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Guest art by @6iirls on Twitter

It's May! A brand new month of progress is right ahead. To celebrate that, we've had this beautiful Mother's Day piece done for our local cool-mom, Kyra Preece 💝. As always, it was voted on by Patrons at Tier 3 and up. 

You can see our break down of what was accomplished last month HERE! And now let's get into the May goals-

Monthly Content Plans:

The Cove Holden plushie campaign was launched and almost immediately hit its goal! Thank you everybody 🥺️. It's truly official that Cove plushies will exist in this world. Getting the news out about that before the window pick one up closes is definitely gonna be a priority for the next few weeks.

And, hopefully, we will be able to finish all of the Step 2 Derek DLC scenes this month! At least the scripts, it probably won't get fully programmed. But we're getting close and it'd be wonderful have that entire time period knocked out. No matter what, we're planning on releasing the third Derek beta update and that'll include one more new Moment. 

I'm also gonna put some dedicated time in to focus on the OL2 prologue. I want to write and program enough additional scenes for that beta update in May as well! It should be doable. 

Besides that, we'll keep aiming to post updates and sneak peeks regularly, do the monthly guest piece poll, and so on.

Important Links From April:

Viewable at Tier 3 or higher

Viewable publicly, link goes to Makeship store page

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That's the rundown for now. We'll do our best to make all those goals happen! I appreciate you spending the time to keep up with our progress 💖




you got this!!


Makeship tweeted the winners under the giveaway tweet. https://twitter.com/Makeship/status/1519740480795422721?t=0hZ78ocsDv1B6F2FtknoNw&s=19


So excited for this months updates, gl and good work last month! You always get so much done it's amazing 🥰

Anna Bia

I'm SO HAPPY it hit the goal!!! You deserve the best!


Fantastic! Good luck to you and everyone on the team! Also, that guest art is absolutely gorgeous!


Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms in OL 1 & 2 🌹🌺🌸💐🌼🌻🏵🌷


Absolutely gorgeous image wow!


OMG SHE LOOKS BREATH TAKING!!! (I have a feeling Cove and MC went in on the gift!)




the plush is super cute!! i do kinda wish there was also one for step one--his cast would have been super cute on a plush lol. is it possible that in the future there could be plushies for each step in the game?