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Hello everyone!

Normally I post the monthly Influencer gift on the 2nd, but I wanted to make this post as early on as possible, so the bonus gift will be up tomorrow instead. There's gonna be a bit of a change with how I get things done for the games.

From now on I'm gonna have two specific days off per week. I've decided on Saturdays and Tuesdays currently, maybe that'll change. For the next while I might also take additional days off or do mainly half days since I'm not feeling the best.

The most immediate and noticeable way this will impact players is with the monthly OL2 beta builds. I had hoped they'd be 20k+ per month once we got past the last of OL1 work, but with this reduced schedule OL:N&F betas will likely add somewhere around 15k words per month. Sometimes they might be more than that, and other times it could be closer to 10k.

I am still aiming for Our Life: Now & Forever to properly launch in 2025, albeit very late 2025. Though, the initial release probably won't come with all three Step DLCs available out the gate, and it for sure won't have the Step 4 epilogue. That'll have to come in 2026.

For now, I'll keep doing my daily update posts on Twitter/in Discord on Saturdays and Tuesdays to let people know that it was a day off, but if those stick as my breaks I may eventually not post at all on socials those days.

And, of course, nobody was forcing me not to have days off before this. I've never felt like fans of the games were impatient. Our players have always been willing to wait for stories to be done when they're done! I just like getting things done and there's so many things I want to get done, it makes it hard to choose to not do anything. But I'm at a point where I can't keep up that pace. I need more breaks than I used to and am gonna take them rather than risk reaching a point where I might have to stop work for multiple months because I've pushed myself too hard.

So, that's the situation right now. I'll keep you all up-to-date if things change further or get rearranged. Thank you for taking the time to read it and for following along with my progress 💕!



Thank you for all the hard work you and your team do for these games ♥️ take all the breaks you need, we'll be here cheering you on all the same!


Self care is always more important!


Proud of you for recognizing your needs! Take your time! We’re along for the ride but no one wants GB Patch overworking to please us!


'Tis far better to time-out, than to burn-out, I always quoteth!


Good job giving yourself breaks!! It's sooo important to do that, and I want to know the person behind one of my favorite games is taking care of themselves. ❤️


i’m glad you’re taking breaks hunnie, you deserve to take care of yourself too <3


I am so glad you are giving yourself some breaks!! I love your work so much, but your health and wellbeing is soo important!


I'm sure it hard to giving yourself breaks as someone working for yourself. And I'm sure having WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY too many peoples looking over your shoulder, in a way, doesn't help with it also. But you have to remember, you'er only human, like we all are. I'm sure a large amount of the members here work, like I do. And if we are able to have days off, so can you. So, take your days off. Just like we do, you need those days to just chill and relax, to recharge. As much as we love your games, we don't mind waiting for as long as you need to get it done and done right.


I was always really impressed about how much you’d get done in a month, it’s clear you work very hard! It’s awesome your work/life balance is becoming more stable and healthy, absolutely enjoy your days off!

Hressal'eert Sanguine

i hope you feel better soon. you should take care of yourself and slow down pace of your work bit. overwork doesn't help even those who usually don't get tired, i know something about that

Rex Brothers

Very happy to see you making time for some R&R. We adore your content but not at the expense of your health. Please be sure to be extra kind to yourself!


Thank you for letting us know but please take all the breaks and time you need. We'll patiently wait for you!

Elisabeth Braunfeld

Agreed! I'd rather have something later that's good and didn't cause the developer to crash and burn making it.

Maideen Fair

Im happy to hear you are taking care of yourself 😊 take it easy, i'll be there when the game is out whenever that is 🥰