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That's a lot of side-eyeing, haha. All the characters originally had one eye layer looking to the side, but I decided to give the whole cast a second side eye in the other direction. That way they can be looking towards either side of the screen. 

And here we can also see the entire cast, for Step 1 and 2, together! It's a pretty lovely bunch, I'd say. Currently, there's nothing left to do for Step 1 and 2 in terms of the sprites now. There will be some additional outfits needed eventually, though it'll be quite a while before then. The Step 2 script isn't set in stone enough to determine what they should look like yet.

Of course, there's still pretty much all the CGs needed for Steps 1 and 2, plus plenty of sprite work for Steps 3 and 4,  but it's cool to have some sets of character pieces all finished 😄




the top left in the second picture already has my heart <333


I was like ‘who is this pretty one omg???’ it’s Baxter. It’s damn Baxter 😭of course he catches my eye twice, I was so ready for him in Our Life too 😭😭