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As development goes on, our programmer Shawna has continued to expand the MC's identity customization. The most recent addition in the works is allowing people to directly select the terms they're comfortable with and enter in their own ✨. 

You'll be still be able to use the faster method of accepting or rejecting masculine, feminine, and/or gender neutral terms in general, though.

And a lot of this is in the current beta build, but there's already been fixes/improvements since version 1.3.2 was made. Those updates will be in the OL2 1.3.3 build next month!




But also love this so much ^^


One of those features I don't see myself using much at all, but so appreciative that it's there all the same for those who do use it. Always proud to support these games! :D


This is awesome! 🤩💜


When I used one of my main MCs (from the previous build), this came up, with the Smart-Aleck/girl/guy as an option. But it felt out of place without what the context for the last option for the Term Selection Screen, esp. with nicknames. Is it a familial pronoun? Term of endearment?


I think it's a cheeky pronoun/term of endearment. Like when you're messing with someone. Like you tease someone and they say 'Alright, smarty pants' etc


I think this is an amazing feature! I love the fact that you care about people and their preferences in everything!


Shawna at it again!! Can you STOP making already awesome things even AWESOMER? (Nope - they can't. It's not in them. 🤣❤️)