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Hey everyone! I really appreciate how many people have continued to support us here on Patreon. The last tier goal was 2,500 and we've been far past that for a long time now. We can't set a new goal that adds more game content because we can't make what we're working on right now even bigger than it already is without having to delay the release. I wouldn't want to have to push that off. But I have been trying to think of something else we could do to make the Patreon even more worthwhile for people. 

In the past I did discord live chats where I answered questions. Those have stopped because it got a little too tough to manage with how many people wanted to participate all at once. To bring that back in a doable way, I could start accepting questions in the comments/discord and then record answers to them separately. Since it wouldn't be live I'd be able to give better thought out responses, I could handle more complex/in-depth questions, there could be a specific topic I focused on for the month, and that'd also make it easier to have a transcript to go along with the answers for better accessibility. 

We could do the usual types of questions about our games/characters, but I'd also be open to questions about VN development, what I'm currently working on day to day, maybe I could attempt to give advice on doing VNs professionally, and even questions like how the very early brainstorming is going for the game that'll come after OL2 or questions not just about our games specifically such as what I like/dislike in VNs generally or other games I'm playing.

I'd probably set it up where there'd be a monthly post for commenting miscellaneous questions that all tiers could access and perhaps a poll at Tier 3 and up to vote on a bigger topic for me to share my thoughts on. Ask answers would be posted one time near the end of the current month as a recording of my voice with a text transcript. I'd try to answer them all, but if it ended up being really popular with tons of questions I may not be able to get to everything. Questions could always be posted again the next month. 

If people would wanna ask questions that way/get even more insight on what's going on here at GB Patch, I'd be happy to do so. But if everyone feels like their curiosities are already being answered by the updates I post, that's great too and I'll keep my focus on other things.

Either way, thanks for being here 💞


Erin Audley

I voted yes to the extra content because hearing more about the behind-the-scenes stuff is very interesting to me. However, if it is too much of a burden - I would much rather just keep the status quo. I am honestly happy with the current level of updates and content from your Patreon. Even if the content level were to decrease I would continue to contribute at whatever level I am capable of because I see value in the works you create.


Honestly just happy to be supporting the devs that give me so much joy through their VN's! Do what you can do and I am happy so much support is coming your way so you can keep doing what you do!