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Hello! The Kickstarter isn't over just yet, there's a few days left, but we're keeping things normal around the Patreon. So, I've got the standard question thread on the usual day.

Here you can ask me things you're wondering about for our games or company and they'll be answered at the end of the month an an audio recording (with a text transcript too). Just make sure the questions long follow the guidelines!


1. Please don't reply to other people's questions even if you know the answer. The fun of joining a Q&A is that the developer can give a direct response to you and that everyone else also gets to hear/see the answer in the end of the month post. Having another player resolve the question in the comments right here might not be what the asker was hoping for. This thread is more about having a good time rather than looking for an immediate response to an important question. And if you do have a question you want to hear about right away, it's best to ask in some other thread or to message me directly.

2. I'm afraid questions about what scenes/choices/art assets Our Life: Now & Forever will include aren't answerable right now. Most of the details are decided as the game is created and currently I'm only writing Step 1. I do know some things coming later, but only a small fraction of the whole game.

3. The questions can't be about more serious/potentially upsetting topics because I don't want those listening to suddenly be surprised with something they might not have been prepared for/want to be confronted with.

4. Please keep the questions here to things that wouldn't be really hard to tackle in an off-the-cuff, spoken out loud kind of Q&A, aha. Questions about a half dozen characters or wanting an entire theoretical situation described aren't super doable in this situation.

You can always send me questions outside of the audio Q&A if they wouldn't work here!


You can also find answers for more basic info like heights, birthdays, timelines, and such in the Overall FAQ.

The thread will close after November 19th.

That's everything. Thank you to everyone who participates in the Q&A!



Hey Kab! I hope you’re doing well, and taking proper care of yourself. Thank you for all your work in making sure the audience has games to enjoy. Sorry if you’ve already answered this or if you consider this a dumb question but I’m curious about the polyamoryous option. For step 3 will we be able to enter a relationship with them but there won’t be like a mutual agreement? Or can we only enter a relationship with one or them, or will we not be into an official relationship with any of them? Thanks for taking time out of your day to answer this question. Take care!

?!? Crimes ?!?

Hi GB! Will we ever get eyebrow options?


Has Baxter ever browsed those wedding planner posts on reddit where they talk about how they knew a couple wouldn't last?


Hey there, thanks for making such fantastic games~ I was wondering if Prism Vista and Sunset Bird have a canonical distance from other big SoCal cities like Anaheim? I wanna send the gang to Disneyland and had to wonder how much of a roadtrip it would be XD Thanks again!


Hii! I hope you're doing well and I'm glad the kickstarter was such a success! My question is: what was your reasoning or inspiration behind making Tamarack plus sized? I love Tamarack a lot, and I have barely seen any plus sized love interests especially those who are as femme as Tamarack so it's nice to see plus sized femme love interests in the game. I kinda wanna know what made you decide that "Hey, Tamarack is going to be plus sized" if that makes sense


Hello! Thank you for the opportunity to ask questions (and of course you don't have to answer this if it's already been answered or doesn't fit the format/is too invasive!). I'm curious what percentage of people who played Our Life: Beginnings & Always actually went on to buy (any) DLC?


Are Voiced Names going to work in OL2 like it did with the original game, where you could pick a voiced name, such as 'Bobbi', and be able to change how it's spelt in the game (Bobbie or Bobby, for example)? I was wondering, considering that my own name has variations that sound alike (i.e. i/y). If someone picked my name (or a variation of it), I'd be more than happy if one of the other names on my list from the Kickstarter was considered for the voiced name list. 😁


1. What did Qui ,after meeting us, say to his parents about MC if we chose crush ? 2. How did Qui react when his parents told him that we invited him to dinner? 3. If Qui had a crush on us, would he do something cliché like write our name on one of they notes with they last name or his name with our last name? 4. Is Qui someone who would write love letters?


Hiya GB, congrats on the successful kickstarter! I'm so excited to see everything go so well. As for the question. Is there a estimate for how much of step one will be made available for patron backers? And will the content be just from the base game or the DLC moments too? Don't worry if this can't be answered right now!


Hi! Congrats on the successful campaign! I was wondering, as you're writing Step One, how you manage to accurately capture those childhood vibes so accurately. Does that come naturally to you? Neither the narration or the dialogue feel overly "cutesy" but it's still distinctly childlike. It's always impressed me haha.


In the latest demo I noticed that you can be at crush status in step 2 and can just think of them as a friend. Does that mean the MC can have a crush and not know/or realize that it's a crush? Is that something just for step 2 or is that something that can happen in all 3 steps? Is that a two way thing if so?

Marie R.Draco

Heya, I was wondering what's the meaning/story behind the name of your commpany ?


Would Miss Opal ever get the MC a pet?


Hi! Thank you for making these games and congratulations on the kickstarter page and reaching most of the stretch goals! I have a question about Qiu - do they have a particular sense of style? We already know Tamarack is the "grandma friend" and has a very "cutesy", "girly"-style. But how would you describe the way Qiu dresses or what clothes they prefer? (sorry if my question is worded awkwardly). Thank you and have a great day :)


How much facial hair is Cove able to grow? Could he grow a beard if he wanted to or does he maybe only get some stubble?


In OL2, I decided to romance Cove from the start and the second I was able to choose "Love" I took it! I also said I wanted to marry him when we met. - Does Mr. Holden realize the feelings between our two characters or is he a little clueless? How does he feel when he notices the characters feelings towards one another? - When the MC is invited to dinner at the Holdens while Kyra is visiting, why did they hesitate on allowing the MC to stay the night? - I remember a question once on the Q&A's about Mr. Holden discussing the birds and the bees with Cove. At what age was Cove sat down discuss this? Did Cove go and tell the MC that his Dad sat him down for "the talk"? I can only imagine how shy/nervous those Holdens must've been haha. - Last question and thank you for your time! We know our MC's moms had a guess that some breaking and entering was being done by Cove and/or us. Did Mr. Holden and/or our moms have any other suspicions?


i CAME UP WITH A BETTER QUESTION What's Miss Opal's favorite dish?


Congrats on reaching all the Kickstarter goals! For OL1, how and when were the Cove DLC step 1-3 stories decided? Did you brainstorm all of them for each step at one time, come up with additional ideas after the "main" (base) steps were written, or did they happen to be unused/expanded upon ideas from what you wanted to put in the base game? (Additional question if you have time:) Were there any ideas that didn't make it to either final cut?


Would there ever be a sick day memory? I've seem to always be getting sick with a cold or something.


Are there any plans to translate the game to any languages other than English?


Now that I know that Baxter doesn't have a favorite ice cream flavor, does Cove or Derek have any favorites?

Emma's dreams

Hello GB Patch team! I hope you are all well!^^ Second time participating in the Question Thread, I'm so happy! XD In short, without further delay, there is something that I wonder since the release of the step 2 preview. It is still related to the system of best friends (yes, it will be now a lot of questions about this system, haha). Anyway, I know that if you like Qiu and Tam as much as each other, you just don't choose a best friend, because both can't be, but I wonder if not having a best friend mean that we are as close to both as if they were both our best friends? For example, if we are best friends with Qiu or Tam in the preview of step 2, our dialogues with them are a little different. But if we are best friends with neither of them, how will our friendship be perceived? I might have the answer by replaying the demo for the thousandth time, but I still wanted to know directly from you what you had planned on this subject~ Second question! I don't remember if it's ever been answered before, but I was wondering if Qiu would eventually ask us to be best friends? (even if, of course, we will go after Baxter and ren in step 1). If so, will we have the possibility to accept or refuse if we are already best friends with Tam? and if we accept, will Qiu automatically be our best friend instead of Tam? Thank you in advance for your response, also congratulations on the success of the kickstarter and have a good evening/day!^^


Hello! I first of all just wanted to say that I deeply love and appreciate what you're doing with these games, with OL2 actually helping me figure out that I myself am Genderfluid! So thank you so much for that! I was just wondering will there be moments further on that are more serious in nature---sort of like the adoption moment in our life 1-- especially considering the Step 2 drama, or will it be a more light-hearted affair throughout?


When you talked about there being a poly option in OL2, with the connection between Tamarack and Qiu being a committed platonic relationship if that branch is pursued, I realised that was how I picture my MC's relationship with Cove. So it made me wonder- how would the OL1 guys react to the idea of a trio with one person being exclusively queerplatonic? Either as a romantic or platonic partner. (So basically the inverse of a MC/Qiu/Tamarack relationship, where there's two platonic connections and only one romantic.) (PS not a question but as a queer trans autistic enby, thank you for these games! The options in them make me feel very valid in building an MC and seeing them as part of the world.)


Sorry if this was answered in a reveal post, but does Opal have any sort of established family dynamic beyond the MC? Or is her backstory left blank to allow players to imprint whatever they want onto her?


What type of music would Cove listen to?


How would the LIs in OL1 and OL2 be with an MC with really bad sensory issues? Like, “The air feels like fire and my hair hurts” kind of sensory issues? Also, related, how would they react to a character with unpredictable chronic pain that can flare up with no notice so it can be hard to plan for things in advance? Would they ever get annoyed at that? Would they get concerned when the MC can be fine one minute and in pain the next? And how would Qiu feel about a nickname that jokingly pokes fun at something about them in Step 2? Like being called scatterbrain, or ‘Fall’ because of their papers. How about something sweeter, like the MC nicknaming them after something they admire about them?


Hello GB. A very random question, but what are qius and tamaracks height, or an approximate in each step? Just wondering for fanart purposes.

Jose Velazquez

Are there any reservations in step 2 of having your MC over at Tamarack or Qiu’s house by their parents/grandparents?

Marie R.Draco

I know Baxter likes horse, zebra and other black/white animals but I was wondering what's his favorite animal ? Also if he would ever have a pet(what kind if yes) or if he would at least be fine with mc having one when living together ?^^


I'm sorry, the thread closes on the 19th so I have time to record it and have a transcript made. Your questions won't be in the Q&A because of that.

Marie R.Draco

Oups, I forgot to check the date^^" it's ok, I will just save it for an other time ^^