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Here's our monthly Q&A! Thanks for all the questions. It's always neat to see what people are curious about.

Overall FAQ - May Q&A - June Q&A - July Q&A - August Q&A 



Yay!!!! I’m so glad to know your name and pronouns, thank you for sharing that. ☺️ And thank you Katelyn for all your hard work every day!


the monthly Q&As are always wonderful, thank u for taking the time to do them :) <3


I'm really happy the parents become more of a part in Our Life. I really enjoy the moments with Pam and Lani and the last time I played I found the branch in Ghost where you go to them instead of investigating and it's super cute. I actually like it better!


I truly appreciate how you take the time to "sit down" with us and chat and answer questions.


Ooh lovely to hear these wonderful Q&A as always!


Thank you for answering my question! Since the wedding dlc I have been obsessed with the idea of Cove being a dad with MC. You're really appreciated.


pls. those scenes in "mall" made me so relieved i bought the DLC, incredibly wholesome!!