t know if this has been asked already but I wanted to ask if Opal and Yusuf would possibly become a couple later down the steps? I wanted to ask since in the step 3 design of Yusuf, he’s wearing earrings that look similar to what Opal wore in the first step. I’m very interested of his and Opal’s relationship and how the Mc could possibly view him as a father figure. 2. Will other characters in Step 2 be able to notice Qiu’s and/or Tamarack’s crushes on us? And if so will they react or make any comments if the MC is oblivious to their own feelings to them and thinks of them as friends?


Hii! Finally thought of something for the Q&A (I know I didn't need to but I wanted to). This likely was asked before but I'm new to the Patreon so apologies in advance if this is a repeat question! How do you manage to keep up the inspiration and motivation to write down thousands of words almost every week? Do you have an "action plan" of some sort, little tricks or tips you use to keep yourself going? And, do you have some kind of layout or checklist for *how* you write? Example being: xyz must be written in a specific order (start-middle-end, middle-start-end, etcetera).


Since the season for the game is fall, will there at some point be something Halloween themed in the game? Like either the kids going trick or treating, or going to some spooky place when they're older?


Hey! I love your games and I am so exited for the new Our Life! Quick question about how you write moments, are you planning on writing all of the step one moments before moving onto step two, or writing only the free moments and going back to the dlc after? P.S. you were both the first patreon I supported and the first Kickstarter I funded so I'm really happy to see how far you've come! I'm a broke college student but giving you one dollar a month for all this progress is more than worth it.


Since we know Qiu and Ren have been friends since they were toddlers, how did their parents meet?


In the current demo, is there something that determines Tam and Qiu's step 2 appearances? Or is it just random?


Has Renee started HRT in step 3?


For OL1, you said you weren’t going to release an official guide or walkthrough, since it’s such a long and extensive game. Or I think you said something along those lines! Either way, me and a friend were just wondering if there was a basic explanation for the Warm and Cold system. It seems to do the opposite of whatever we try to do get maybe it works like that? Or maybe it’ll remain a mystery forever!


Also, just wanted to say it was a cool touch for MC to react and think differently whenever they saw Baxter again based on if the goodbye was friendly, or if MC was sad or angry with him. I kept flip flopping back and forth to see what the small details were and thought touches like that are awesome, narratively.


Last question, anything you can publicly say about Project W? Even just the general tone of the game? I think it’s nice that you’re so passionate about the project that you work to it even on days off! Even if not, and though it’ll be a while until we probably see anything, I’m excited for that.


Just thought of this as an add-on: Would she ever dress as Princess Zelda once she’s grown up? That would genuinely be a fire costume on her.


Hello, sorry if you've already answered a similar question before, but I was wondering something about the relationship dynamic system in the game. More specifically if characters, like the two love interest, will acknowledge relationship shifts in between steps. Like for example if we were friends in step 1, but then in step 2 we are now just neighbors, will the characters actually acknowledge that change and say something like, "We used to be friends..."?

Kara Onasi

If you could also tell us if it’s the only moment when we can change from neighbors to friends in Step 1 after the prologue. Thank you!

Kara Onasi

I love these game and I can’t wait for my the next beta. Yay Fancy Fun! I have 3 questions this month: (1) In Walks and Wheels, Baxter and Darren show up together. I know Baxter’s “big cool house” didn’t really have neighbors close by. Was he able to ride his bike to Darren’s or did he need to have someone drive/pick him up to go into town? (2) Will there be climbing in and out of windows amongst the cul de sac kids (like in OL1)? (3) When did Baxter start the pescatarian choice in earnest?

Anna Bia

Hi! I just got another question so i came back 😅 sooo i was wondering how de Voiced names and voiced nicknames will work! Can a MC have both? A voiced name aaaand a voiced nickname? Or will we have to choose one? Plus, i remember you said the voiced names wouldn't change in tones, like in OL1, but what about the voiced nicknames? Since there are waaay less and they are your choice will they have multiple tones to match the scene? (This is a pleeease 🥰)

Anna Bia

Yeees! I really am curious about project W too! She said it would have multiple choices and freedom as OL and that is enough to make me sooo happy! I really wanna know more too!


I'm afraid I can't really answer this. The super general answer is that they'd accept the MC for who they were, but I can't come up with scene/interaction concepts about them dealing with a particular type of person for this kind of Q&A. I'm sorry!


I'm sorry, I don't really know. Neither are readers in S1 and I can't say for certain in later steps. But thank you, I hope you have a good December, too!


No, I'm sorry, I can't give any thoughts on that this early on. Nothing is set in stone about how that's gonna play out and I don't wanna confuse people if current plans do change later.


That is a fun question, but I'm not good at answering these kinda things. I can never settle on something. I'm sorry.


No problem! Thanks for taking the time to respond!! 💙💙💙


Thanks for the comment. I'm afraid I can't answer the last one, but I will reply to the others!


I'm sorry, I can't answer the first question. But I will reply to the second!


Thank you for the questions, but there are some I unfortunately can't answer!


It would depend a lot on their ages and I'm afraid I can't answer about the potential relationship of that many characters. It'd be a little too hard to do off the cuff in a Q&A this. I'm sorry.


I'm sorry, you can't have two best friends. It makes system have no use if it simply makes them equal again. That's an FAQ question. But I can answer the other question in the Q&A.


Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you like Yusuf, but I'm afraid I can't answer Step 2 questions about him right now.


I'm sorry, I don't know what that could be. But this is more of a big report than a Q&A question. We didn't take the feature of being a mostly silent MC away. Unless we could look through your specific save file there's no way of knowing why you were seeing more spoken lines.


Thank you for the nice comment, but I'm afraid I can't answer these questions right now!


for the nicknames: i either go with Gold or Your Majesty. Gold since that is their fav colour and Your Majesty because of the way they act most of the time