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Hi everyone!

It's good to actually be here, haha. At the end of June and throughout the first half of July I was on a trip, so all those posts were scheduled in advanced and I was away when they went up. My vacation ended safely on the 15th, and I've been doing my best to get into the normal swing of things. Not too much was finished, but here's the breakdown of the past couple weeks-

Monthly Content Summary:

For normal development progress, 27,500 words were programmed between Our Life: Now & Forever and the Cove Wedding Night Patreon Bonus. I also drafted 9,700 words for Our Life 2.

But most of my time was used catching up on what I missed while I was gone and checking off tasks that are important despite not being work on the actual games.

I finalized some aspects of the OL2 Kickstarter page, specifically I planned out the reward perks and tier prices, and came up with the last of the graphics needed for the page presentation.

And there's finally a trailer in the works for N&F! I complied all the assets needed for that, hired a video editor, and created a point-by-point outline of what the trailer will be like.

A beta build for OL2 came out this month, too. It included the first look into a Step 1 Moment!

Lastly, I spent a few days re-reading my Our Life: Now & Forever scripts. I wanted to get my mindset back into the story and voice of the characters after so long not working on it. I made some slight edits along the way.

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Well, the strange times at GB Patch Games are done. Thank you for being here through it. I'm looking forward to what we'll be able to get done in August! I'll be back with the month beginning update tomorrow.




Good work everybody! Thank you for everything and don't forget to take good care of yourselves 💕