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Hi everyone!

I've got the usual question thread for this month. I'm currently on vacation, this post was scheduled in advanced, but I'll be answering all the questions near the end of the month when I get back. It'll be done in a voice recording with a text transcript to go along with that. Feel free to submit whatever you're wondering about, as long as it follows the guidelines 💕

Small disclaimer and guidelines:

1. Please don't reply to other people's questions even if you know the answer. The fun of joining a Q&A is that the developer can give a direct response to you and that everyone else also gets to hear/see the answer in the end of the month post. Having another player resolve the question in the comments right here might not be what the asker was hoping for. This thread is more about having a good time rather than looking for an immediate response to an important question. And if you do have a question you want to hear about right away, it's best to ask in some other thread or to message me directly.

2. I'm afraid questions about what scenes/choices Our Life: Now & Forever will include aren't answerable right now. Most of the details are decided as the game is created and currently I'm only writing the prologue of Step 1. So, I can't answer questions relating to what for sure will or won't happen past that point. I do know some things coming later, but only a small fraction of the whole game.

3. The questions can't be about more serious/potentially upsetting topics because I don't want those listening to suddenly be surprised with something they might not have been prepared for/want to be confronted with.

4. Please keep the questions here to things that wouldn't be really hard to tackle in an off-the-cuff, spoken out loud kind of Q&A, aha. Questions about every single character in a game or wanting an entire scene described aren't super doable in this situation.

You can always send me questions outside of the audio Q&A if they wouldn't work here!


You can also find answers for more basic info like heights, birthdays, timelines, and such in the Overall FAQ.

The thread will close after July 19th.

That's everything. Thank you to everyone who participates in the Q&A!



If Cove and MC are BFFs how would he feel about MC asking him to be the godfather of their kid(s)?


What inspired you to create such awesome dating sims? Btw, love your work. 💗


Have a great time team! - What are the opinions of the LIs in OL1 regarding extreme sports such as bungee jumping and cliff diving? Would they be interested in participating in such activities? - If Mr. and Mrs. Ward had been invited, would they have attended Baxter's wedding? - We already know that Cove will choose his father as his bestman for his wedding to MC, but who would Baxter and Derek choose as their best person? Gonna update soon.


when you started our life, did you expect it to grow and be supported as much as it did?


Where did you get the idea to create Cove? I mean what inspired you to make his appearance and personality?


So since Baxter and the MC seem to meet every 5 years, with the soiree, summer vacation and wedding, did they also meet at 8 and 3 without realising?


If it was possible for MC to propose to Cove by writing a song and serenading him with it, at night with the fireflies, what would Cove's reaction would be or how would he react to it?


If Baxter and MC are together and both want marriage, do you think Baxter would propose first? If so, how?


I hope you are having / have had an amazing vacation! (depending on when you read these). As for the question. Regarding Baxter's fear of the ocean, would you say it is more of an uneasiness of the ocean in general or closer to thalassophobia ( the fear of deep water ). Also would Baxter ever be able to swim in the ocean with help of the MC or is that a line he'd never want to cross?


Since the Renee DLC was one possiblity that is now unlikely, do you have any idea the likelihood of a polyam route (ie dating both Tama and Qiu simultaneously) being a stretch goal on the Kickstarter?


Hey GB! Love the question thread and reading it each month. Question here for OL2, I’ve seen the art for sleepwear for the main leads and it’s in each step. Do Qiu or Tamarack’s parents have any issue with you staying over night? Some parents don’t mind for example but others become strict if it’s another gender individual say male MC trying to sleepover at Tamarack place or vice versa with Qiu.


Hi GB! Ik this is a common question but will there be any more beta builds of OL2?


Hi! Thanks for holding these Q&As, they're so cute haha. Anyways, Cove being on the ace spectrum meant a lot to me; it's hard to find that kind of representation, even in other queer media. Are there going to be any characters on the ace spectrum in Our Life 2? Thanks (:


1. What would you say to someone who wants to make a visual novel/dating sim, but doesn’t know where to start? 2. Did you start making visual novels on the side for fun, or did you go into it expecting for it to become your job? 3. How has the visual novel making process changed for you since you first started? Do you think you started in the best way, or do you wish you could go back and change something? Sorry if these have been asked before!


Hope your vacation is fun! How do you think Cove would be like as a parent? Would he be a nervous dad? Also what would he want his kids to call him, dad, Papa, etc?


So this is a question I think you more or less confirmed by hearting my response on another post but: Golden Grove and Sunset Bird both feel like very real lived in places to the point of feeling like their own character so my question is how much influence was taken from real life experiences of living or growing up in places like that when deciding on setting for OL1 and OL2?


Hey there GB, Hope your vacation is nice. I was just wondering how the main cast (The LIs) would handle someone who has big emotional needs, like, someone who has a lot of emotional baggage and has a lot of problems?


If this has been asked before, please feel free to ignore this question! Is there a reason you have leaned into the more slice-of-life theme with these two games, and steered away from things like fantasy or mystery? A lot of games like this, tend to lean into those themes.


Hello! I hope you have a really lovely vacation. ^-^ Hopefully these questions are a bit less complicated this time ^^; -I know you've said Derek and Cove like Rollercoasters (though, Cove doesn't always feel the best after), but what about Baxter? And do they have favorite rides/attractions in general? -If the MC encouraged Baxter to revisit Golden Grove, how long would it take for him to feel ready for that? (If ever. If you can't answer this for any reason, don't worry about it!) -Why was the orange shell Cove's favorite? -We know that Cove loves pretty much all dessert, but do Derek, Baxter, Tamarack, and Qiu have any favorites when it comes to desserts? I definitely have more OL2 questions, but don't want to accidentally say any that may be too much to answer right now so I'll hold them for the future >> But sorry for all the OL1-focused ones for now.


Is Opal gonna let MC have a pet in OL2?? (Since Lani and Pam didn't in OL1, still sad about it :c ) What about Tammy and Qiu? Are they gonna have pets? (Hope you're having a lovely Vacation! ♡♡♡ )


Hey there, Hope you are enjoying (or rather enjoyed by the time you see this) your vacation! I was wondering how each of the Our Life 1 and 2 leads would handle babysitting if they found themselves having to do so?

Chey (KorsetKitten)

This is a personal question I've been meaning to ask about Qiu. When they finally accept they're genderfluid (act 3) or trying to accept themselves (act 2), will it be OK to refer to them as "he"? I have a little brother who let's me use male pronouns despite them being non-binary but a lot of people have told me that's insulting and I'm not respecting him (even though my brother says it's completely OK).

Jamie Oaks

Can I shave my head bald in Step 3?


Hi GB! Hope you had fun on your vacation, and thank you for the hours upon hours of fun you've given us too. I wanted to ask how would the LI of OL1 react to learning the MC went through a tough time or like a really bad experience during a time they were on their own (like during college and such). Would they be angry? Immediately offer comfort? Just plain sad that it happened..? Thanks in advance!


hi!! i hope your vacation was wonderful! not sure how answerable this question is or if it's been answered before but! do qiu's parents speak mandarin or another chinese dialect like cantonese? if so, do they teach some to qiu? this was just something i've always been curious about. thank you for all your hard work!!


Hey! First off, I want to express my appreciation for you, thank you for your hard work and I hope you are enjoying your vacation! Secondly, my question kind of echoes @nikita's question above, but I was curious if Qiu's family is from a specific region/s or broad area of China given China is so vast! I'm personally headcanoning that Qiu's family is not from a Cantonese speaking region since I usually see 林 romanized as "Lam" by families from Cantonese speaking regions like Guangdong or Hong Kong, and "Lin" from regions to the north and east that mainly speak Mandarin. If you don't have a region/s in mind for where Qiu's family is from, that's totally cool too. Thirdly, I was curious if you were contemplating or had a definite answer on if there would be a Birthday event for the MC during the steps? Both my questions revolve around OL2 so feel free to omit them if you can't answer them at the moment. Have a great vacation!


This may have been answered previously, but how were the names Cove, Baxter, and Derek chosen for the love interest?


Hi, I Hope you enjoyed your vacation and hot a good rest. My question IS how Cove would react if the MC was wearing a poppy handmade ankle bracelet at their wedding ?

Anna Bia

Hey! I hope you had a great vacation! I have a few questions (sorry) 1- in the first patreon moment Cove says he never imagined MC naked, is that true? 2- i know project w is very early stages but i am really curious.... it will be only one or more LI? If more do you know how many? And will we have the same freedom to create our MC and choices than in OL?


Helo :3 Hoping you have a cool vacation! The question may have been asked before but does any character in the Our Life games play video game a lot?


Hey Kab! Hope you enjoyed your vacation. I have a few questions but I'll only ask two now 1. Will there be voiced names in OL2? If so, will they be applicable for nicknames too? I'd prefer to have a specific mc's nickname be voiced than their name 2. After Baxter cut his parents off, would he have trouble adjusting to a more frugal lifestyle? He still clearly does well for himself, but he at least needs to think about money now. Would he have difficulty getting used to needing to budget, discerning necessities from luxuries, etc?

Kara Onasi

I love this game story so much. Thank you for all your hard work! I hope you had a relaxing vacation. You deserved it! (1) Does Qiu have a preference if their romantic partner/crush calls them Qiu or Autumn? Which name would make them feel more special? (2) How did Baxter become a pescatarian? (3) What I’m most curious about is: How is Baxter is viewed at college? By his roommates, by his classmates, by the population at large? Is he hot? Aloof? Weird? Loner? Rich snob?


Two quick questions! in OL1 some of the cgs are in a different style than the others. is there a specific reason for this? How do you decide what you would like to be a cg?


Do Tamarack and Qiu care if the MC is more quiet or more of a touchy feely person being close, hugging folk that kind of stuff. I guess the question really is does the MC’s style of communication be discussed at all?


Hey GB! I hope you’ve enjoyed a good break! Ah this is kind of just in general for OL2. Things like the step 3 Tamarack description mention how it’ll be no contest Serenity is that close best friend she’s had. As a step 1 prologue best friend I feel threatened haha. So I guess the question is, does Tamarack and Qiu’s relationships with other non MC characters have an effect on how MC is seen?


Ah GB I just wanted to say thank you last month for explaining that the prologue wasn’t skippable but it was the early instructions part. I’ve spent so long wondering how the story would make sense if you skip it. I misread 100%, thank you for not being mean about it ^^


I hope you are having a lovely vacation! Since you've mentioned that a lot of the OL games are based on your own life/childhood, I wanted to ask about the Golden Grove convenience store, since that one background has so much personality! Was there a convenience store you frequented in your childhood? What kind of snacks would you always go for, both as a child and now?


i hope you're having a great month of july and as always, thank you so much for your work ! i don't know if this question has been asked before, i don't even know if it's understandable haha, but i was wondering about the cg of our street in sunset bird in ol1, are the three houses we see on the cg from our side of the street or cove's ? i always pictured that the middle house was ours and the one on the right baxter's condo, but maybe i'm completely off lol. thank you in advance !


Hey I hope your vacation was fun! I think it’s in step 4 where it’s mentioned that Kyra’s in a new relationship, so my question is does Cliff ever end up dating/marrying again?


Hi! I hope you had enjoyed your vacation, it's always great to take a break. First of all, congratulations for finishing OL1, I loved all of it. I have one question. Seeing that OL1 is already finished, have you considered to translate it to another language? For example, Spanish or Portuguese. I'm a Spanish native speaker, so, I was thinking about it yesterday lol.


Sorry if this cant be answered, but do you know whether the LI's in OL2 will have a pet name from mc like cove has space cadet? love the games so much!


Happy Vacation! My question was just going to be about Baxter. I'm a big fan of him in the first game, but I was wondering if we'd meet his parents in OL2? Thanks for all the care you put into your games!


Will we be able to have painted nails in OL2


Hello GB, I hope you’re having a wonderful vacation, and thank you for creating these amazing games! I have two questions! 1. When the feature to make Qiu your best friend releases, will you be able to have both Qiu and Tamarack be your best friend at the same time? Or can only one fill that spot? 2. I’m not sure if this can be answered yet, but do the clothing options change as MC gets older?


I second this question! to be more precise, I wonder if for example our MC does not really like Qiu's friends and he shows it, does this impact the way Qiu sees our MC? Thank you and I hope you had a great vacation!^^


I was wondering if there are any plans to bring the Our Life games to consoles? Hope this hasn't been asked already.


Because there are more choices in OL2 will each one have a different outcome or will some have the same outcome and just have different ways of saying it? Also, who was the VA for step 3 cove? I didn’t have an end game save to go through.


I hope you had a wonderful, well-deserved vacation. I was wonder is Baxter fully aware that the MC still has feelings for him during step 4 if you’re on Love? Baxter seems to be able to pick up on most other people’s feelings, but does he know the MC’s feelings or is he in deep denial that he just ignores it or thinks he’s misreading things? I was wondering, when did the breakup/ending the friendship finally hit Baxter? We know Baxter just kept going business as usual after he left and that he did regret by the time of the Wedding, but how he handled things. When did it sink in that what he had done was a mistake? Weeks? Months? Years? What are the LI’s (Cove, Derek, Baxter, Qiu, and Tamarack) and Renee favorite cake flavors if they like cake. Also, we know Qiu and Tamaracks favorite drinks so do the others have favorite drinks? Favorite Foods?


Hello, dear GB Patch production team This is the first time I try to ask a question, please forgive me if the composition of the article is not smooth-~😘 Because English is not my native language, the full text is converted by a translator. First of all, thank you very much for making the prologues of OL1 and OL2 with your heart. In the process of experiencing and playing, they made me feel warm, happy and moved for a long time. This is the best visual novel game I've ever played!❤️ Secondly, here are three small questions I would like to ask · Do Cove, Derek, and Baxter like amusement parks? ·If the MC alone invites Cove, Derek or Baxter to the amusement park, is it acceptable to experience exciting projects together? (similar to roller coaster, haunted house project) ·If MC and any one of them, experience the roller coaster project and haunted house project in the amusement park. I wonder what their reaction to this is? What kind of interaction will you have with the MC during or after the experience? at last, Good luck at work and happy life Looking forward to your follow-up development of OL2❤️


Does Lee like the musical Cats? If so, did she watch the horrifying Cats (2019) movie? Also: Which OL1 and OL2 love interests be most interested in visiting an escape room?


Hi! Hope your vacantion is going well and that you have time to rest ! Here's my question : Since in OL1 Cove would sneak up to the MC's room because they were neighbors, I was wondering if in OL2 the MC will be able to sneak up to Qiu and/or Tamarak's rooms or vice versa since they are neighbors too? Thank you for your answer but especially the hard work you put in the development of those amazing games !


Hello, as always, I hope you're doing great! 1.) How would the OL leads like to celebrate MC's birthday if the MC didn't have anything planned but still wanted to celebrate? 2.) For OL2, if we pick one of the leads to be our best friend, will the relationship/feeling be mutual? 3.) Do you have any writing tips when it comes to VNs?


I have two questions. 1. Do you intend to add more hair options to the dollmaker later in development, like after the Kickstarter? Not any specific styles but just in general. 2. Will we be able to change what our MC’s mode of transport is in later Steps? Like going from a scooter in Step 1 to a skateboard in Step 2 or from walking to a bike?


Will the OL2 characters have parts of MC they like most? Like Cove likes muscular arms or pretty eyes and Baxter likes people with nice legs. (I don't remember if Derek liked anything in particular but I'm just curious)


Will we be able to give Tamarack a nickname?


Sorry if this has been said before, or just can’t be answered- but when did Derek first develop his crush on the mc? When did he realize? And what were his thoughts?

Anna Bia

I was just replaying and noticed that the image from "late shift" moment changed and now i'm a little curious why


Hi! This is a bit nsfw, but I was wondering... Does Cove have a favorite position?


It depends on the kind of MC you have! But I can't answer NSFW questions in the Q&A, I'm sorry.